Islands of Insight

Islands of Insight

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Hints progression for mysteries
By MaxBlue001
This guide is for players struggling to solve mysteries, by giving several hints that get progreessively more and more usefull, without going too fast toward the solution. There is also a bit of other informations that can be usefull to have.
This guide is for players struggling to solve mysteries, by giving several hints that get progreessively more and more usefull, without going too fast toward the solution. There is also a bit of other extra informations that can be usefull to have (including at solving mysteries).

I'm well aware there is already another guide about mysteries hints. Here it is if you want to check:

However, i wanted to provide another hint system that might feel better for some players (unlikely all players. Like those looking for very direct hints, or even the solution) I still think it can be a good idea to have a 2nd interpretation of the mysteries and it's solutions, as well as creating different hints.

The hints in this guide will be progressively usefull: the first few hints being very general, then hints about a specific step of solving the mystery, and finally knowing the final location of the mystery. There will NOT be any hints about actually solving the mystery's logic grids puzzles.
  • Certain enclaves, pillars of insights and trials will unlock a new mystery

  • Don't worry about the number of mysteries you have unlocked. When you finish the main campaign quest, you will unlock multiple mysteries

  • You can read new mysteries north of the travel point for Lucent Waters (world 2)

  • Mysteries are used to unlock the inside of the floating pyramid in Verdant Glen (world 1)

  • You need to complete 5 mysteries to unlock the inside, which will be the middle floor area

  • While in the middle of the area (the entrance maze behind you), you will see a small red structure on your right. If you climb it, you can unlock the entrance to the basement after solving 10 mysteries

  • While in the middle area, if you keep climbing the floating ground path, you will see a blocked jump pad near a 3-star logic grid. You can unlock that jump pad after solving 15 mysteries

  • There is no additional rewards for doing all 21 mysteries, except self-satisfaction

  • All the mysteries's solutions are outside of the pyramid, so you don't need to search inside (especially if you were thinking about a solution locked behind a number of solved mysteries)

  • Off-topic note about the pyramid: the sightseers puzzles will make you travel the entire inside of the pyramid, which WILL include areas locked behind a number of mysteries solved. So it's best to unlock + explore the entire pyramid before doing any sightseer. Note that doing the hidden pentads is perfectly fine

  • In most mysteries (not all), you will have to solve a specific logic grid, with modified rules. It is usually necessary to break/ignore the original rules

  • Since you are intentionally breaking the normal logic grid rules, the foresights hints will be useless, since they will correct you toward the "normal" solution instead of the secret solution. You will have to solve the entire puzzle on your own without hints (or you look up the solution)

  • In this guide, "difficulty" represent how hard it is to find the correct location without those hints, NOT about doing the final puzzle. It is completely subjective, and opinions might differs.
List of Worlds, Enclaves, Pillars of Insights, and Trials
  • World 1 (south east): Verdant Glen

    • Enclaves:
      • moments of discovery / the path of the seekers / first echoes (1st tutorial) (south)
      • the empyrean journey / a flying start (where you get wings. area zones for logic grid) (east)
      • the excursion / think outside the sphere (tricks for hidden pentad) (east)
      • the glass temple / the way is clear (tutorial glass maze) (south east)
      • chamber of the triunes / stones and blocks. Some swap, others not. (match 3 tutorial) (north east)
      • dare of the triunes / a difficult match (hard match 3 puzzles) (north)
      • vault of the vitric / reflect on what you have learned (end-game area) (center south east)

    • Pillars of insights:
      • no three in a row (south)
      • no four in a row (east)
      • off by one (west)

    • Trials:
      • temple of the infinite rings (infinite armillary rings) (center north)
      • symbolic duality (logic grids with area numbers) (north west)
      • match three speed challenge (20 slightly easy match 3 puzzles in 60s) (north west)
      • one way elevator (6 match 3 puzzles) (west)
      • a connected wall (3 sets of logic grids with "black linked" and a forbidden black pattern) (center south)
      • a mystery (environement logic grids) (secret area from beginner tutorial area)

  • World 2 (north east): Lucent Waters

    • Enclaves:
      • gather no moss / a place for some, a path for others (rolling blocks tutorial) (north east)
      • ancient court / the anatomy of perspective (various perspective based puzzles) (south east)
      • the trick of the wanderer / what is faster than flight? (tricks for wandering echo) (center south)
      • shattered oasis / a philosophy of logic (underclued logic grids tutorial) (south west)
      • shattered library / small certainties (more underclued logic grids) (north east)
      • haven of insight / the center of minds (likely jump pad to area where you can view mysteries) (center north)
      • the flame of enlightenment / moments of reflection (final part of the main campaign. unlock multiple mysteries) (north)

    • Pillars of insights:
      • known unknowns (letters logic grids) (south)
      • off by one again (off by one logic grids) (south west, on top of the bridge)

    • Trials:
      • dance of the fireflies (multiple wandering echoes) (north)
      • the upper floor (various logic grids) (north)
      • area insight (logic grids about area sizes) (east)
      • domino terrace (logic grids containing 1x2 cells) (center south)
      • cornered numbers (logic grids trick about "2" area size. the puzzle boxes form a shape) (west)

  • World 3 (center south): Autumn Falls

    • Enclaves:
      • cascading rays / a piercing intellect (darts numbers logic grid tutorial) (north)
      • dyads in the mist / all things in twos (various puzzles around "2") (center north)
      • the cliff and the void / light connected, dark connected (black linked + white linked logic grids) (west)
      • the phase and the melody (phasic dials, music grids tutorial) (south east)
      • eye of the needle / a tight frame of mind (hard armillary rings) (south west)

    • Pillars of insights:
      • the orphidan pillar (tutorial "snake" logic grids) (center)
      • off by one with two colors (off by one , 2 colors number areas logic grids) (south west)

    • Trials:
      • in matters of size (area number + fixed region size logic grids. the puzzle boxes form a shape) (north)
      • riverland brige (hunting 50 hidden cubes) (north)
      • reaching out (logic grids. the puzzle boxes form a shape) (south east)

  • World 4 (south west): Shady Wildwood

    • Enclaves:
      • vanishing point / a mind of their own (tutorial shy auras) (north west)
      • mysterious area / the truth within ambiguity (intro greyed area numbers) (north west)
      • reflections in the sky / as above, so below (tutorial symetry lotuses for logic grids) (west)
      • a solitary island / is it lonely? (1 area = only 1 symbol tutorial logic grid) (south west)
      • cloud of pearls / worlds within worlds (skydrop challenge) (south west)

    • Pillars of insights:
      • no three in a row two (no 1x3 of any color logic grids) (north)
      • off by one once more (off by one + grey area) (south west)

    • Trials:
      • spirals within spirals (tutorial galaxy symetry for logic grids. the puzzl boxes form a shape) (north)
      • match three challenge round (hard match 3 speedrun) (center east)
      • scurry, hurry (hard crystal maze + flow orb) (south west)
      • a galaxy of puzzles (various puzzles who start like a galaxy symbol. the puzzle boxes form a shape) (south west)
      • divide into two (logic grid puzzle about linking 2 black regions) (south east)

  • World 5 (north west): Serene Deluge

    • Enclaves:
      • leaves in the wind / dance with the skies (focused on glide rings) (north)
      • vaulted heights / a different viewpoint (tutorial viewpoint numbers for logic grids) (south west)
      • limber cascades / an easy destination, a tricky journey (tutorial shifting mosaics) (north west)
      • shifting in phase / sliding scales and complex mosaics (hard shifting mosaics + music boxes) (north east)
      • the highest viewpoint / the stars stare back (very hard logic grids puzzles) (center, in the sky)

    • Pillars of insights:
      • parity matters (logic grids with big tiles shapes) (center south)
      • head in the clouds (logic grids about rectangle patterns) (south west)
      • seeing off by one (numbers off by one + viewpoint logic grids) (south west)

    • Trials:
      • a snake in the grass (logic grids about snake patterns. the puzzle boxes form a shape) (north)
      • the inner and the outer (several matchboxes) (north)
Mystery 1: A new moment (difficulty: 3/5)
  • "The five wise orbs" is pretty much the main direct hint here (but not the only one). You might be tempted to check the "puzzle types" menu to find an orb-based puzzle. However, your objective wont be found in this menu. You will have to search for something else with an "orb".

