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100% Achievement Guide & Walk-through
By Bad Hasher
This is my Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II 100% Achievement guide and Walk-through. I list every achievement in order so you can grab them all without missing anything!

You can follow the guide from start to finish or you can find which achievement you're missing and I will give a detailed explanation on how to obtain!

Good luck on your achievement hunting!
  • Hello! and welcome to my Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II 100% achievement guide! I put together this guide because I personally wanted to grab every achievement and I figured I'd make a guide while I progress through myself.

  • In this guide I will be putting every achievement in order from start to finish, feel free to create a new game and follow the guide from the start, or if you're coming here to get information on a achievement feel free to do so! (by selecting the achievement list)

  • This guide is broken up into two parts #1 being the campaign and #2 will be co-op/spec ops. This guide is a combination of tips and tricks from myself and also videos and information I gather around the world wide web. I will post links to any helpful videos that I find useful.

Please let me know in the comments if you have any suggestions or tips for anything listed in this guide. Anyways lets get into it!

*This guide contains major spoilers
Achievement List
Here are all the achievements (in order of completion) so you can quickly find what you're looking for by using the segments on the right.


#3 Wetwork

#3 Wetwork

#6 Cartel Protection

Nobody was There
#9 Recon by Fire

Test Drive
#10 Violence and Timing

Keeping this One
#10 Violence and Timing

#11 El Sin Nombre

Gentleman Thief
#11 El Sin Nombre

A Crappy Way to Die
#12 Dark Water

Don't Touch the Desk!
#12 Dark Water

#13 Alone

No Time to Lose
#14 Prison Break

Backpack Guy
#14 Prison Break

Wall of Duty
#14 Prison Break

Target Practice
#16 Ghost Team

Must be Wind
#17 Countdown

Time for Pints
#17 Countdown

Cutting Heads off Snakes
#17 Countdown

Only the Beginning
[Co-Op] High Ground

[Co-Op] Denied Area

Night Fight
[Co-Op] Low Profile

Full SSE
[Co-Op] Low Profile

Going Dark
[Co-Op] Low Profile

Kings of the Mountain
[Co-Op] Defender: Mt. Zaya
Prologue / #1 Strike
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II requires us to beat the campaign at least one time on either Veteran or "Realism" difficulty setting. For the "Cutting heads off Snakes" achievement.

You can only play on realism if you've already completed the campaign, so for us we will begin on veteran. Additionally we will also be getting the "Time for pints" achievement, these two can't be missed as long as you complete the campaign, and play on Veteran.

With that out of the way lets begin!

#2 Kill or Capture
After completing the intro mission with ghost and watching the cut scene you will begin Mission #2 Kill or Capture. There are no achievements on this level. Proceed through the level and keep your guard up. Enemies can be very sneaky and at times it might be trial and error.

After clearing the house and moving to the crash site is where things start to pick up.

Keep your head down and pick off enemies coming out of the smoke (utilize the sniper).
You can snipe enemies fairly easy and once you get tagged make sure to go prone and recover!

Keep in mind there is a ammo pouch towards the end of the helicopter (by the entrance when you get inside)

After surviving the crash site you will end up in a field laying down while snipers with green lasers try to shoot you down. This part was confusing for me as I didn't know why they were killing me.

For this section you have to move while in the prone position and take out the snipers, once you shoot they will be able to locate you (muzzle flash), with that being said just whenever you take a shot get up and tact sprint/dive into a different area and you should be okay.

Proceed on to breach and clear the building up ahead. Once you cleared it and Hassan is nowhere to be found follow Ghost to a warehouse. Right before crouching and entering be sure to take off your night vision goggles (by pressing "N") and prepare for a fight. After the fight search the marked container (you can also hold down "TAB" to view objectives)

Congratulations you've completed "Capture or Kill" on Veteran!

#3 Wetwork
Wetwork starts off with Gaz and Captain price swimming in the canals located in Amsterdam. In this mission there are two achievements which are "Crocodile" and "Nessie"

Let's start off with getting Crocodile. We are going to need a weapon; as soon as the mission starts head straight ahead and slightly left you will see a man on the pier, take him out and grab the P890.

It should be noted you don't have to kill three consecutive guards. Take your time and go slow, what I found to make things a little easier when it came to aiming underwater press the "C" key to submerge yourself in the water while being close to the surface.

Well done! Now "Less" move on to "Nessie" Bad joke? Okay ...

Nessie can be a bit tricky, not so much as the guards on the docks but that damn patrol boat. What I found that worked is going around the docks in any way that your prefer (I went the right side docks and did a full sweep to the left side). Another tip is utilize pressing the "TAB" key to mark your objective, I've noticed it will ping the closest guard. After the sweep I went back towards the middle and waited for the patrol boat to turn around and just simply shot the two of them from behind.

*Note you can restart from checkpoint if you're compromised and still get the achievement.

Climb up on the dock and meet Captain price, proceed inside the barge to complete the mission.

#4 Tradecraft
"Tradecraft" is a pretty simple mission, just follow Laswell and the objectives.
There are no achievements on this level.

At the end of the bridge you will have to wait for the two cartel members to seperate.

Once that happens you must use the syringe that Laswell gave you on the cartel member. Do so by approaching him pressing the Melee bind key default is "V".

Head over to Captain Price and he will hand you the "Distraction Device" its just a simple Decoy grenade meant to distract the cartel members by the curb nearby. Take it and head back towards Laswell and go down the alley next to the tattoo parlor.

Approach the garbage bin and toss it in there.

After that take out the cartel members and cover price there is only two of them that show up.
Well done! Tradecraft is done!

#5 Borderline
Laswell contacts "Alejandro" about how terrorists are smuggling a High Value Target (HVT) Hassan. You play as "Rodolfo" follow the mission objectives and keep your guard up.
There are no achievements on this level.

Proceed until you get to a house with two men with their hands up. You will have to ADS and switch between the two of them. The one the left will grab his pistol and shoot you, and the one on the right will grab the shotgun on the wall. Wait until their hands start to lower and just aim at them.

Just outside the house the police will arrive, this is where I had a little trouble.
The cartel will ambush you and Alejandro.

