Forestier Software
Software License Agreement
dated 03.01.2022

§ 1 Scope and Acceptance
§ 1.1 The following are the licensing terms for the use of digital documents provided by Forestier Software by you, the end customer (hereinafter referred to as "Licensee"). Please read this license agreement carefully.

§ 1.2 By opening the software or downloading it, you acknowledge the licensing terms. A contract is formed between you and Forestier Software.

§ 2 Subject Matter of the Contract
§ 2.1 The subject matter of the contract includes the computer programs stored on data carriers, digital documents, the associated documentation (user manual), and all other written materials. These are collectively referred to as "Software."

§ 3 Error-Free Condition
§ 3.1 Forestier Software points out that it is not possible, according to the current state of technology, to produce computer software that works entirely error-free in all applications and combinations.

§ 4 Usage Rights
§ 4.1 You do not purchase the software itself but merely a usage right to the software!
§ 4.2 Forestier Software grants you the non-exclusive right (hereinafter also referred to as "License") to use the copy of the software on a single computer at a single location for the duration of this license agreement. You may transfer the software from one computer to another, provided that the software is used on only one computer at any given time.

§ 4.3 The usage right to the software is valid for one year from the date of purchase. During this period, you have the right to free updates. We are obliged to inform you about updates during this period, which is why we need to request your data, transfer it to our online database, and store it for the duration of your usage right. If you do not wish to provide us with your data for any reason, we cannot verify your right to updates, and you will not receive updates.

§ 4.4 You may, of course, continue to use the software after your usage right expires! However, you may not receive free updates.

§ 4.5 The Licensee is prohibited from:

Transferring or making the software and/or documentation accessible to third parties without written consent from Forestier Software.
Modifying or translating the software.
Reproducing, translating, or creating derivative works from the written materials.
Creating derivative works from the software.

§ 5 Copyright
§ 5.1 The software and the accompanying written materials are protected by copyright. You may make backup copies of the software. Copyright notices, logos, and serial numbers in the software must not be removed or altered. It is expressly forbidden to make the software available to third parties in whole or in part in its original or modified form.

§ 5.2 By purchasing the product, you acquire ownership of the physical data carriers containing the software. No rights to the software itself are acquired. Forestier Software reserves all publication, reproduction, and editing rights to the software.

§ 5.3 Renting and lending of Forestier Software's software is expressly prohibited. The usage right can only be transferred to third parties in written form by Forestier Software.

§ 6 Liability
§ 6.1 Forestier Software is liable to the Licensee for ensuring that the software is fully operational on a fully functional computer without any hardware wear and tear at the time of delivery.
§ 6.2 Liability for damages incurred by the Licensee is excluded.

§ 7 Registration
§ 7.1 The Licensee agrees to send a completed registration to the manufacturer to claim rights to support services such as:

Technical hotline
Support via the Internet
Exchange of experiences with other licensees via the Internet
Replacement of data carriers, manuals, registration cards, etc.
System configurations or on-site installation
Programming of system adjustments (updates and patches)

§ 8 Protection Fee
§ 8.1 For the delivery of replacement CDs, USB sticks, and manuals, Forestier Software may charge a protection fee from the Licensee.

§ 9 Paid Services
§ 9.1 For system configuration or installation on-site or remotely (via remote control software), the Licensee will be charged an hourly rate by Forestier Software.

§ 9.2 The programming of system adjustments at fixed hourly rates is subject to the contract for the development of custom software.

§ 10 Returns
§ 10.1 The return of opened or downloaded software is excluded.

§ 10.2 There is no right of withdrawal for downloaded software!
§ 10.3 In the case of transport damage from Forestier Software to the Licensee, the software will be replaced free of charge if the transport damage is reported immediately upon receipt of the software and can be claimed by Forestier Software from the respective delivery service provider.

§ 11 General Terms and Conditions
§ 11.1 The General Terms and Conditions of Forestier Software apply.

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