  • You are looking for a specific structure with an orb. In the entire game, there is 2 specific areas that contain those structures. One area contain 5 of them (which will be your goal). The other area only contain 1. (There is only 6 in the entire game)

  • "A new moment", "most distant memories" can hint you toward the correct area where you can find the 5 structures with an orb. At the very least, every player passed by those 5 structures at least once.

  • You can find the 6th structure with the orb somewhere in shady wildwood (either in the main region, or in the enclaves). Remember that it will NOT be your final objctive for solving the mystery.

  • If you are struggling to find the 6th structure, try looking into an enclave.

  • The 6th structure with an orb can be found in the "Vanishing point" Enclave. This should be enough to immediately know where to go next. Just don't forget about the rest of the mystery's instructions when you get there.

  • If you found the correct area, try looking around the sentinel stones.

  • if you forgot where are the structures with an orb, visit the starting tutorial area.
Mystery 2: Son of the sun (difficulty: 2/5)
  • It can be a good idea to learn the skydrops mechanics in the game. Since you are looking for a fixed specific area, you should be able to seriously limit the number of areas to check

  • The mechanics aren't explicit in-game, and is more about awareness and experiment. Skydrops puzzles have a few gimmicks differences compared to almost all others puzzle types. "Almost" being an important keyword

  • Skydrops puzzles have some similar mechanics with the Armillary Rings puzzles. Have you checked the map's options in detail?

  • In the main island, most puzzles types are refreshed after a set amount of time, which then have a new random location (except few special unique puzzles, some of them can be linked to mysteries, others are extra challenges). However, for skydrops and armillary rings, they spawn constantly at random locations. Considering you are looking for a fixed skydrop, what deduction can you make realistically?

  • Since there is no fixed skydrop in the main island, your only option left is to find an enclave that have skydrops. Reminder that for the "Cloud of pearls" Enclave, the skydrops are also randomised, so that's one less enclave to search.

  • As a reminder, you will find skydrops at the Enclaves: "Moment of discovery" (world 1, even if there is only 1 skydrop), "The empyrean journey" (world 1), "The phase and the melody" (world 3), "A solitary island" (world 4), and finally "Vaulted heights" (world 5). Now you are looking for an area involving the sun.

  • If you dont know which enclave to explore, it's the "Empyrean journey".
Mystery 3: Knowledge is power (difficulty: 3/5)
  • A promenade is a built structure (not natural) with the purpose of being able to walk on it, while not on the ground. In other words, it's a man-made walkable area.

  • The types of built structures in the game are limited: the stone temples in worlds 1, 2, 4 and 5; the area near the travel point for world 2; and the japanese houses in world 3.

  • No need to search the Enclaves for this mystery. The answer is somewhere on the main island

  • Reminder that you are looking for a bridge between 2 promenades. This should limit the number of structures you should examine.

  • The answer is somewhere in the 2nd world. Is it the stone temple ruins? Or the area above?

  • The answer is in the area above. Specifically at the trial "the upper floor". Now to figure out what to do on the bridge.

  • Don't bother looking for human shaped forms. This isn't what the "parent" and it's "4 children" are. The answer is also not very far.

  • Both the lone "parent" and each of the 4 "children" have 8 "legs". Also, the only difference between the parent and the children is the size (the parent being very large)

  • Try looking for 5 similar structures who could have 8 "legs".

  • Do you remember the "dance of the fireflies" trial? This might give you a close view of both the parent and the children.

  • You should be on the bridge, facing the 5 "domes" (or whateveer they are called) with 8 stone pillars each. Now, maybe take some notes on which logic grid puzzle does what.
Mystery 4: Two's company (difficulty: 2/5)
  • A "large" golden bell is a fairly noticeable detail. Although "large" might be misleading. It's actually around the size of your character, or very slightly bigger.

