Mad Max

Mad Max

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Mad Max - 100% Achievement Guide 🏆
By Julien
A guide created by me, for completionist players wanting to finish this game at 100% achievement, hoping that the guide will be useful to you in your adventure in The Wasteland.

Note: the “Up to the Task” achievement is not achievable anymore! ⚠️
It can only be unlocked by loading a save file (for which there is a link provided in the guide). Or it can be unlocked using the SAM tool.

Otherwise, no definitively missable achievements.✅​
History, hidden & unmissable achievement
  • I suggest you start with the main plot which consists of finishing the 5 acts of the story. The difficulty is automatic; you cannot change it. It will be possible to complete the entire story without improvement, except when the game forces you to do so. I advise you to 100% search each place you visit during the story to have peace of mind afterwards and to get into each balloon to discover all the points on the map. This last action will give you the​🥉​Up, Up and Away achievement.

  • Once you start Act 5, you won't be able to go back until you complete this mission. So be sure to upgrade your vehicle or make an automatic save in another slot. After this mission is over, everything will be accessible again so don't worry. All bosses will be detailed in the description of the achievements. Apart from the achievements related to the story, you will obtain other achievements which will fall easily.
Note: Do not hesitate to look at the description of each trophy for more information.

Here are the achievements you will get at the end of the main story of the game:

Everything Lost Again
Complete Act 01.

Details: To obtain the🥉Everything Lost Again achievement you must have completed the three missions of Act 1:
  • The wild man
  • Magnum Opus
  • The work of the righteous

Wasteland of Opportunities
Complete Act 02.

Details: To obtain the🥉Wasteland Of Opportunities achievement you must have completed the four missions of Act 2:
  • Into Madness
  • A Wasteland Classic
  • A Piece Tougher
  • Black Magic

Digging a Deeper Hole
Complete Act 03.

Details: To obtain the🥉Digging a Deeper Hole achievement you must have completed the four missions of Act 3:
  • Smoke Rises
  • Dance With Dead
  • Fumehead's Debt
  • Immortal Enemy

Power in the Machine
Complete Act 04.

Details: To obtain the🥉Power in the Machine achievement you must have completed the four missions of Act 4:
  • The Big Chief
  • In It For The Glory
  • All Is Lost Forever

Downward Spiral Reawakening
Complete Act 05.

Details: You will obtain the 🥇 Downward Spiral Reawakening achievement after completing the only mission in this final act:
  • Paint My Name In Blood

Warning: when you start the last mission, it will be impossible to go back until you have completed the mission. So make sure to spend all your scrap on your car upgrades as well as Max, to make it easier for you. You can also make an automatic save in another slot before this mission. Either way, the game will warn you of the point of no return. After this mission ends, everything will be accessible again. ⚠️

Unmissable achievement

These are achievements that you cannot miss, you will unlock them automatically and at any time while you are playing the main story of the game.

Slight Distraction
Complete the Dinki-Di Wasteland Mission

Details: This mission will be available in Jeet's Fortress after completing the main mission
🥉Wasteland of Opportunities, Chumbucket will be next to your Magnum Opus and you will have to talk to him to start this quest. Once successful, you will unlock your achievement.

Just Walk Away

On the Road to Nowhere
Travel 650 car lengths on foot

Travel 1300 car lenths in a vehicle
Golden Boy

Road Warrior
Reach a new legend rank

Reach Road Warrior legend rank

Details: For the achievements 🥉Just Walk Away & 🥉On the Road to Nowhere they are obtained very quickly at the start of the game. For the first, you will have to drive 1,300 lengths in a vehicle. It is not essential to do this in the same vehicle. And the other will require you to walk 650 car lengths. This corresponds to approximately 3,000 steps.

There are several ways to reach the level of achievement 🥇Road Warrior The ones that will make you level up a lot are the challenges. There are over 150 to do and you will have to do a good portion of them to get the achievement 🥇Up to the task

Tips: In addition to these challenges, achieving legendary times during races will level you up. You will also be able, thanks to Griffa, to increase a skill which will increase your rank.

Fully upgrade Max

This one is not essential, but essentially achieved at the same time as success🥇Road Warrior

You will first have to reach the end of Act 1 to have access to Max's improvements. Only the improvements present in the pause menu under the "Max" tab are taken into account for this trophy. Indeed, the improvements obtainable thanks to Griffa are not useful for obtaining this trophy.