Grab the Kastov 762 right in the middle of the two police cars (its not hard to miss, there is also a Kastov-74u behind Alejandro) STAY BEHIND ALEJANDRO and pop the enemies that come through the middle, they should aggro on Alejandro. Also you can shoot the cartel member on top of the garage through the police car. Take out the one on left first, he is the one shooting RPG missiles at you!

Carry on into the "stash house" it's nothing you have not seen before. Go in through garage and standard breach and clear, enemies are sneaky so it might be trial and error you will do fine. Go up the stairs and down the hall at the end open the door on your right to end the mission and watch the cutscene!

Well done! That's "Borderline" Finished!
#6 Cartel Protection
Mission number 6 starts off with Ghost and Soap linking up with the Mexican Special forces to capture Hassan. You play as Soap and fight through the slums of Las Almas killing Cartel members and the corrupt Mexican Army.

There is one achievement we can gather here. Called "Daredevil" keep in mind you can get this achievement just about any time throughout the campaign and even in Spec-Ops as its stated, however we can just get it now so we don't have to worry about it later on.

I recommend you replay the mission but lower the difficulty to "Recruit" for better survivability.
Carry on through the initial door and take out the guy in the red in front of you, and the guy directly left of him (should be taking cover near the wall). Right down the path you can see three cartel members.

Quickly toss a flash grenade at your feet and place your crosshair over the two cartel members(they should be lined up for you) and you should get the achievement.

If you're still having issues check out this video by "PowerPyx" all credit goes to him/her for their awesome video demonstrating how to get this achievement!

Whether you got it first try, or the 100th doesn't matter! You got it now!

Well done! Now carry on to complete the mission!

*Note if you changed your difficulty be sure to quit out and restart the mission on Veteran difficulty

You will reach a point where you will have to clear a room and the Mexican Army will show up in vehicles and riot shields. This part was extremely tough for me some reason I found the best approach was right at the start use your grenade launcher and take out as many of the enemies you can initially. Then make your way towards the back of the room and shoot your grenades just over the window for a bit until the tear gas arrives to escape!

After fleeing down the hill you will be tasked to hold your position and defend yourself against the onslaught of the corrupt army. This was pretty straight forward just be sure to take cover behind the various boulders and just keep popping them as they run down the hill. If you're running low on ammo just go near Alejandro he will provide you with a full loadout.

After running, jumping, and climbing your way through the mountain/watching Rodriguez fall to his death after being shot by a sniper. You will have to cliff jump right after Alejandro then proceed to swim underwater to evade being killed.

Be sure to catch your breath by the boulders located in the riverbed and kill some bad guys to carry on towards to end.

Wait for "Shadow 1" to blow up the bridge then follow Alejandro out of the river toward the left (the truck should be marked) get inside to complete the mission and go right into #7 Close Air.

#7 Close Air / #8 Hardpoint
Close air and Hardpoint are both the same mission, brings us to playing as Shadow 1, the "eye in the sky" in this mission you must cover Alejandro, Ghost, and Soap to safely escort them along to the main house at the end to capture Hassan and cover them for exfil. This mission is extremely tedious just follow the objectives, and be sure to watch your fire. Don't shoot any houses until the game tells you to and don't merc any civilians.

There are no achievements on this level.

Well done! Carry on to Mission #9 Recon by Fire
#9 Recon by Fire
Recon by Fire is a stealth sniper mission, it starts with Captain Price and Gaz being in Spain and moving in to secure some missiles that the cartel are holding. In this Mission we will be getting
the "Nobody was There" achievement. Which requires us to "never trigger the alarm" and what that means is basically never miss a shot. Perfection is a must here.

As you progress you will get to a point where you have stay still and make sure the cartel members don't spot you hiding in the grass. All I did was stay right behind captain price (human centipede) type of tactics, and it was flawless.

Keep following Captain Price until you get to the vantage point and you will be tasked with taking out alot of enemies. It's not too bad just before firing wait until Price gives you the spotter coordinates and you should be fine.

*Note You can restart from checkpoint BEFORE the guard raises the alarm.

After effectively taking out some of the guards walking around on the outside you will have to start moving inwards. You will reach a point where Cpt. Price will tell you to change your position so you can get two enemies with one bullet for the first one (dead middle) look towards the wind turbine to your left from the initial spot see screenshot below.

Go there and you should get a pretty clear shot to take them out

Next! on the far left of the compound you will see two men siting down and one of them is patrolling. Same as before you will have to switch positions to take them out. From the area you were just at (killing the middle group of guys) head SW until you can line up the guard walking in front of the one sitting down.

When you clear the compound of guards, some armored one will show up in trucks. For this part I recommend DO NOT ENGAGE, go prone and conceal your weapon! Make your way to the warehouse and go around back, you will see a forklift-climb on top of it to make it onto the roof.

*Note During the sections of this mission where you have to clear the buildings it's okay for you to "go loud" the achievement is only for the sniping sections of this mission.

Then take out a few of guards from the sky lights. I found it to be much easier than outright throwing the tear gas down the vent. Once you killed a number of the guards, pull the grate off the vent and then toss a some tear gas down there to get all the guards to run out (and open the locked doors)

Carry on towards the shipment container once you've swept the area. After that go into the other room that is connected to the warehouse. Cpt. Price will inform you of some armored guards closing in on your position. I found an easy way to handle this part is mount your sniper on the this door here (see screenshot) you can snipe the guards on their way in HEADSHOTS ONLY. You can also utilize your C4 that you have in your backpack!.

Now once you've survived lets head on towards the next building!

Same as before nothing fancy, get on top of the roof and take out the targets from above. Once you've killed quite a bit toss some tear gas down the vent to make them run out so Price and shoot them. Once you find the schematics on the desk in the building you will regroup with Price just outside, and make your way towards the lighthouse.

This sniping section is the same as before wait for Cpt. Price to call out your "notches" then proceed to kill the armored guards with only one exception you have to land headshots.

Once you've killed all the guards the achievement should pop!

Kill the armored guards that show up and make your way to the light house, I died quite a bit with these guards. What worked for me I actually ran back towards cpt price and took out the guards fast with precision!

You will have to clear some buildings. You already know what you need to do, just climb up on top of the roof and take out the enemies. I highly recommend you use your lethals, any frags or C4 now is the time to use them. This might lean a little towards trial and error.