  • The answer is inside an enclave.

  • The mystery's name is also an hint on the correct enclave.

  • The bell is tightly linked with a matchbox puzzle. You now then search for an enclave that contain both a bell and matchbox puzzles.

  • The answer is in an enclave in world 3.

  • The bell is somewhere in the "dyads in the myst" enclave.

  • The bell is actually fairly close from your starting point.
Mystery 5: A new look (difficulty: 1/5)
  • The answer is somewhere very special, where it could be interpretated as a gravity trick.

  • Obviously, you shouldn't take the word "gravity" literally, since there is no way to physically change it. So what other meaning it can have?

  • "Submerged in the oceans of space" might be a subtle hint about the answer being in an Enclave

  • While you can't change gravity, you might already have seen a place where it seems like there is 2 different gravity.

  • The island in question looks like something where we used a horizontal symetrical mirror. Does this remind you of a specific place?

  • Try exploring the world 4. You might see the suspicious area from there.

  • Try looking at the "Reflections in the sky" Enclave.

  • The picture is taken from an area "below".

  • Try looking below the very 1st island where you start (opposite island of the exit jump pad).
Mystery 6: Another viewpoint (difficulty: 4/5)
  • The japanese house in the background is a fairly noticeable landmark. You can guess which world contain structures like this. However, you wont find the 1st puzzle in that world.

  • Have you noticed the light green herbs on the ground? Which world can you find herbs like this?

  • The picture seem to be taken in an area in world 1, while watching a building in world 3.

  • Try looking north of world 1's "Verdant Glen quest for perfection". Remember to note the rules of the puzzle, not to solve it (for the mystery anyway).

  • For the next step, the rest of the hint give no real clues to it's location. Since it mention to "travel far away", it's safe to ignore worlds 1 and 3. However, you won't know if it's in the main island or in an enclave. That being said, if you read the entire mystery, you might find a hidden clue to the location.

  • The answer is inside an enclave. It might be worth looking at the enclave's descriptions in the map.

  • In the mystery, "another viewpoint" is a far more usefull clue than it's description. Reminder that you are looking for an enclave.

  • Try checking the enclaves in world 5. Dont forget to look for another viewpoint.

  • Conveniently the enclave "Vaulted heights" is also titled "A different viewpoint". This seem too big to be a coincidence, and might be worth checking out.

  • You will find 2 waterfalls there. The mystery mention to go halfway, so try looking at the middle area.

  • If you forgot / didnt take notes of the rules of the 1st puzzle, it was: no 2 x 2 dark tiles pattern, all dark tiles connected, only one symbol per light area. However, this wont get you very far without getting immediately stuck. There is another change you need to do.

  • You will likely realise with only the new rules, it's impossible to solve the viewpoint "4". Maybe there is another meaning about "another viewpoint".

  • What you also have to do in the puzzle is removing the "viewpoint" part of the clues, so you end up with area numbers instead. Now solve the logic grid.
Mystery 7: Smallest of the three (difficulty: 3/5)
  • You should start with figuring out what "lands collide" mean. This will help you narrowing down the search zone.

  • "Lands collide" refers to the borders between different worlds in the main island. Now try looking for a "great stone gate that tilts". Just be aware that the gate is only slightly tilted.

  • Try exploring the borders of world 2 to find the stone gate.

  • The gate is at the border between worlds 1 and 2. The end goal now is to find and solve "the smallest of 3 siblings". It likely means finding a group of 3 logic grids puzzles nearby. Dont forget about the light that can hint you at the direction of those puzzles.

  • The group of 3 puzzles can be seen from the top of the gate. it's also not that far. Have you found a noticeable light trail on the ground?

  • There is a light trail comming from the gate, and go south east, toward a nearby structure. Try exploring the area of the "Symbolic duality" trial.

  • The 3 puzzles are above the main trial. Now you have to figure out which puzzle to focus on.
Mystery 8: Under the surface (difficulty: 1/5)
  • The answer is somewhere on the main island. The picture was taken while looking downwards.

