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6 people found this review helpful
4.9 hrs on record
Midnight Girl was my first point-and-click. It was very straightforward and I loved the puzzly aspect while interacting with a lot of objects in each room. They don't give hints or clues for the most part, which added to the challenge. It is a light game and I was able to finish the whole thing in 5 hours while streaming. I think the storyline is beautiful and makes way for a sequel. The art is beautiful too. I'm glad this game doesn't have a "gotchya" vibe where if you accidentally do a puzzle wrong, you're screwed. If they make another game like this I'm going to play it!
Posted October 12, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
8.6 hrs on record (4.7 hrs at review time)
I've only played this game 1p but it's been a fun/addicting puzzle with replayability! Combo spells and fighting power to defeat enemies and fulfill quests. I've beaten the first level, but can't for the life of me beat the second one. I keep on trying though, so that's a good sign!
Posted March 29, 2023.
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8 people found this review helpful
3.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I went into Nemesis Distress watching the trailers and with 15 hours of Nemesis: Lockdown played. I've never played the board game, but knew Distress was pulling away from the typical digital board game implementation and wasn't expecting the regular dice roll/card draw.
- The tutorial was good. It shoots you right into it, and unlocks one thing for your normal game so you should do it either way.
- The settings didn't allow the sound to stay on if you clicked your mouse outside of the game. That was a bit annoying, and it did the same thing as Lockdown. I wish the sound would stay on the entire time. The settings were clear enough, but I couldn't find one setting for the map which I'll mention below. The volume/control was good with multiple settings. I liked how you could change the spiders in the game to holographics, just in case you have a fear of spiders. But honestly they're nothing compared to the adult aliens haha
- I played multiplayer with friends. I like how it was a different button in the main menu than playing with public. I wish I could add friends to easily invite them. Right now they just enter the code on your screen.
- This game didn't tell this clearly: the blue circles on your map tell you where to go on the MAIN mission which everyone shares. So if it's "search bodies," there will be a bunch of blue circles. If someone searches a body, the blue circle goes away. The blue circles change throughout the game depending on what you need to do. The RED circles are for the side missions (again, all of us have the same main and side missions). So if something needs to break, such as an alarm, it will have a red circle on the map. Go to it and do the action before the timer ends. This doesn't make you win the game, but it helps you from dying quicker due to slowing down the ship's destruction.
- The map is NOT GOOD. It's overwhelming, VERY difficult to see. You have to walk to a dark corner and then pull it up. The transparency makes it super hard to see. I had a VERY hard time identifying my arrow on the map when pulled up. I used the tiny static map while walking most of the time. I wish that the overall map could pop up over the main game as you're walking -- then it would make sense to be that faded and transparent. I wish you could make the pop-up map more visible in the settings. If the setting was there, I couldn't find it.
- My audience liked how quickly everyone died. It made it fast-action and quick paced to play games over and over. I, however, did not. There weren't enough spots to heal or even FIND healing. Nemesis: Lockdown was WAAY better about this. I worry about replayability because of it. Or I just need to get gud. XD
- I always wish I could add people as friends if I play with random people. There's some players I want to see if they want to play another round, but for both Nemesis games there's no way to do this (yet).
- This is probably a work in progress, but there's no end screen. I didn't even know who made it out alive. I don't see what anyone else's missions are, either. Because besides the main mission and the mini missions, each player has a secret mission. Compare this to the killing missions in Lockdown, i.e. "Brady can't make it out alive."
- The spaces to hide in is almost impossible to find when you're in a panic. I like Lockdown where you press "tab" and the things in the room highlight if you can interact with it.
- Chat went away while I was spectating and I was trying to encourage the last survivor.
- Lastly, the colors/faded transparency/hard to see while moving gave a couple people in our party a headache. Maybe I'm getting old.

Overall, I felt like I was battling WITH the game instead of PLAYING the game. The game only crashed once at the end of a failed mini mission. I feel like even though Nemesis: Lockdown had more typos/rough things, it plays better and has an addictive feel to it. It's very fun. This game COULD be at that point, and even more. If I could change two things about this game it would be: visibility and the map.

Should you get it? If you like Nemesis then YES. This game is in early access at the time of it's writing. After 3 hours, I'm itching to play again. It has a lot of potential and I look forward to getting some scares out again.
Posted June 15, 2022.
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7 people found this review helpful
22.0 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I went into this game blind, never playing the board game. I watched the first three videos and had help from several people in chat while I played. I played the first two games solo, then the rest multiplayer. Some with chat, then mixed with random people. It was SO FUN! I got hooked. I played it for five hours straight this evening. There were some glitches and bugs but nothing major. The sound was good, and I kept on wanting to play again and again. My game never crashed but my friend's did once.
Notes: I would like chat to remain constantly there and have a toggle on/off. Even during the turn changes, since there's so many mini-cutscenes during a multiplayer game. I kept on trying to chat and it would disappear because someone would end their turn. I like the other longer cut scenes, so I didn't want to completely deactivate them. It annoyed the others too.
While picking an item, or computer card, I wish I could see some of my information. I.e. If I draw an item card that gives me an option to refill my ammo, or choose the other one that gives me a new but weaker gun, I want to see how much ammo I have left in the gun in my hand. But I cannot, and I can't cancel/go back in. During the map overlay, I wish I could see what round we're in. When changing power, I wish I could see what round we're in on that screen so I can see what phase the power will go out again.
I was operating a stream while playing. I would often have to interact on the second monitor for OBS. When I moved my mouse out, it wouldn't exit the game, but rather silence everything and freeze it. I wish it gave me an option in graphics/volume settings to avoid that.
I wish I could've added the people in the game as friends. There was a twist at the end of the game because of a bug and I wanted to tell them but there was no way to even chat with them on the end screen which showed the scores. I never got to say goodbye or GGs either because the end is a mini cut scene and chat disappeared.
I would like a stats page, see my past game scores, how many multi/solo, how many I won/lost, who I've played with in the past.
It would be nice to have a family friendly option for dialogue--there were some F bombs so I couldn't label as a family friendly stream.
There were so many volume options but I couldn't figure out which one exactly went for multiplayer mode gun shots, if any applied for it. The gunshots were very loud compared to other things.
The end of the longest game someone won even though it showed on our screen that they died.
One person couldn't join multiplayer due to a bug. They could only play solo.
Devs can contact me if they have any questions, I joined the discord. Thank you for making a great game. The graphics, sound, affects, everything. This game is great already and will be even cooler when it's polished. I look forward to playing this again...maybe tomorrow!
Posted June 1, 2022.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 entries