Note: To obtain all the improvements, including clothing, weapons and abilities, you will have to advance in the story. For this trophy, you will only be able to possess the last stage of improvements. It will not be necessary to buy everything.
Now that you have finished the story, you will have to tackle the bulk of the game by completing secondary missions and challenges. The difficulty of the game lies in these and you will have to keep three in mind so as not to be caught off guard. The first is to fill a fury gauge in less than 10 seconds, the second is to kill 8 then 12 enemies without taking damage and the last will be to kill 8 enemies in melee during a fury mode. Once these challenges are completed, you will have peace of mind. I do not recommend cleaning the areas before doing these challenges otherwise you will have a lot of difficulty completing them. You will have to complete just under 150 challenges divided into three parts which are the wasteland challenges, those of ground combat and those in vehicles.

You will be able to see them from the pause menu then in the legend tab. In parallel with these challenges, you will have to do all the secondary missions for🥉 Stop and Smell the Roses, because some will be very useful for the challenges

Stop and Smell the Roses
Complete all Wasteland Missions

Details: Wasteland missions are the side missions of Mad Max. They are represented by the logo at the beginning of the paragraph, and there are 17 of them in total.

Quench Their Thirst
Give water to a wanderer
Wasteland Chef
Eat a meal of maggots

You'll learn early on in the game about the 2 methods of healing. Water and food. Both coming with related symbols above them in the world.

Tips: If you see some random NPCs walking through the dessert with the water symbol above them, you've encountered some wanderers. Walk towards them and press the interact button. If you've around a half filled water canteen, this achievement is yours. Problem is, they are entirely up to RNG.

If you come across a corpse with a food symbol above it, you will find yourself facing maggots. It's lunch time!

Just Rewards

Scrap Collector
Have 5,000 scrap in your inventory

Have 10,000 scrap in your inventory
Own the best V6 and V8 Engines

There are several ways to obtain scrap metal. I will tell you not to buy a V8 engine until you unlock the 10,000 Scrap achievement. To get the best V8 among the ones unlocked by the story, you will need approximately, 15,000 scraps. So hang on with this one.

The Wasteland

Up, Up and Away
Fly the balloon at every Vantage Outpost
Looked Everywhere
Loot all Scavenging Locations

The balloons are represented by the logo present at the beginning of this paragraph.

To validate an observation point, you will have to fly a balloon over the region. Finally, you will just have to go up and down. There will just be small unforeseen events that will need to be resolved before flying. There are only three:
  • You will need to put fuel back into the balloon's tank.
  • You will have to operate the cable to make the balloon go down by pressing the button or put gasoline in a generator to press the button.
  • You will have to free the balloon from the three cables that hold it by shooting it with the harpoon or the rifle.

But there are 3 aspects that the outpost won't show you: Scrap metal locations, convoy routes and minefields. ⚠️​

Note: Scrap metal locations can all be revealed by building the investigation team project for the respective territory. The pieces for said project can be found anywhere.

A Thousand Words
Collect all History Relics

Note: If you have collected almost all the historical relics and are only missing one relic, this video may solve your problem:

It is important to build the projects in the different fortresses of the game, the construction of the projects allows you to finish the challenges which are essential for obtaining the achievement 🥇Up to the task completing these constructions will unlock:

Doing Jeet a Big Favor
Build two projects in Jeet's Stronghold

Doing Gutgash a Big Favor
Build two projects in Gutgash's Stronghold

Pink Eye
Doing Pink Eye a Big Favor
Build two projects in Pink Eye's Stronghold

Note: The Deep Friah strongold has no achievements, but challenges are associated with the construction of the projects.

List of projects:
  • Survey Crew: Assemble a crew that will mark on the map all Scavenging Locations within the Stronghold's territory. Required: 3 Project Parts 🛠️​

  • Scrap Crew: Assemble a crew that will collect Scrap ⚙️ while the game is turned off. Requires online connection. Required: 4 Project Parts 🛠️​

  • Armory: Build a workbench capable of filling Max's Ammo Belt at no cost. Required: Lust For Power.

  • Stockpile:Build a small stockpile of scrap metal to help the fortress grow. Deliver 500 ⚙️, for the first, 1000 ⚙️ for the second and 1500 ⚙️ for the largest stock.