  • There is one detail in the picture that can hint to which world you should search.

  • The green herbs are fairly recognisable.

  • Try exploring world 1. Try to figure out what you are searching for.

  • In world 1, there is 3 giant holes on the floor. Try searching them and see any suspicious details.

  • Look for the hole south of the "one way elevator" trial, and look for a puzzle box.
Mystery 9: Two for two (difficulty: 2/5)
  • "A chain of puzzles connect in the shape of a 2" is a fairly noticeable pattern. You likely saw it before.

  • Try exploring the trials in the main land. The "2" shape is fairly recogniseable from the sky.

  • Try exploring world 2. Don't forget the mystery also mention an "ancient roof" with a river.

  • You are looking for the "cornered numbers" trials. Now look upstream of the river and search for a visible puzzle box inside a close structure on top of the river.

  • Have you noticed the aqueduct, north west of the trial?
Mystery 10: Face of stone (difficulty: 4/5)
  • Despite knowing there is a face of stone "far larger" than the rest, it's likely you didnt noticed it before.

  • You arent looking for a random statue. In fact, you are looking for something that looks like a face, and only a face. No body.

  • The face is so big, it can technically be seen from multiple locations. Although you will likely only see some lines that happen to look like a face. It might be easier to take this
    mystery as a giant environemental puzzle.

  • It's very likely you walked a bit above the face without realising it.

  • You can see the stone face if you are at the fast travel point for world 3. If you zoom at a specific location, it's possible to see mostly the front of the face, especially it's eyes.

  • Here is another place to see the face: start from the "Cascading rays" Enclave's entrance in world 3, then go north and climb the 1st aqueduct. From there, look around and you might see a face that is facing right. Particularly a nose and a mouth.

  • Another place you can see the stone face is when you are inside the "Ancient court" Enclave in world 2. From there, go to the highest point of the building, then look around. This time, the face will be facing left, with the nose and the mouth still visible.

  • You now have 3 different locations, with 3 different views of the same face. It might be a good idea to figure out a general location if you haven't seen the face at all so far. Taking a screenshot of the map, then drawing notes on it might help.

  • It's debatable if it's a "stone" face, or a "dirt" face.

  • Have you looked toward the fast travel point for world 2?

  • The face you are looking for is just below the fast travel point for world 2. Now look for a logic grid below that face, which have a particular position with a tree.
Mystery 11: Water, earth, and air (difficulty: 1/5)
  • The background looks like somewhere in world 3.

  • The stone building doesnt seem like something you can find anywhere in world 3.

  • The picture show both a background from world 3, and a structure that isnt in world 3. What kind of area can match those 2 informations?

  • It might be worth investigating the border of world 3.

  • Have you noticed the water river at the center of the picture?

  • The gate in the picture is somewhere between world 3 and world 5.

  • Try looking south of the fast travel point for world 5.

  • Once you found the gate, the rest of the mystery is fairly obvious, as long as you pay attention to what you need to find.

  • "Rift" is another word for a jump pad.

  • For the 2 temple roofs, be sure to look around.

  • If you do everything correctly, you should be on top of a builing, above the "In matters of size" Trial.
Mystery 12: Don't look down (difficulty: 2/5)
  • "From the Enclave" means the solution is somewhere on the main land.

  • "To a rocky island" means the Enclave entrance is on a floating island. This should already limit the number of areas to search.

  • There is only 5 Enclaves that fit those 2 hints: "The trick of the wanderer" (world 2), "Shattered library" (world 2), "Eye of the needle" (world 3), "Mysterious areas" (world 4), and "A solitary island" (world 4).

  • Among those 5 Enclaves, only one seem to fit about needing a "narrow focus".

  • What kind of puzzle require you to be very precise? Usually by finding a narrow area?

  • There is only one puzzle that require having a narrow and precise focus: the Armillary rings. Try searching the island around the "Eye of the needle" Enclave.

  • The mystery seems to suggest that the logic grid isn't on the ground, but rather on top of rocks.