On top of the roof for the middle building when using your sniper you can't see targets through the windows. Go around the roof shooting out all of the windows, believe me you will thank me later!

Follow the objective to move the washing machines to reveal ad secret tunnel follow Price down and you will have a small shoot out. Terrorists will invade Laswell's boat and capture her, it doesn't matter if you shoot the enemies or not it's scripted wait a bit for Price to climb up on the ledge and that will end the mission!

Well done! You've completed Recon by Fire and collected our achievement!
#10 Violence and Timing
Price and Gaz enlist some old friends to help rescue Laswell from AQ. You play as Gaz and the mission starts with you in the helicopter that Nikolai is piloting. Pretty straight forward take out the enemies in the vehicles and when you're low on ammo grab some from the wall to your left.

In this mission there are two achievements the "Keeping this One" and "Test Drive".

What I did, you're free to tackle it in any way you choose. I stayed on Veteran and completed both of them, however if you want you could switch the difficulty to recruit to play through this section.

Start with Test Drive and hijack the 5 vehicles right away, restart the checkpoint. You will start again on top of the truck you land on, use that one for its high health to do the other trophy/achievement.

It's up to you if you want to use the Cargo truck (the one you first land on) for the "Keeping this One" achievement, I personally used the truck next to it and had no issues.

Here are the vehicles I used to get the achievement.

The first truck you land on

Jump to the truck right next to it.

Down the road you will see a car parked on your right hand side.

There is a van parked on the side of the road up ahead (right at the turn)

This large utility truck, you should find one in the convoy up ahead.

After obtaining the achievement go ahead and "restart checkpoint" to get the next achievement, "Keeping this One".

There is a regular truck next to it, kill the bad guy and jump onto it and press "F" to hijack. If you're having issues with vehicle health you can always just use the first truck you land on as stated earlier. What you have to do here is shoot enemies while not taking much vehicle damage, but also looking after your own health.

Stay behind a cargo truck or anything bigger than your vehicle and pop out to shoot.

*Note When you lean out and go back into the vehicle your gun gets automatically reloaded as well as full ammo.

Don't forget you die easier than the vehicle so make sure you are discipline enough to stay back and regenerate your health!

Sometime will pass and there will a vehicle that will start dropping proximity mines on the road. During this section continue doing what you have been doing, but also stay clear of the mines. You can stick towards the left side of the road it seemed to be working out for me quite well. Just be patient and choose your shots, take out the guy in the back of the cargo truck who is throwing out the mines.

A short while later Cpt Price will pull up in a Large Cargo truck and tell you to hop in. When this happens just press the space key to climb out on top of the truck and jump in. If you did it correctly you will receive the achievement.

Just keep driving and shooting the enemies that show up in vehicles nothing too crazy. Sooner or later you will reach the end where you have the find the black suv that laswell is in. This section was a little tough on Veteran mainly because of the sandstorm that is going and the visibility is so low! Take your time go nice and slow and move up while always staying in cover and you should be fine.

Well done! Now let's see what Ghost and them are up to!
#11 El Sin Nombre
Soap, Alejandro, Ghost and Graves hatch a plan to infiltrate the home of Las Almas cartel lieutenant in search of the elusive El Sin Nombre. You play as Soap and you must search around the Villa.

We have one achievement we can get on this mission and another one where we can start making progress on it. They are as follows: "Ghost-In-Training" and "Gentleman Thief".

With "Gentleman Thief" we are required to unlock 3 safes throughout the campaign. There is one safe on this mission located in Diego's room. The other 2 are located on #13 Alone.

The Interrogation

Follow Diego through the hallway until get to "Valeria" she will be interrogating you.

As Alejandro said "Don't lie, tell them the truth". he meant it, at no point should you lie.
Or else Valeria will give you one more chance to tell the truth, if not she will kill you.

The correct answers for the interrogation are as follows, keep in mind the choices change around with each time you go in so it will be in a different spot the next etc.

  • Mexican Special Forces
  • American PMCs, Shadow Company
  • Phillip Graves

After that you can follow Diego back to the elevator and when you reach the top Alejandro will give you mask to put on. After this you are able to freely move about the villa, some areas are off-limits like Diego's room...which is where we have to go.

Diego's Room

Head straight and hang a left into the parlor room. On your immediate right you will see another room that leads outside, once outside you will see a ledge climb up it and move up the stairs.

Keep in mind for the "Ghost-In-Training" achievement we cannot kill any guards or have them raise the alarm. Take things nice and easy and have patience.

*Note Be mindful of checkpoints and don't be afraid to restart from checkpoint if you suspect you've been caught. YOU CAN STILL GET THE ACHIEVEMENT.

Here is my crudely drawn map in paint, its not to scale but you get the idea.

Follow the map and make your way to Diego's Room as soon as you open the door head straight down and turn right you should see a closet, open it and there will be a safe inside.

The code for the safe is: 020219

After collecting the stuff in the safe proceed back towards the pool table area. By now you should always make sure you're carrying a full stock of bottle just in case a guard is coming up on you that you didn't see. This is where it gets a little tricky. Toss a bottle down the hall where you see the guard standing outside the room that Diego is in (not to be confused with Diego's Room) then open the door to hide behind the wall directly in front of the door towards the left. It might be trial and error depending where the guard is facing when you initially open the door.

Now wait for the guard to turn and quickly get inside the closet next to Diego and close it immediately! Wait it out for a bit, he will do some speech about spirits and praying. After a moment you can toss a bottle towards the bathroom area to get the guard looking away from you and diego to move away from the keycard that you need to grab.

Once you have the keycard wait it out again once more for the guard to turn around and head towards the bathroom, once there quickly climb out he window an carry on to the roof.

On the roof just same as before toss some bottles to draw the guards away from you while you sneak towards the penthouse, then head up the ladder to meet Alejandro. Get inside the elevator shaft and go down a bit and hit the emergency brake located on top of the elevator door.

Get out on the 3rd floor and proceed down the hall you should unlock the "Ghost in Training" achievement if done correctly; and have made progress on the "Gentleman Thief" achievement.

After taking a look through the "Snakecam" you find out the El Sin Nombre is in fact Valeria. Breach and clear the door and kill Diego and his buddies. Beware there is 1 armored soldier that shows up, feel free to hide behind the door for reloading and regeneration. Proceed out on the roof to apprehend Valeria.