  • Water Storage: Fills your water bottle automatically after your passage through the stronghold. Required: 2 Project Parts 🛠️

  • Maggot Farm: If your health was low before entering the stronghold, your health will be at its maximum again. Required: 4 Project Parts 🛠️

  • Oil Well: If your tank was almost empty, or completely, after your passage in the stronghold, your tank will be filled to the maximum again. Required: 2 Project Parts 🛠️

  • Cleanup Crew:Each vehicle destroyed on the territory, the cleaning group will come and collect the parts and give you ⚙️. Required: 3 Project Parts 🛠️

Jeet Thrives.
Reduce threat to 0 in the region around the Stronghold

Gutgash Thrives.
Reduce threat to 0 in the region around the Stronghold

Pink Eye
Pink Eye Thrives.
Reduce threat to 0 in the region around the Stronghold

  • Reduce the threat level to 0 in the Balefire Flatland region (Jeet's Stronghold)

  • Reduce the threat level to 0 in the Parch Moon region (Gutgash Stronghold)

Pink Eye:
  • Reduce the threat level to 0 in the Knit Sack region (Pink Eye Stronghold)

Pink Eye
Start of Something Good
Keep Up the Good Work
Spreading the Word
Clear all threat in the territory

The territories are made up of 5 regions, except Deep Friah. It will be necessary to stop the threat of all regions so that that of the territory is at 0. To reduce it, it will be necessary to destroy all the camps, demolish all the scarecrows, kill all the snipers, kill the leaders of the convoys and defuse the mines in the fields present in this territory.

Here are the threats present and do not hesitate to look at the trophy descriptions relating to these threats:
  • The scarecrows 🥉No Brainer
  • The snipers 🥉Sniper Suppressor
  • The camps 🥉Razing Legend
  • Minefields 🥉Bomb Specialist
  • The convoys 🥉Daddy Wants a New Grill

Before wanting to lower this level, you will have to go to the different observation points and use binoculars to identify the different objectives to be eliminated. If you don't do this, none of them will be marked on the map and this will make cleaning more difficult. This action will allow you to spot scarecrows, camps and snipers but you will need the Chumbucket buggy with the dog to spot the minefields and the mines present on these fields. You will get this buggy by completing the wasteland mission "Dinki-Di" (for more information, check it out 🥉Slight Distraction). To spot the convoys, you will have to drive along their routes. Once a route has been discovered, you will have to follow the road to see the convoy appear and you will have to defeat the leader of this convoy. It will be useless to kill them all.

The Constructionist
Build all projects in all Strongholds

Details: There are 4 strongholds in the game and they all have the same projects. You will have to do the same constructions 4 times to gather the pieces necessary to develop the different projects.

To complete them all, you will have to do the Dinki-Di wasteland missions and all those offered by Jeet to be able to install the armories in all the fortresses. For these armories, we must not forget to present ourselves to these projects to realize them.

Attention: This includes Deep Friah's territory! ⚠️

Camps & Threat
No Brainer
Destroy all scarecrows

Details: There are scarecrows scattered throughout all regions of the map but before you want to destroy them, you will have to spot them. To do this, you will have to climb into the balloon from the different observation points and flush out each scarecrow with your binoculars.

You will notice that there are several types of scarecrows which each require their own harpoon:
  • fragile scarecrow: basic harpoon required
  • solid scarecrow: level 3 harpoon required
  • reinforced scarecrow: level 4 harpoon required
  • massive scarecrow: level 6 harpoon required

Tips: Obviously, you can destroy them all by driving your car into the scarecrows, but the stronger it is, the more difficult it will be to destroy them.

Sniper Suppressor
Take out all Scrotus snipers

Details: There are snipers scattered throughout all regions of the map but before you want to kill them, you will have to spot them. To do this, you will have to climb into the balloon from the different observation points and flush out each sniper with your binoculars.

Once scouting is complete, you can kill them in several ways:
  • It will be possible to kill them with the sniper that is present in your car.
  • You will be able to harpoon the sniper.
  • You will be able to harpoon the sniper tower.
  • You can smash the sniper tower with your vehicle.

Note: In addition to these, it will be necessary to eliminate the snipers present in the different camps. They will be part of the camp's defenses so you will be sure of their deaths when the message "perimeter defenses eliminated" is displayed.

Razing Legend
Take down all Scrotus camps

Details: There are 4 types of camps in Mad Max. When approaching the different camps, you can stay at a distance and use the sniper in your car. It will then be necessary to eliminate these defensive threats before entering the camp. It will be enough to complete the main objective of a camp to destroy it, it will be useless to complete the optional objectives even which will be very useful for obtaining the achievement 🥇Up to the task here's what to do in the different types of camps to destroy them.

Stank Gum Camp:
  • Stank Gum camps will require you to eliminate all soldiers in the camp. The number of opponents will be consultable via the menu allowing you to see the side objectives of the camp. Once the enemies are defeated, you will have achieved the main objective and destroyed the camp.

Top Dog Camp:
  • These camps are home to Scrotus' best soldiers, the 6 kingpins. You will have to beat them to destroy their camps. For more information, you can consult the achievement 🥉 The Bigger they are…

Transfer Tank Camp:
  • The transfer camps contain the fuel tanks of Scrotus's legion. You will have to enter and destroy all the tanks present in this camp. Once completed, the camp will be destroyed.

Oil Pump Camp:
  • Pumping stations allow Scrotus' soldiers to extract oil. You will have to destroy the pump(s) present to destroy the camp.

Explosions Are Not Enough
Complete all optional objectives in all camps

Details: All Scrotus camps have optional objectives to complete to have 100% completion at the camp level. They will ask you to collect scrap metal, relics or items. They will also ask you to destroy the Scrotus emblems.

Once all these objects have been collected or destroyed, a screen will come to confirm that the camp is 100%. If a camp has been completed with the secondary objectives, you will see a very specific symbol. You will see that this logo is yellow. If you have only completed the main objective, it will be white.

Bomb Specialist
Clear all minefields

Details: There are minefields scattered throughout all regions of the map but before you want to clear them, you will have to locate them. To do this, you must have completed the wasteland mission "Dinki-Di" (🥉 Slight Distraction) to have the buggy and the dog.

Once the mission is completed, take the buggy by changing vehicles in a fortress and drive to find the minefields. Once you have spotted a boom boom field, you will have to follow the dog's head to find the 3 mines in the field. You will have to walk gently next to these to defuse them.

Spoiler: Here are videos for the locations of the different mines:
Note: I thank the content creator VGFAQ, for the videos of the minefield locations.

The Bigger they are…
Take down a Top Dog camp

Details: The achievement will be unlocked when you defeat the first boss. Once you're close to a camp, stop and take your sniper to spot the opposing defenses. Once you have identified them, you will need to destroy them before entering the camp. As soon as you enter, you will have to make your way to the boss to confront him in order to destroy his camp. It's obvious that they will be easier to beat depending on whether Max is at his peak. Here are the 6 bosses of Mad Max and how to beat them.

Gaspa Grope
  • Tips: You will only be faced with Gaspa Grope. He will only perform heavy attacks and it will be impossible to counter them. You will have to wait for him to make his attack, dodge it and attack him to deal him around ten blows. After this sequence, you will have to move away a little to avoid Gaspa pushing you. Wait for his attack again to inflict a series of blows on him. You will have to deal him several series of blows to defeat him. If you encounter difficulties against him, you will be able to move away and drink your water without problem because you will have time to see him coming.

Spoiler: video of the fight:

Stump Grinder:
  • Tips: The fight against Stump Grinder will be more fun. The pattern of the boss is the same as Gaspa, so you will have to wait for the heavy attack to hit him and wait until the last moment to finish him off. The new feature will be the addition of a few members of Scortus who will have to be defeated first and flamethrowers who will be positioned throughout the combat zone. The flames will not be continuous but you can stand at the entrance to the area to be safe from the flames. You should know that Stump Grinder is also sensitive to these flames so you can try pushing him into them. To summarize, first eliminate Scortus' men then return to the entrance to face the boss. If you are having difficulty, you can drink your bottle to regain your health.

Spoiler: video of the fight:

Gut Noose:
  • Tips: As soon as you enter the kingpin's camp, you will have to confront him. He will send several waves of soldiers to kill you. Don't hesitate to use your rifle to shorten some fights with annoying soldiers to beat. It will be very hard to get a chance to drink with all these soldiers so make sure by dodging as much as possible and opting for a defensive strategy. Wait for attacks to counter them and inflict more damage and don't hesitate to use weapons left by the little thugs. Once the waves have passed, Gut Noose will come accompanied by a few friends who will have to be killed first to be freer in your movements. When you are alone against the boss, you can restore your health by drinking. Then, just wait for the heavy attack, dodge and hit him several times to KO him.

Spoiler: video of the fight:

Rim Jobbie:
  • Tips: You will be alone against Gueule de Fion and many weapons will be scattered across the combat zone. You will have to hit him only with weapons so pick one up then avoid the heavy attacks. Once done, make him taste the metal at the end of your weapon to knock him out. If you have difficulty, walk away and drink some water to restore your health.

Spoiler: video of the fight:

  • Tips: Pig'n'sticker will come into the arena with 4 of his soldiers. You will see a barker high up that you will have to kill first to avoid making the 4 soldiers furious. Then, kill the boss's minions to have peace of mind. As soon as this is done, you can apply the combat technique by waiting for his heavy attack, dodging and striking until you can finish him off. If you are having difficulty, walk away and drink some water to restore your health.

Spoiler: video of the fight:

Coc.k Locka:
  • Tips: In the arena, Coc.k Locka will send his men to you first. You will see a barker who must be killed first to prevent the soldiers from being furious. As soon as you defeat these soldiers, the boss will come down to try to kill you face to face. If you have been affected a lot, take the opportunity to restore your life with your water bottle. Then repeat the action you did with each boss to kill him.

Spoiler: video of the fight:

Rust is the New Black
Collect all body colors

Details: Body colors are obtained by defeating the different bosses in the regions. There are 6 of them. As soon as you defeat one of these bosses, the color will unlock immediately.
You can go watch🥉 The Bigger they are… to find out how to beat each boss.

Car, Archangels & Deathruns
Fresh Air
Drive the Magnum Opus off a Wasteland Jump
Maximum Air
Be airborne in a vehicle for 4 seconds or more and land without dying

Details: For the Fresh Air achievement, during the mission the work is correct, Chumbucket will install the double nitro for you. He will then ask you to jump on a springboard using your new toy. After this jump, the achievement will unlock.

Spoiler: a video to achieve Maximum Air achievement

Daddy Wants a New Grill
Collect all hood ornaments

There are 13 hood ornaments. To collect them, you will have to defeat all the convoy leaders. Indeed, as soon as you defeat one, you will have to take the ornament on its hood to make it your own. This will detach from the vehicle when it is defeated and you will have to pick it up from the ground. As you see, this achievement is a step to remove all threats in a territory.

Tips: To put all the chances on your side, don't hesitate to upgrade your Magnum Opus to inflict more damage and, consequently, take less. Once the convoy is discovered, try to kill the cars one by one, leaving the leader for last. If you ever lose sight of the convoy, don't be afraid because the vehicles in the destroyed convoy will remain destroyed unless you fast travel.

The Quick Driver
Complete a Time Bomb Death Run
The Smart Driver
Complete a Scatter Death Run
The Skilled Driver
Complete a Barrel Bash Death Run

Death races are indicated by the logo at the beginning of the paragraph.

The Quick Driver
  • Details The goal of the race is to make a route from point A to point B. You can follow the best route by driving on the red tire tracks. You will have to finish the race but you will be accompanied by other cars who will do everything to make you explode and fail in this race. You will have to take the initiative on the attack thanks to side attacks towards the car to avoid the explosion or the spin. This attack will also allow you to avoid vehicles coming from the front.

The Smart Driver
  • Details The goal of this style of racing is to arrive first at a point on the map without following a defined trajectory. There will only be the starting point and the ending point available and it will be up to you to define the fastest trajectory. Obviously, your rivals during races will do anything to prevent you from achieving your goal.

The Skilled Driver
  • Details: It's a race with checkpoints which are represented by cans. To validate these checkpoints, you will have to enter one of these cans. If you don't succeed, you will lose the race. You will have to follow the red tire tracks on the ground to reach each checkpoint. You will also have to arrive first to validate your trophy. Obviously, your rivals during races will do anything to prevent you from achieving your goal. Also be aware that the impact of your car on the cans can cause you to spin.

Running Wild
Complete at least 1 race at every Death Run Location

Details: There are 15 of them and you will have to spot them using the observation points. You will automatically obtain this achievement by completing 🥉The Messenger

The Saint
Complete a Death Run in an Archangel
The Guardian
Successfully complete a Death Run with every Archangel
The Messenger
Complete a Death Run in legendary time with every Archangel
The Exiled
Defeat an enemy vehicle with every Archangel

The Messenger:
  • Details:There are a total of 16 Archangels and you will need to look in the garage for their conditions of obtaining them. I advise you to do this trophy at the end to have it easier thanks to more nitro for example.

  • The 3 types of races will be present so you can watch the achievements 🥉The Quick Driver,
    🥉The Smart Driver & 🥉The Skilled Driver.

  • You will be able to see your progress in the pause menu then the items to recover tab and finally in Archangels. The two logos will need to be on a yellow background instead of the black background for you to specify that you have had a legendary time.

Note: If you're only missing the car body for a specific Archangel, then take a look at this:
Achievement - Up to the Task
Up to the Task
Complete all non-repeating challenges

Note: This achievement can not be unlocked anymore. One of the many, many "challenges" you had to complete for this one required a server connection, but Mad Max's server were shut down on the 31. Oct. 2020.
  • So if you want this one, there are two ways to get it, you will have to download a save file or otherwise install the SAM tool, to award yourself the missing achievement.

  • You can either check out the link provided in this Steam discussion,
    or download or download the backup by clicking Nexusmods []

  • Also another way to obtain it, it's not a very legitimate tool, don't play around with it, you can get banned from the platform, if for example you award yourself 100 successes in one go at the same time and same date.

To download the SAM tool, click here[]