Islands of Insight

Islands of Insight

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Hard match 3 speed challenge (苦难三消限时挑战)
By Karl_Wolf
Solutions and tips for match 3 speed challenge
There are two match-three speed challenge in the world. This is the solution for the hard one.

The easier one you can practice and complete it with a few tries.
Tips and Tricks (ENGLISH)
1. I have all the solutions here to help you get familiar with the puzzle if you are stuck

2. Click on the pieces you want to move ahead of the time!!! do not wait for it to drop then move the piece, you won't have enough time. As long as the game receives your input, the timer will stop as all the pieces drop.

3. Do not rely on the solution, this is a very very challenging one, you won't have enough time to check back the "cheat sheet". So better memorize all the solutions.

4. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. I understand this challenge is a bit inhumane, (took me about 4 hours to finish), but practice and definitely make it better. If you feels tired or brain start to become a mess, take a break and come back another time.

要点 (中文)
1. 图示只是我找出的最优解,至于有没有别的更好的解法请各位自己摸索

2. 不要照着看,尽量把答案背下来,否则会来不及

3. 在方块下落之前就把要交换的方块点上,只要系统判定你移动的是对的,秒表就会停。

4. 练习!大量练习!!一边骂制作组一边疯狂练习,你一定可以。
If the developer sees this. I strongly encourage to increase the time a little bit more, or replace the huge one (the one takes 11 moves) out. In a speed challenge like this, a puzzle that takes 10 sec is kinda annoying!!!!!!!!

Anyways, if I can do it! you can do it! GOOD LUCK
Norfem_Ignissius Jul 4 @ 5:43am 
Thank you. I couldn't figure out some of them with calm once I realised how short the time was.
Stonga Feb 27 @ 7:12am 
I did it and it took me like 4 hours as well. I hated it though. Not a enjoyable challenge.
Karl_Wolf  [author] Feb 20 @ 12:12pm 
yes, like I said there are two different speed runs. One is easier you can do it with a few tries, and the other one is A LOT harder. This is the solution for the harder ones
Chackra Feb 20 @ 8:57am 
They changed all puzzles in that challenge or in my game were totally different. They all were more easier but need to practise a lot because 60s are not enough