Nicely done! Lets move onto #12 Dark Water!
#12 Dark Water
Soap, Alejandro, Ghost, Graves and his Shadow Co race to an offshore oil platform to prevent an imminent strike on US soil. You play as Soap and must make your way through the oil rig to and locate the missiles so you can disarm them.

There are two achievements on this level and they're as follows:

When you approach Graves just up ahead he will tell you to go through the door.

Have your guard up, as soon as you enter a guard will barge through the other door just in front of you. Once you proceed through that door you can just pre-fire the other guard to your immediate right. Head out towards the stairwell to meet up with Alejandro.

When you head up the stairs you will see a couple of porta-potties(see screenshot below) aim at the one on the left and you should get the achievement "A Crappy Way to Die".

After the the breach section where a Shadow-1 soldier dies head outside and you will have a fire fight, take out the guards on the deck and beware of the ones hiding in the windows just above. Another tip is make sure you take out those red exploding barrels to clear some enemies out.

Clear the bridge or connector to head up the stairwell just outside at the end of the hall.

Don't Touch the Deck

This achievement was tricky to get especially on Veteran. I would recommend you complete the mission on Veteran then back out and retry on Recruit difficulty. However if you're brave enough you can attempt it on Veteran as I did.

*Note As stated by user "Golp003" 'You can touch the deck, load your last checkpoint and still get the achievement. You don´t need to restart de entire mission. I saw that in a video and it happens to me.'

Climb up the boat to get on top of the container.

Head towards the railing to reach the platform.

From the platform jump onto the blue container.

From here jump to the missile crate just below the red container then climb up.

Jump to the large crate in front.

To your left you will see a blue container jump to it.

It should be said make sure you clear the enemies around and take it slow.

Then make the jump to the red container.

Jump to the blue container, then the plaform (YOU MAY HAVE TO WAIT TO GET CLOSER)

Once there take out the enemies and proceed along the railing once more.

Then head towards the life raft just below the stairwell to unlock the achievement!

Well done! Now lets head interior and clear the bridge to find the missile controls.

After clearing out the enemies and making your way to the top you will find the missile codes, Graves will walk you through how to detonate the missiles on the oil rig.

Graves will tell you the login which is pressing "F" and "C" at the same time.

He will then ask you to read off the letter for coordinates. Not sure if it changes as I did it first try but for me it was the first column, second the list, and the last letter.

After that he will tell you to execute "SPACE" and watch the cutscene to end the mission! Nice Job!

#13 Alone
Alone, unarmed and hunted, Soap must improvise to survive. After watching the depressing cutscene you start off "Alone" as Soap and just like the title you're indeed alone. There is an achievement we will be getting on this mission called "Gunless". Which requires us to complete the mission without he use of guns. Let's get started.

*Note Only use melee! Throwing knives do count, however the crossbow does not!

Additionally we will be also getting the "Gentleman Thief" achievement as well, there are two safes on this mission that we will be getting! Assuming you've collected the first one in "El Sin Nombre".

When you start the mission Soap will be very injured so it will be hard to move at first, don't worry it should subside! With that head down the street and take the alley to your left. Stay behind the car and sneak your way towards the garage area.

When you enter you'll noticed the door is locked and you must improvise a way to open the door. Turn around and you'll see another door inside you will located "binding" and "metal" which can use to craft the "Pry Tool" proceed inside! During this section you will have to navigate with stealth and avoid being seen.

It's pretty easy just be sure to search the area/house thoroughly for supplies (binding and metal)

After climbing down the railing from the balcony (after the dog) head towards the left and up the stairs. In this part you can collect some bottles and mouse traps to navigate the area.

With a bottle throw one to distract the guard next to the candy shop, once he's investigating head inside. Up ahead there is another guard down the alleyway. Stay to the right and head inside the building should be a clothing shop.

Navigate until you reach an area where you will see a (after the dark hallway) green case, inside are just materials to make a mine (which we don't need) proceed out the window. And head towards the light climb in through the window and grab the knife!

Kill the guard just up ahead then turn around and head to the left to end up by the fountain again. Pickup some more bottles and loot the buildings, there is another guard that will discover the body. You can take him out as well, use a bottle if you have to. Then after looting several buildings make sure you're able to craft a smoke bomb. Then get close to the three enemies up ahead, like pretty close (hug the left side) and when you feel like you're close enough toss the smoke grenade at them. Quickly! Melee the 3 guards in succession. Try to avoid the take down if you can but it's not too big of a deal if you happen to take down one of them.

I'm not sure if I got lucky or what but I managed to pull it off the second time around, it was alot of fun trying to kill all three of them while they're distracted!

Carry on and drop down into the water below turn right and you will see a green door up ahead. DO NOT GO THROUGH! Go around the back and climb in throw the kitchen sink window to disarm the shotgun.

Once you've disarmed it head up stairs you will hear some banging on a door down the hall.

Open the door he will then crawl out, head forward into the doorway DO NOT DROP DOWN. We have a safe that is on this floor. From the doorway go left and open the door by using a pry tool.

Head over to the safe and input the code

The code for the safe is: 101080

Nicely done, that will give us the 2/3 for Gentleman Thief, but more importantly we now have a throwing knife which will help us. Lets make our way to the third one.

Once you drop down from broken railing shadow-1 will start searching the area. For this section just try your best in staying out of sight and killing them quietly.

Utilize the throwing knife. As soon as you drop head left and go prone to wait a few, after ghost's dialogue I suppose. Go out the door and head left, take out the soldier then head into the mechanics shop (door next to the soldier) There is a soldier in here as well take him out.

Proceed through and on your left you will see a safe in the backroom

The code for the safe is: 376080

That should do it for the "Gentleman Thief" achievement well done!

Navigate this section using stealth and sneaking your way towards the objective marker. Stealth takedowns and using the throwing knife. I personally found having two throwing knives very comical for this mission.

Press on until the reach the point where you drop down in the sewer tunnel.

There is a bottle on the dumpster to the left when you first enter the tunnel.
Right before the bend go underwater and swim towards the white van, go in front to swim up the catch your breath for a second or two. Then go underwater again and head towards the guard at the base of the stairs, get next to him and take him out. Go up the stairs once complete.
Alone (Continued)
As you reach the top of the stairs look to your right and you will see a white car, climb on top of it to get over the fence. Pick up some materials to craft a pry tool and pry open the door.

When you pry open the door you will get ambushed, but luckily Ghost will take out the guards coming to swarm you, only momentarily.

Quickly get up and head left, use the vehicles for cover until you reach a large alley way with a door leading inside. During this section I was playing on Veteran and had a very tough time. I recommend you stay in this building and take out all the guards in the area, use bottles and your 2 throwing knives and put in some work.

If it's proven just a little too tough for you, you can always finish this mission on Veteran and come back to this mission on Recruit.

Once you've taken out the guards head towards the Church to meet up with Ghost.

During this last part you will follow Ghost back the way you came to a truck, make sure you let Ghost take all the aggro for you to come up to a soldier and take him down. When you get close to the truck get in on the passenger side to complete the mission.

At this point the achievement should pop for "Gunless"

Well done! This was by far the hardest achievement to get for me so far doing this guide. Keep up the good work and lets head into the next mission #14 "Prison Break".
#14 Prison Break
Rudy(Rodolfo), Soap, and Ghost break into a Shadow Co black site prison to extract Alejandro and the Los Vaqueros. There are three achievements we can get on this mission, which are:

"No time to lose" , "Backpack Guy", and "Wall of Duty.

For"Wall of Duty" it does say we can obtain it in Co-Op but for us we will just knock it out now.

Follow your team until you get to a point where you have to snipe one of the guards in the first tower(the one on the far left)

Wait for Ghost to get into position and take out the guy on the right he is wearing a ball cap. One he is down proceed in killing the two armed guards by the truck of the HUM-V. After make your way to the base of tower and Rudy will shoot a grappling hook with rope at the tower.

Follow the ladder down behind Ghost and he will lead you to the CCTV room. Remember we have to do this in 4 minutes for the achievement.

*Note When you pause the game, you pause the timer. Keep that in-mind if you need to refer back to the video to see what you need to do next.

I recommend watching "Maka91Productions" he made an excellent video in showing what needs to be done for this section. I normally would include alot of this for the guide, however this section is pretty straight forward. The video provides much help as you can pause it and see what needs to be done. Thanks Maka.

After the tedious work of figuring what you have to do, you will have earned the achievement!

Now for the "Backpack Guy" achievement, this one I died a few times trying to figure out a proper route/tactic. So I'll break it down for you, and just know I did it on Veteran. Again if you're struggling with it, I suggest just finishing the mission on Veteran then switching over to Recruit.

*Note I'd recommend using the tear gas because it lasts longer.

Take out the two enemies above you, because they're annoying.

When they're dead equip your frag grenades and tear gas. Position yourself in like in the screenshot I provide and toss 1 tear gas, along with a frag grenade.

After that go ahead and get behind this pillar and equip your semtex, and toss it to the right of where you originally tossed your frag.

When that is done equip your molotov and get behind this blue bin, from here you can toss a tear gas grenade towards the enemy in the stairwell. Then just lob a molotov right at him.

And with that the achievement should pop! Now lets get "Wall of Duty".

head up the stairs and take out the two soldiers and breach the door with Ghost to free Alejandro

Then head once again upstairs and be sure to restock your supplies with the ammo crate just inside. Down the hall will be two riot shielders, toss a tear gas and throw as many frags/semtexes you need to take them out. When they're dead pickup one of their shields.

Move up after letting out the Vaqueros, and you will come across a Cafe' that you will drop down in. From here take the right side and head into the serving area.

Toss a flashbang to stun some enemies and all you have to do is melee three enemies and the "Wall of Duty" achievement should pop. Very easy! Nothing to it!

Well done!

For the cafe section I took cover towards the back by this bench, and did the standard Veteran gameplay. Prone and throw grenades .. hah.

After that you will follow your squad outside, for this section you should be mounting your gun and taking out the soldier's with headshots. Some vehicles will appear and you will be able to detonate them. They're the same vehicles that Ghost placed explosives underneath during the CCTV part.

You will get to a point where you will have to go inside, very important grab the TAC-56 with the M203 on it (noob tube) for the upcoming riot shield guys. It's extremely useful!

This section was tough, what worked for me was wall mounting here (see screenshot) and taking out some of the ground enemies and then quickly subduing the catwalk soldiers. It's better if you position yourself to where the basketball hoop backboard is blocking the fire from the catwalk dudes.

Use your grenade launcher to take out the riot shield guys when they approach, also if you need ammo or any grenades run back inside and visit the table to refill all.

Keep moving up and Cpt. Price will shoot down a helicopter for you. Climb up the rope when he drops it and proceed to take out the enemies and detonate some more vehicles. Some time will pass and an enemy will bust down the door on Alejandro's right hand side.

Once he does it will open up ammo cache for a grenade launcher and a sniper. Self-explanatory use the grenade launcher to take out the vehicles and use the sniper to snipe the enemies in the distance. Just hold out and then you will be able to escape to complete the mission!

Well done! on to the next!
#15 Hindsight
Laswell uncovers intel regarding a stolen shipment of American missiles. This is an extremely short mission, I honestly thought of not even putting it in. Just standard gameplay peek out the truck and take out some enemies and get back inside when you need to recover. Pretty straight forward.

There are no achievements on this level.
#16 Ghost Team
TF-141 and Los Vaqueros go on a rogue mission against their own. This mission contains one achievement "Practice makes Perfect". It requires us to do some target practice.

For this one I recommend completing the mission and replaying it on Recruit. It will make your life much easier. Not only do you have to take out the targets but enemies are shooting at you and it will make your life a pain.

You will notice some lasers once Alejandro tosses some smoke. Head to the red alarm on the wall to deactivate them. You will do the same up ahead.

Proceed through the mission where you exit the van and you have to use your spotter scope to take down the building. Don't forget to equip your armor plates.

Once you make it inside you should find some ammo boxes and some flashbangs, but more importantly armor plates. Take those then head up to the top of the building and pickup the sniper. Take out as many as you can with it. Be sure to use the helicopter you have to tag enemies.

You will see a large yellow missile door up ahead go inside and pickup the M4 that has a thermal scope, it will be VERY useful to taking out the targets for the achievement later.

Move up taking out several enemies and some snipers. Again, take cover and utilize the helicopter and you should be fine. Press on to the front of the building to being the second section as Gaz with Alejandro.

Once outside go prone by the vehicles and just keep making your way towards the objective. I'd try to keep shooting to a minimum here.

When you're done sneaking through this area while proning under the cars you will then approach the hangar where Valeria is in. Use your flashbangs for this part as there are some armored soldiers. Just be careful and take them out.

When it fades black you will again play as Soap and hunt down Graves. Clear the building and head towards Rudy. He will let you over the wall.

From here is where we can obtain the achievement.

*Note Do not grab any rockets/C4 charges, kill the enemies then proceed to take out the targets.

Theres no easy way to do this other than be on Recruit difficulty, don't do what I did and attempt this on Veteran. You will save yourself the headache. I highly recommend watching a video because it made my head spin to figure out which ones I had/didn't I will place this video here.

This video is by "PS5Trophies" and he made a very easy to follow guide on how to collect the achievement.

After you've shot all of the targets it should pop!

Now then for the hard part, take out graves using the C4 charges and BE sure to take cover from all the enemies that arrive. This part is extremely hard on Veteran. What you need to do and what helped me, taking out some of the enemies then when you grab the C4 toss it on the road if you watch Graves' tank it will follow a set path as long as you're inside one of the buildings

Detonate the C4 when he drives over it. This mission takes a lot of patience and I died probably what seems like over 1000 times. Just hang in there you got this!

When you've completed the Mission by killing Graves congratulations! The Hardest part is done! But lets not get too ahead of ourselves we have the final mission to do!
#17 Countdown
TF-141 deploys with the MARSOC marines to prevent an attack on an American city. There are three achievements we can obtain on this mission and it is the "Must be Wind" one and the other two being "Time for Pints", and "Cutting Heads off Snakes". We will focus on gathering "Must be Wind" because the other two will be given automatically.

Follow Cpt. Price to hook up and rappel down the side of the building. This part is actually pretty cool, execute the bad guys and protect the hostages. If you take too long they will kill a hostage. You can hear Ghost give you a number on how many hostiles there are in the room, before engaging just make sure you have full vision of each one.

*Note I recommend you use the "VEL-46" for its magazine capacity.

Your first one will have 2 enemies, take them out before they fire. Should be pretty easy.

Next one is 3 in the room and 1 in the hallway, 4 total. Take them out.

There are 5 enemies on this one. Position yourself for a clear shot to take them all out.


  • Be sure to start from the left and move to the right, accuracy and precision are a must here.
  • To make things a little easier, the two in the middle if you wait a moment they will line up. Giving you an easy two target take down.
  • What you do is start from the left, have patience for the two to line up. Then take out all the targets, quickly.

After successfully taking out the terrorists without them firing, the achievement should pop!

You've unlocked our last campaign achievement! Besides the two gimmes after we complete this mission! Nicely done!

For this next section you're with Cpt. Price and you have sweep the server room looking for Hassan. Take it nice and easy and clear the rooms with precision, utilize flashbangs and frag grenades, they will help you a ton especially for the riot shielders!

Press on and when you have to rappel again and breach into another area, immediately run to your left by the piano. It worked for me as a nice spot to take out enemies and take cover.

Move up with Price and now head towards the Bar this is an excellent spot for taking out enemis. Whenever you see an armored soldier coming just toss out a flash and you should be fine.

This next part is actually a lot of fun I thought, you will grab the missile controls and you will have to find several hiding spots to avoid the enemies looking for you. Open it when you're in the clear for a moment or two and Laswell will tell you how to detonate the missile in-flight. I found as soon as you start quickly run behind and stick to the right side and go to the corner (see screenshot below) it worked for a good while.

When you detonate the missile you're required to take out Hassan's men. This part is really similar to the "Alone" mission where you have to scavenge for supplies and craft weapons. Theres no "correct" way going about this, just stay out of sight and find supplies ot make a "Glass Shiv" once you have it take out the enemies without the other one seeing you. Keep in mind you can hide under the cubicles to stay out of sight and find an opening.

Once you've killed the required amount of enemies a cutscene will play out where Hassan is dragging Soap towards the window. Then you will play as Ghost, all you need to do is perform a headshot to take Hassan out.

Once you've done that, well done! You have completed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

"Time for Pints" and "Cutting Heads off Snakes" should pop, keep in mind the "Cutting heads of Snakes" takes a minute for it to pop, so don't feel worried as I did, enjoy the cutscenes!

Co-Op / Spec Ops
  • Welcome to the Co-Op section of the guide, at this point if you've followed the guide you should have 18 achievements collected sitting at 75% done. Which is awesome! Congratulations!

  • However we are not out of the woods yet. We have 6 more achievements to collect, so find a friend or link up with someone in the comments below to knock out these last few.

I will list all the Co-Op missions here along with their star requirements

[1 Star] Complete High Ground

[2 Star] Complete High Ground in under 20:00 minutes

[3 Star] Complete High Ground in under 15:00 minutes.

*Note Required to get 3 stars for the "Hellride" achievement

[1 Star] Complete Denied Area

[2 Star] Complete Denied Area in under 25:00 minutes

[3 Star] Complete Denied Area in under 16:00 minutes

*Note Required to get 3 stars for the "Night Fight" achievement.

[1 Star] Complete Low Profile

[2 Star] Complete Low Profile in under 25:00 minutes

[3 Star] Complete Low Profile in under 15:00 minutes

*Note Required to get 3 stars for the "Kings of the Mountain" achievement.

[1 Star] Complete Mt. Zaya

[2 Star] Complete Mt. Zaya while allowing 9 or fewer bombs planted.

[3 Star] Complete Mt. Zaya while allowing 3 or fewer bombs planted.

[1 Star] Complete Mt. Zaya

[2 Star] Complete Mt. Zaya while allowing 9 or fewer bombs planted.

[3 Star] Complete Mt. Zaya while allowing 3 or fewer bombs planted.
High Ground
Here we go on our mission to collect the Co-Op achievements, and that lands us here. On "High Ground". As you may have noticed some of these achievements you can get just playing through for example the "Only the Beginning" requires you to get 1 star, which means just complete a mission.

This works out, just complete the mission thats all you have to do. We don't have to complete High Ground on three stars or anything. This mission is pretty simple, you have two teams. The Ground Team and the Air Support Team.

Ground Support:

It's the "boots on ground" team, you will be the one going in-and-out of the buildings destroying the computers and collecting the hard drives throughout he mission. Watch out for claymores inside, the enemies also can be a little sneaky with their placement. You will also be tasked with bringing the juggernauts outside for the Air Support Team to take him out.

AIr Support:

You will be piloting the helicopter to cover and assist the ground team. You will also be marking the objective (ping) for ground team to find the intel within the buildings. Probably the easier of the two. When you're piloting you can hit the "N" key to toggle between the thermal and regular vision. Thermal makes targeting a lot easier.

*Note Air Support team CANNOT collect intel fragments.

There are also 10 hidden intel locations on this mission. Which we will need to collect for the "Full SSE" achievement follow this video by "TNRMQN" to find the locations.

Once you've completed the mission the achievement should pop!

Well done! Now lets head over to "Denied Area".
Denied Area
Denied Area, is a mission where you have to go out and destroy some S.A.M. sites. There are 4 S.A.M. sites in total. This mission was pretty tough for me at first until I realized how comical it actually is the unlock the achievement. On this mission we will be getting the "Hellride" achievement, which requires to complete the mission in under 16 minutes.

First things first, start off by running straight ahead and taking out the two guards by the post.

Next, grab the RAPP-H. This LMG will be helping us ALOT throughout the mission. You will use it for taking out enemies, its perfect for the high ammo capacity

After that, move up and take out the guards on top of the building.

Then the two below.

Look to the left of the ones you just took out, they will discover the bodies if you don't kill them and alert the others.

After that take a moment and deploy your armor plates. To have a full stock. Then look to the road you will see 4 guards talking. Two of them should walk away to approach the main gate, when they do take out the other two by the guard shack.

Then, make your way on the road to move up to shack. Take out the guards that are in front of the compound. When they're toast take out the sniper/grenade launcher above. (There are two of them but the other comes out once they have been alerted.)

Proceed to take out the three guards in the middle

Plant the charges quickly, and utilize the flashbang if you need it, after you plant the charge head inside the building Note* During this time while inside the building I'd recommend plating up if you need to! (The one where you just sniped the dude on top of the building before planting the charges) head up and kill him, meanwhile your teammate grabs the vehicle and moves it behind the wall. Once he is dead meet up with your teammate and drive out of there!

NIcely done! The first S.A.M. turret is destroyed! Now onto the next three. For this section you'll be driving and a helicopter will show and start dropping mines. They're pretty easy to avoid. As your approach a cargo truck in the middle of the road, a RPG soldier will fire at you. You can take him out he stands on the corner of the building - smoke em'

Then when you approach the yellow pipeline you'll see some more houses up ahead, there are RPG soldiers up there, take them out before they destroy your vehicle.

*Note If your vehicle does take critical damage there is red cargo truck nearby the house, take it.

Stay on the left side after driving under the bridge and avoid taking damage, have your teammate take out the RPG soldiers on the rooftop. Keep in mind at any point if your vehicle explodes open your map and locate the nearest vehicle.

*Note Follow the waypoint exactly, its crucial you do or else it won't spawn Nikolai for the next segment of the mission.

  • For this part, you will see a bunch of waypoints open up for you. Stay on the road, and take a left towards B, when you get close to it park the vehicle so it won't get damage (use the right side of the stone wall) and climb over to plant the charges.

  • Quickly hop back in and head towards C. When you get to C this is the hardest of the bunch because of the juggernaut. Make sure you're fully plated before planting the charges.

  • Head inside and plant the charges once you do have the juggernaut kill both of you for fastest results KILL YOURSELVES TO SPAWN CLOSER TO D you will not fail the mission! Once you both die, hit "Retry" at the top!

After that, plate up restock on ammo and head towards the last objective. After planting the charges on the last S.A.M. unit this is your time to take out the helicopter. Use your LMG you grabbed in the beginning and take it out. You and your teammate should have picked up rocket launchers at the armory (when you respawned) throw everything you got to take it out. Once it's down proceed to exfil for the achievement!

*Note You can die as many times as you want and retry. As long as you're under 16 minutes you will get the achievement!

Once complete, the achievement should pop! Nicely done!

With that, we will head over to "Low Profile" next.
Low Profile
In this mission you're tasked with gathering radioactive materials using the gieger counter. As the name of the mission implies we are going to be stealthy and sneak around taking enemies out as need be and collect materials. There are three achievements we can unlock for this mission and they're as follows, "Full SSE", "Going Dark", and "Night FIght".

First things first, lets get 3 stars on this mission then we will worry about doing it without triggering any alarms. Just so we can get an idea of the overall layout of the map and what enemies there are.

So when you're ready head towards the back of the plane after watching the cutscene and ready up.

*Note Either you or your teammate will have to solo A or C, the choice is yours.

*Note I recommend going at it together and helping eachother out on each point, then you can decide which one you prefer (You might like A, he/she might like C) etc.

Once you're both in the plane you're going to have to split up to save time. One player goes to C, and the other goes to A. Doing this speeds up the mission tenfold. Once you've collected the materials head towards the next objective.

Link up with your teammate at A, try to stick to linking up here as its just overall better for tackling the last objective. Once you've both got together it's time to make your way. Head towards the objective and drop in the water, swim across and stick to the left. Toward the back of the building there is a ladder that leads up to the top with an opening. Take it! Eliminate the required enemies and grab the radioactive material and high tail it to exfil.

After driving like a mad man, you'll have to hold out and wait for the helicopter to extract you both. Just position the vehicle by the green smoke on the hill and use it for cover you should be fine.

Once the helicopter gets there board it!

You should receive three stars and the achievement should pop!

Congratulations! We only have three more achievements left! Let's go for "Full SSE".

So for this mission you should only have to collect 10 intel fragments because we collected 10 earlier on the "Denied Area" mission. Theres no time limit or anything just follow the video and you should be fine. Again, I'm going to reference "Maka91productions" video as it's very simple and easy to follow. Be sure to show him some love as well thanks Maka!

After collecting 10 more intel fragments on "Low Profile" the achievement should pop! And award us with the "Full SSE" achievement! Well done! Now lets go for "Going Dark".

For the "Going Dark" achievement you're going to need a good friend or a very patient teammate this one is a bit hard and requires absolute precision! Again just like when you were getting 3 stars for this mission, you must choose your initial location to solo. After you've chosen it's time to preform at nothing less than perfection. I will guide with screenshots and what has worked for me and hopefully it will work for you! Good luck to you!


*Note You only have to collect radioactive materials to without alerting the guards. YOU DO NOT NEED TO COMPLETE THE MISSION FOR THE ACHIEVEMENT

After exiting the airplane dive bomb it to objective C. Land on the rooftop to the right and take out the 2 guards on top, and the 1 on the balcony. Peek through the door and take out the guard to your immediate right, then check the back corner for the radioactive material.

If it's not there backout and restart. Keep doing this until you get the objective to spawn inside the crate.

Obtain the material then jump out the window from the room you're in, proceed to sprint to the next building directly in your view.

When you push up you will hear a nearby vehicle approaching just take cover and wait for it passby. Once it's gone just keep making your way towards your teammate holding it down at A for you.

*Note Your teammate should just be playing it safe and waiting for you, If they're comfortable solo'ing A then do it, if not link up and take out A together then proceed to B."

Link up with your teammate and take out A, eliminate the enemies and take it nice and slow. Remember once you're spotted thats when they sound the alarm not when they see a dead body. I know it's weird but hey whatever we just need the achievement.

After your found the objective head over to B. Stick to the left and towards the cliffside and once you make your way up a vehicle will be coming just take cover in bushes to the left. Once there take out the enemies on the ground at the same time!

Once they're dead go around the back and climb up the ladder and take the position at the edge of the building to wait for the enemies to arrive in the vehicle to spot the dead bodies. Take them out.

You're almost there keep it up! You will see an opening in the roof take position next to it and you will see two guards below take them out at the same time. Once they're dead drop in together and be weary of the guard behind the closed door within the room, sweep the top floor looking for the objective. Once you've found it you should receive the achievement!

Well done lets obtain our last achievement! "Kings of the Mountain"!
Defender: Mt. Zaya
In this mission you're both tasked with assisting marines in holding the observatory. We have our final achievement to get and it is "Kings of the Mountain" it requires us to complete the mission with 3 stars. To do this you need to protect the points and make sure the enemies DO NOT plant the bomb on any site. In other words "Complete Defender: Mt. Zaya while allowing 3 or fewer bombs planted".

So when your jump in, you'll be in a helicopter on your way to land. As soon as you land be sure to pick up any weapon you would like on the wall towards the left. I highly recommend you grab a LMG and a SMG for your secondary, the reason being you will have a rifle that uses AR ammo and SMG uses SMG ammo etc. Try not to use the same ammo type for both of your weapons. Whenever the round is over you should be refilling your ammo, buying the “reinforcements” as well as “sentries” and “cruise missiles” they will assist you a lot!

*Note It should be noted, when the bomb is planted on the FIRST site (round 1) it does NOT count towards the 3 stars and the achievement.

Just clear out the tunnel and above, make sure you and your teammate split up. When the round is over return to the buy and station and be sure to always purchase the "Refinforcements" you'll thank me later, and be sure to restock ammo and armor plates.

Rounds 1 - 3 are not too bad just make sure you both cover the site and be sure no enemy can plant the bomb. When the mortar shells start, get indoors and wait for the AI to take them out.

Round 5 is when the riot shielders come out, this isn't too bad as it seems. You start with 3 flash bangs, just continue doing what you have been doing-take out the enemies as needed then proceed to target the riot shielders. Toss a flash at them and run behind for an easy take down.

Round 6 is where things pickup, keep in the mind as long as 4 bombs haven't been planted you will still receive the achievement and you must complete the mission. Position yourself between the two points (as seen below) and take out as many enemies as you can.

*Note Your teammate must not allow anyone to plant at A (it is easier to hold)

*Note Also don't worry if they plant at B or C, it is fine as long as you take out the enemies and it doesn't exceed 4"

After all that you should receive the achievement!

That's it! You've done it!
  • That wraps everything up! If you've made it this far I want to congratulate you personally for achieving 100% in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II whether you followed my walk-through from beginning to end, or used it as a quick-stop to pickup a pesky achievement. Regardless! You've done well!

  • This guide took about 3 weeks to write, with on average playing anywhere between 2-4 hrs a day! It has been my pleasure to bring you my guide and hope it has served you well!

  • I will continue to make guides and walk through's because I find it genuinely fun to do so, and last but not least a special thanks to everyone who helped me along the way:


    Respect +

Farewell! "Bravo Six going dark".
Retired from CoD Feb 2, 2023 @ 5:37am 
We solved it. If you fail , DO NOT click retry :bombed: Return the lobby and restart again ( for Going Dark achievement )
Retired from CoD Feb 1, 2023 @ 3:54pm 
Yes . We have been working for 7 hours but still we cant earn it. What should we do ? Do you have any suggestion ?
Dont worry. We did not trigger any alarm or we have never used any check point .
Cpt.ADALETINSESI Feb 1, 2023 @ 3:51pm 
we have a problem we cant achieve going dark achievement we already finished the mission without triggering alarm and we finished the mission in 11 minutes but it still not gives us the achievement
Bad Hasher  [author] Dec 20, 2022 @ 6:57pm 
No problem! Thank you!
noMercy Dec 20, 2022 @ 4:46pm 
Realy nice guide, well written. Thanks alot !
Bad Hasher  [author] Dec 13, 2022 @ 7:10am 
@Golp003 Thank you for the clarification! I will update the guide!
Golp003 Dec 13, 2022 @ 7:10am 
Really good guide thanks you :steamthumbsup::steamthumbsup:
Golp003 Dec 13, 2022 @ 7:08am 
You can touch the deck, load your last checkpoint and still get the achievement. You don´t need to restart de entire mission. I saw that in a video and it happens to me.
Bad Hasher  [author] Dec 11, 2022 @ 12:47pm 
No problem! Good hunting!
ButterKnife Dec 11, 2022 @ 8:38am 
Holy cow for the calendar one, I was just playing that mission for the first time and I spent such a long time trying to find a small note or something that had a code. Reminds me of EE hunting when new zombie maps come out. Thanks for the comment!