  • Don't bother looking for hidden arrows in the environement. This part is for something else.
Mystery 13: Off the edge (difficulty: 3/5)
  • The "broken ring" is very big.

  • The "broken ring" is vertical, and missing the bottom part (hence, a broken ring).

  • The "broken ring" is actually an Enclave entrance. While there are several in the game, the rest of the mystery can help you find the correct one.

  • There is 2 details in the mystery's description that will help you find the correct Enclave.

  • The mystery mention a river. So try to see which enclaves are near a river. It might be easier to ignore the "fork" part.

  • The mystery also mention the edge of the world. So try looking at the border of the main island.

  • You are looking for an Enclave that is both near the edge of the main island, and have a river very close.

  • Try exploring the border of world 4.

  • Reminder that puzzle "rules" and puzzle "symbols" are technically different.
Mystery 14: A twist of fate (difficulty: 5/5)
  • "The highest land" should be searched in the entire game, both in the main land and in the Enclaves

  • It is visually easy to see which area is the highest. Although, there is another way to find it.

  • To reach the "highest land", you essentially have to reach the highest viewpoint. Does these words ring a bell?

  • There is 2 ways to interpret "reach the highest viewpoint", even though they both lead to the same conclusion.

  • To start with this mystery, you have to enter the Enclave literally named "The highest viewpoint" in world 5. Now to figure out what "worlds within worlds" means.

  • There is no need to interpret "worlds within worlds" as a sneaky metaphor. Instead, it should be taken literally.

  • Rather than "finding" the worlds within worlds, it's more a matter of finding where you can read "worlds within worlds"

  • Have you fully examined the map?

  • Have you checked everything in world 4?

  • Conveniently, there is an enclave with the sub-title "Worlds within worlds", which is the "Cloud of pearls" Enclave. Now be very careful on what you need to do, or you might go the wrong direction. Using beacons can help.

  • There is a difference between "the Enclave entrance to the highest viewpoint" and the actual "highest viewpoint. By the same logic, there is a difference between "the Enclave entrance to the worlds within worlds" and the actual "worlds within worlds" island.

  • The flight trajectory from start to finish should pass above "The reflections in the sky" Enclave entrance, which is your main objective. Near it, you should look for the logic grid puzzle.
Mystery 15: Go with the flow (difficulty: 4/5)
  • The "deepest blue" can be taken literally, and is easily found on the map. Just be aware this is only the starting point for your search.

  • The starting fallen temple can be found somewhere in world 5.

  • The fallen temple is north west of the travel point for world 5, very close. Now try exploring all the 4 water paths, and look for a temple that is touching a water path.

  • The water path going to the east can bee ignored. Now, if you think carefully, there is now one water path where you are guaranteed to find the temple either left or right.(we will assume all water paths go far enough).

  • Try following the water path that go directly west (note: this isn't the path mentioned in the previous hint), and look for a temple at your left.

  • You will have to explore the temple quite a bit in order to find 2 logic grids on top of 2 lion statues. The statues have a similar size than your character.

  • The two lions are somewhere inside the temple.

  • It might be easier to enter the temple from the west.

  • When you want to switch 2 things, it supposes you have both things availible.

  • It will be impossible to "switch 2 and 4" if there is no "4" to begin with.
Mystery 16: Meniscus (difficulty: 2/5)
  • A temple that was split seems a pretty noticable landmark, especially if you were flying a lot.

  • The mystery refers a lot of various water elements. It might be worth exploring areas with water.

  • The answer is somewhere in the main island. Reminder there is also a waterfall and a temple.

  • You can find the split temple somewhere in world 5. however, that's just the starting point of the mystery, but the final answer won't be very far.

  • The split temple can be found south of the "Shifting in phase" Enclave entrance in world 5.

  • You should explore the nearby area of the base of the waterfall. The answer is touching the water.

  • Have you checked the nearby small stone building?

