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How to Make your Own Mosaticon
By Mino
Learn how to get started, edit, and upload your own mosaticon with Steam Tools' Mosaticon extension.
How to make your own mosaticon
1- Go to this link:[]

2- Once you're in the website, you should see this:

2.1- Fill the blank case with your SteamID64, and click on Fetch Emoticons. To find your SteamID64, go to steamidfinder[] and copy this ID:
*Note: the SteamID64 used can be from anybody, it doesn't have to be yours. However, if you use someone else's SteamID64, and you don't own all his emoticons, you won't be able to use the mosaticon in your profile.

3- Once your emoticons are successfully loaded, scroll all the way down, and from there, you have two choices:
You can either load a JPEG file, or start a blank canvas, if you want to make it from scratch.
How to edit your mosaticon

Left arrow: Undo.
Pen: Pen tool.
Line: Line tool.
Square: Square tool.
Circle: Circle tool.
Arrows: Move tool.
Droplets: Bucket tool.
Left T: Horizontal flip.
Right T: Vertical flip.

On the emoticon list:
Left click to select an emoticon.
Right click to disable an emoticon from your palette.
How to apply your mosaticon into your profile
Once your mosaticon is done, simply click on Export.

Before doing anything else, make sure that your mosaticon contains less that 8000 characters (or 800 if you want to use it in comments). Make sure to also keep the text file. You will need it for later.

Then, simply copy the text file you saved, and paste it on either a Custom Info Box or a Items Up For Trade showcase.

When you edit your profile, it often happens that your mosaticon bugs out, especially when you have many mosaticons featured in your profile. To fix this, you have to use the text files you should have saved earlier and redo the last step with each mosaticon before saving your edit.
Mino  [author] Feb 29 @ 3:39pm 
and all the links are removed SOMEHOW
Liny Feb 29 @ 3:34pm 
thank you (:
Mino  [author] Feb 29 @ 3:31pm 
FYI: the export file is always a text file, the way I initially wrote it may have lead to confusion.
Liny Feb 24 @ 10:31am 
thank you but how can I change export file in a text file? :eaglegrin:
.(inactive) Dec 5, 2023 @ 8:05am 
Mino  [author] Jun 18, 2023 @ 10:23am 
Thank you. I appreciate your feedback.
da-xena Jun 18, 2023 @ 10:07am 
Well and "Step by Step" explained.
As a bonus, a prize for you.:cybercup:
◥▶ ◀◤ Oct 14, 2022 @ 1:55pm 
:SiT_WKitten::HentaiPaw::sg2_bq4: please add me, u have by far the nicest red profile ive seen in my life :100::mooning: :Popsicle:
◥▶ ◀◤ Oct 14, 2022 @ 1:43pm 
  :breakheart::breakheart:    :breakheart::breakheart:   
:breakheart:     :breakheart:     :breakheart:
:breakheart:        :BrokingHeart: :BrokingHeart:  :BrokingHeart: :BrokingHeart:
   :breakheart:   :BrokingHeart:  :breakheart: :BrokingHeart:      :BrokingHeart:
      :breakheart::BrokingHeart::breakheart:            :BrokingHeart:
         :breakheart::BrokingHeart:         :BrokingHeart:
               :BrokingHeart:   :BrokingHeart: