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Enable Console/Commands (Single-player) & Command List
By eltorga
The game originally had the console option so you can play freely and do whatever, unfortunately after version, the console was removed. But there is a way to bring the console back.

Hello, I'm eltorga, and I'm starting to play palworld and I don't like that the game doesn't have a command console like ARK or The Forest, I like to use the console to improve my gameplay and I know that many of you are disappointed because that the game does not have a console. The information I share here was found on internet. Credits to cfemen from fearlessrevolution and all the people who are part of the community.
Download & Install
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀  You can download the file from the following page.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀    Remove (-) to download
  • When you download the file you will have something like this:
  • Paste the file in the game folder where the game .exe is, the location is:
  • Now you can start the game:
DLL is made for the Steam version ,but should also work for the GamePass ( just make sure that you choose a custom install path, so the folder is not proteced)
How to use
  • When you start the game, press F2 twice to open the console. (You can close the console by pressing the F2 key twice)

Now you can execute console commands:
FOV <Amount> Slomo <Amount> InvertMouse ToggleDebugCamera DebugWindow Dropitem <Name> <Amount> CaptureAllEnemy GetRelic <Amount> KillAllEnemy SleepAllEnemy AddGameTime_Hours <Amount> ShowHud <bShow> TeleportToSafePoint_ToServer StartFlyToServer EndFlyToServer ServerPause SetSpectatorMode <bSpectator>

Some Examples:
Set the FOV to 90: FOV 90 Spawn 50 Nails: DropItem MachineParts 50 Spawn 10 Paldium Fragments: DropItem Pal_crystal_S 10 Toggle Free-Cam: ToggleDebugCamera Add 6 hours: AddGameTime_Hours 6 Spawn Directly Into The Inventory 1 Liffmunk Effigy Relic: GetRelic 1 Capture all enemies that are currently in the area: CaptureAllEnemy Disable Fog: r.fog 0 Half the game speed: Slomo 0.5 Disable HUD: ShowHud 0 Teleport to next safe point: TeleportToSafePoint_ToServer Toggle force pause the game: ServerPause Enable the NoClip Mode (shift = up, ctrl = down): SetSpectatorMode 1 Disable the NoClip Mode: SetSpectatorMode 0

DropItem Leather 1 DropItem Wood 1 DropItem Stone 1 DropItem Money 1 DropItem Fiber 1 DropItem CopperOre 1 DropItem Poppy 1 DropItem Venom 1 DropItem Wool 1 DropItem FireOrgan 1 DropItem IceOrgan 1 DropItem ElectricOrgan 1 DropItem Pal_crystal_S 1 DropItem PalCrystal_Ex 1 DropItem PalFluid 1 DropItem PalUpgradeStone 1 DropItem BerrySeeds 1 DropItem Horn 1 DropItem bone 1 DropItem PalItem_ToSell_01 1 DropItem PalItem_ToSell_02 1 DropItem PalItem_ToSell_03 1 DropItem PalItem_ToSell_04 1 DropItem PalItem_ToSell_05 1 DropItem Charcoal 1 DropItem CopperIngot 1 DropItem MachineParts 1 DropItem GunPowder2 1 DropItem PalOil 1 DropItem PalItem_PlantSlime 1 DropItem Coal 1 DropItem Sulfur 1 DropItem Polymer 1 DropItem Cement 1 DropItem IronIngot 1 DropItem CarbonFiber 1 DropItem Quartz 1 DropItem Sapphire 1 DropItem MachineParts2 1 DropItem StealIngot 1

DropItem Egg 1 DropItem Berries 1 DropItem BakedMeat_SheepBall 1 DropItem Meat_SheepBall 1 DropItem Meat_ChickenPal 1 DropItem Mushroom 1 DropItem Meat_Boar 1 DropItem Meat_Deer 1 DropItem Herbs 1 DropItem Meat_Kelpie 1 DropItem Pan 1 DropItem TomatoSeeds 1 DropItem GenghisKhan 1

DropItem RepairKit 1 DropItem TreasureBoxKey01 1 DropItem TreasureBoxKey02 1 DropItem TreasureBoxKey03 1 DropItem TechnologyBook_G1 1

DropItem PalSphere 1 DropItem PalSphere_Mega 1 DropItem PalSphere_Giga 1 DropItem PalSphere_Legend 1 DropItem PalSphere_Master 1 DropItem PalSphere_Robbery 1 DropItem PalSphere_Tera 1

DropItem Blueprint_ClothArmorCold_2 1

DropItem Cloth 1 DropItem Cloth2 1 DropItem ClothArmor 1 DropItem ClothArmor_2 1 DropItem ClothArmor_3 1 DropItem ClothArmor_4 1 DropItem ClothArmor_5 1 DropItem ClothArmorCold 1 DropItem ClothArmorCold_2 1 DropItem ClothArmorCold_3 1 DropItem ClothArmorCold_4 1 DropItem ClothArmorCold_5 1 DropItem FurArmor 1 DropItem FurArmor_2 1 DropItem FurArmor_3 1 DropItem FurArmor_4 1 DropItem FurArmor_5 1 DropItem FurHelmet 1 DropItem FurHelmet_2 1 DropItem FurHelmet_3 1 DropItem FurHelmet_4 1 DropItem FurHelmet_5 1 DropItem Shield_01 1 DropItem Shield_02 1 DropItem Shield_03 1 DropItem Shield_04 1 DropItem FurArmorHeat 1 DropItem FurArmorHeat_2 1 DropItem FurArmorHeat_3 1 DropItem FurArmorHeat_4 1 DropItem FurArmorHeat_5 1 DropItem FurArmorCold 1 DropItem FurArmorCold_2 1 DropItem FurArmorCold_3 1 DropItem FurArmorCold_4 1 DropItem FurArmorCold_5 1 DropItem CopperArmor 1 DropItem CopperArmor_2 1 DropItem CopperArmor_3 1 DropItem CopperArmor_4 1 DropItem CopperArmor_5 1 DropItem CopperHelmet 1 DropItem CopperHelmet_2 1 DropItem CopperHelmet_3 1 DropItem CopperHelmet_4 1 DropItem CopperHelmet_5 1 DropItem CopperArmorHeat 1 DropItem CopperArmorHeat_2 1 DropItem CopperArmorHeat_3 1 DropItem CopperArmorHeat_4 1 DropItem CopperArmorHeat_5 1 DropItem CopperArmorCold 1 DropItem ClothArmorCold_2 1 DropItem ClothArmorCold_3 1 DropItem ClothArmorCold_4 1 DropItem ClothArmorCold_5 1

DropItem Glider_Old 1 DropItem Glider_Good 1 DropItem Glider_Legendary 1 DropItem Glider_Super 1

DropItem Torch 1 DropItem Spear_2 1 DropItem Spear_1 1 DropItem Axe_Tier_00 1 DropItem Axe_Tier_01 1 DropItem Axe_Tier_02 1 DropItem Pickaxe_Tier_00 1 DropItem Pickaxe_Tier_01 1 DropItem Pickaxe_Tier_02 1 DropItem Bat 1 DropItem Bat2 1 DropItem MeatCutterKnife 1 DropItem WeakerBow 1 DropItem WeakerBow_2 1 DropItem WeakerBow_3 1 DropItem WeakerBow_4 1 DropItem WeakerBow_5 1 DropItem Bow_Fire 1 DropItem Bow_triple 1 DropItem Bow_Poison 1 DropItem BowGun 1 DropItem BowGun_2 1 DropItem BowGun_3 1 DropItem BowGun_4 1 DropItem BowGun_5 1 DropItem BowGun_Fire 1 DropItem BowGun_Poison 1 DropItem Musket 1 DropItem HandGun_Default 1 DropItem HandGun_Default_2 1 DropItem HandGun_Default_3 1 DropItem HandGun_Default_4 1 DropItem HandGun_Default_5 1 DropItem ElecBaton 1 DropItem MakeshiftHandgun 1 DropItem FragGrenade 1 DropItem FragGrenade_Elec DropItem FragGrenade_Fire 1 DropItem FragGrenade_Ice 1 DropItem SingleShotRifle 1 DropItem DoubleBarrelShotgun 1 DropItem PumpActionShotgun 1 DropItem PumpActionShotgun_2 1 DropItem PumpActionShotgun_3 1 DropItem PumpActionShotgun_4 1 DropItem PumpActionShotgun_5 1 DropItem Sword 1 DropItem AssaultRifle_Default1 1 DropItem AssaultRifle_Default2 1 DropItem AssaultRifle_Default3 1 DropItem AssaultRifle_Default4 1 DropItem AssaultRifle_Default5 1 DropItem Spear_ForestBoss 1 DropItem Spear_QueenBee 1 DropItem Spear_SoldierBee 1 DropItem GrapplingGun 1 DropItem GrapplingGun2 1 DropItem GrapplingGun3 1 DropItem GrapplingGun4 1 DropItem SphereLauncher_Once 1 Dropitem HomingSphereLauncher 1 DropItem Launcher_Default 1 DropItem Launcher_Default_2 1 DropItem Launcher_Default_3 1 DropItem Launcher_Default_4 1 DropItem Launcher_Default_5 1

DropItem Arrow 1 DropItem Arrow_Fire 1 DropItem RoughBullet 1 DropItem Arrow_Poison 1 DropItem HandgunBullet 1 DropItem SingleShotBullet 1 DropItem RifleBullet 1 DropItem ShotgunBullet 1 DropItem AssaultRifleBullet 1 DropItem ExplosiveBullet 1

AutoMealPouch_Tier5 InkBullet MindControlDrug Narcotic NightVisionGoggles Opium Sweet
Colonel Cuckhold Jul 14 @ 5:46pm 
Does not work anymore sadly
Joko Mar 11 @ 5:19am 
tried & no drop item worked
uglycute Feb 13 @ 9:27am 
its not working :GDHarder:
DC2 Feb 5 @ 7:37pm 
Why isn't it spawning a legendary pal sphere when I am using the command?
Bananus069 Feb 5 @ 1:56am 
Thank you
Baki Feb 3 @ 7:26am 
how can learn default admin password?
eltorga  [author] Feb 2 @ 10:01pm 
Please, read the text below the url... delete (-) between the word media-fire, to mediafire.
Have a Good Day
Baki Feb 1 @ 11:01pm 
link is broken again
eltorga  [author] Jan 31 @ 5:04pm 
I changed the link for a direct download on MediaFire, sorry for the inconvenience.
WatcherCCG Jan 30 @ 9:44pm 
Given MalwareBytes pinged off your "download link", I don't trust a thing you're saying.