  • "Areas have a different View, and View a different Area" might sound like an obscur methaphor. In reality, you have to find a different meaning to those words. Keep in mind your end goal.
Mystery 17: Overcast (difficulty: 2/5)
  • The picture will point you toward the correct general location, but you will still have to go quite further to solve the mystery.

  • The picture represent a floating big structure seen from below. Some words in the mystery can point you toward the correct location.

  • The location is somewhere in world 4.

  • The picture was taken from an Enclave involving a certain "drop" and "cloud".

  • You should thoroughly explore the Enclave "Cloud of pearls". The map might help you.

  • It's a good idea to climb the temple to figure out where to go next.

  • Have you noticed a suspicious tiny island around the enclave?

  • There is a total of 3 tiny floating islands: one containing a jump pad (to reach the top of the temple), one with a morphic fractal puzzle, and one with nothing (other than a tiny floating stone box). Your goal is to reach the third island.

  • Try looking south from the tiny island with the morphic fractal puzzle.

  • The mystery mention "another drop". That's actually an environement puzzle.
Mystery 18: A memory (difficulty: 4/5)
  • Finding the "behemoth" and the 1st puzzle should be easy enough. However, the real issue will be knowing how to solve it.

  • "Behemoth" doesnt mean a weird monster. Instead, it's a huge structure. A structure that's pretty much impossible to miss.

  • There isnt a lot of huge structures with a "crown of gold".

  • The structure is also clearly visible on the map.

  • Does a giant pyramid ring any bells?

  • Try exploring the outside of the pyramid in world 1. Reminder the mystery mention a belt of stone. Another reminder, that NONE of the mysteries solutions are inside the pyramid, but they can still be just outside.

  • You should eventually find a 1-star logic grid puzzle, that's actually several greyed numbers, that act like an environement puzzle. Now the final goal is to "look outside of this box and into another". If you are a basic completionist, it's likely you already solved a certain puzzle before, and maybe you remember something that looked like numbers.

  • The mystery's hint should be taken literally: in order to solve the 1st logic grid puzzle box, you will need to look inside another logic grid puzzle box. The real issue will be finding which one. Since the 1st puzzle is an environement puzzle, the 2nd box shouldnt be very far (but not like 1 meter away).

  • Try standing at the nearby corner of the pyramid's belt (near the 1st puzzle), then look around. Try looking for a puzzle box that is inside something that ressemble a large rectangle "box".

  • Have you checked "A connected wall" Trial again? There is one suspicious puzzle inside.

  • If needed, you can take some notes for the numbers.
Mystery 19: Out of season (difficulty: 3/5)
  • "The serene landscape" is a hint to a general area to start your search.

  • Which world is about being "serene"?

  • Try exploring the heights of world 5 in the main island, and look for a tree with orange leaves.

  • The lone tree is located south, on a stone pillar.

  • "Finds kinship in its former biome" refers to another (obvious) world.

  • The mystery is about a certain perspective. Since you know the location of the lone tree and it's natural biome, you should now have the general direction to look. It's now a matter of figuring out a suspicious detail or not.

  • It's a bad idea to stay on the stone pillar where the lone tree is. Instead, you should be a bit away from the lone tree, while keeping the general direction.

  • The end goal is somewhere between the lone tree and the "parity matters" pillar of insight.

  • Have you noticed the tree's leaves looks like a sphere? Reminder the mystery is about perspective, so it might hint at an environement puzzle.

  • Your end goal is to make a "skydrop" using thee leaves of multiple trees, one of them being the lone tree, while the rest are in world 3.
Mystery 20: A unique match (difficulty: 2/5)
  • The mystery gives very few location hints, except having 2 waterfalls very close.

  • The answer is somewhere in the main island.

  • There is a water source in world 5, south east of the "parity matters" pillar of insight. That water source will eventually make the 2 "kissing waterfalls".

  • The 2 waterfalls are quite far from world 5.

  • One of those waterwalls is somewhere on world 2.

  • The other waterfall is somewhere on world 3.

  • There is 1 waterfall in 2 different worlds, and they are "kissing". Figure out what kind of place to search.

  • The peculiar object is somewhere at the intersection of worlds 1, 2 and 3, near 2 waterfalls.

  • Don't forget the mystery talk about a precipice and a rock cliff.

  • If you have no idea what to do, look again at the words in the mystery.

  • "A unique match" hint at a specific puzzle type.

  • Your main goal is to solve a secret matchbox. Instead of matching a green and a red blocks with the same symbol, you will have to match 2 similar objects.

  • "Similar" means identical shape, but not necessarly same size.

  • Have you inspected the object closely? Like very closely? Does it look familiar?
Mystery 21: Seeing all the all-seeing (difficulty: 2/5)
  • It's very likely you already did most of the mystery just by being curious.

  • In case you were not curious at all, there is 5 All-seeing monoliths, one for each world. Did you do some work about them?

  • While exploring, you likely found a monolith fragment. The monolith will also have multiple blue lasers shooting from it's tip, pointing at the remaining fragments of the corresponding world. Just be aware this quest can glitch if you leave the game, so it's better if you do at least an entire monolith each session. Once you find one fragment, do your best to find the rest very soon.

  • Once you finished collecting the fragments inside a world, you will notice the monolith will be gold. This seem to match the conditions in the mystery. It looks like you have to complete all 5 monoliths first.

  • "All monoliths can be seen from the right vantage" will be your next goal. There are multiple solutions for this part. Using beacons can help you track of the positions of the monoliths.

  • If you do manage to find such vantage point, it's time to think about "making the connection"

  • If you haven't found a vantage point, try exploring worlds 3 or 5.

  • Have you inspected the monoliths after they turned gold?

  • The final objective can be seen as a mix of matchboxes (with the symbols UI) and the sentinel stones (since there are 5 objects, instead of the usual 2).

  • From the vantage point, you have to manually make the connection between the 5 monoliths, one by one, by dragging.
MaxBlue001  [author] May 8 @ 12:20am 
The point of my guide is to provide lot of hints that get more and more usefull, while trying to avoid giving the entire solution at all (although most of the final hints are very close). This mean YOU still have some work to do yourself, which is the point of mysteries (solving them by yourrself, instead of blindly following the solution. Using hints only if you feel it's necessary).

For mystery 1, while part of my hints go to another place, it's not without an objective (the element i'm making you search IS revelant to the mystery, and might help you figuring out the next goal by yourself). I also made 1 hint about "the things that *strongly* imply the tutorial area", but telling more immediately would be almost telling the solution immediately. Instead, i provided a different main clue to help players.
MaxBlue001  [author] May 8 @ 12:20am 
For mystery 8, tbh, it was hard giving only hints, without giving the solution, because the picture made the mystery very easy to figure out the general location by itself, which is why i'm pushing players to think more about the picture by themselves (especially after i gave the players the specific world)

I already warned in my introduction that i would not provide the complete solutions of the mysteries (or the alternative logic grids solutions) in this guide. If you want them so badly, there is already a guide about it (that i gave the link in the introduction). There is little point in copying exactly what someone else did (reminder that most of my hints are different)
Rushin May 5 @ 3:55pm 
I don't like this guide. I looked at your hints for 1 and 8 as I was solving them just making sure I'm heading in the right direction) and they're not helpful. One of the hints for 8 literally says "Try to figure out what you are searching for" (yeah thanks!) and the hints for 1 send you across the whole map to a completely unrelated Enclave (instead of just emphasining the things that strongly imply the tutorial area). And you also don't provide the solutions for the exact location nor the logic grid layout. This is so much text with so little worth to it.
Lion of Cork Apr 16 @ 9:48am 
The last two that I was stuck on (Off the Edge and Face of Stone) have completely misleading hints. A broken ring implies that it is supposed to be completed but it isn't, and the correct solution is designed to be an arch, not a ring. The face of stone is not even made of stone and there are so many literal faces carved into stone that I assumed it was one of those. I like to think that I am really good at environmental puzzles, but some of these require so much much figurative interpretation that the clues themselves provide almost no help. Some of these even have multiple places that fit their descriptions so it can be more like a guessing game than a puzzle.