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Recent reviews by Unpatchable Luigi

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3 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Give credit when credit is due when companies get things right. Very awesome of them to do this! Feels guilty getting it for free lmao.
Posted June 13, 2023.
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726.5 hrs on record (714.0 hrs at review time)
I don't review often but felt obligated to in this case as I hope it'll shift the direction of a company and game that seems to be going downhill at a rapid pace if the communities voice is heard.

I miss the War Thunder I had when I was younger. It is very sad to me that it seems what once was such a great game has been tainted by a greedy corporation with time. So many predatory marketing tactics over time: Reducing base returns, consumable limitations, battlepass getting gradually worse, releasing things broken then nerfing after purchases, forcing buying past vehicles for tier progression, crews are pay to win in many aspects, Backups are pay to win in many aspects, FPE and Parts requiring research, incredibly grindy events, the fact you now basically require premiums to get any real reward, lootbox mechanics, etc etc etc. This backlash has been a long time coming as things have only gotten worse and worse with time.

I feel the real culprit is that you have had a lack of competition for too long and have a monopoly in your genre. This isn't a backlash by the community on a single change but a pattern you have created over the course of years. Your recent economy proposal sparked the resentment of all of us who have grin and bared your greedy changes for so long. The responses haven't been any helpful to your case at all. It essentially is gas lighting to claim these economy proposals are in the communities best interest somehow. I want to be on your side again but you have just totally ruined the foundation with the community at this point. It matters little you reverted the changes when we all expect you to just wait till heat dies down and re-implement the proposal in increments over time to force it through.

You also can't try to pin blame on the community for this. You can't complain about review bombing and that we should instead use the forums. You never seem to consider proposals that don't earn cash and even the content creators with direct connection feel they have gone unheard from what I've seen. Regardless here is what I'd like to see:

-Remove or at least reduce repair costs that provide no economic balance (the purpose originally proposed) and just serves to punish nowadays. It rarely ever accomplishes it's goals regardless.

-Re-balance economy multipliers even just a little to be more forgiving. Make it so premiums aren't mandatory but instead helpful like it was before.

-Gut out some of the predatory marketing implementations. So many things fit this bill I couldn't list them all but the tier progression, researches, FPE and Parts, crew progression, backups, loot box crates, etc are some examples.

I care little if I can win anymore, at this point I just want to see you lose if you keep this up. This conduct is reflecting poorly on the gaming community as a whole. I can't sit idly and send the message that game companies can just walk over us like this.

Posted May 21, 2023.
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6 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
I enjoyed this DLC! Although i recommend some others before this one.

Peace deal options are well thought out and enhance the experience a ton. AI isn't as braindead but I still would recommend player led peace deals. Air designer is great although makes the game feel a bit tedious to manage. Italy finally getting a competent tree is amazing! I remember how it was a meme (along side USSR till NSB) for it's terrible focus tree.

Embargoing is mostly RP tool, medals are rather ignorable as well. Swiss and Ethiopia focus trees were sorta bleh imo. italy civil war mechanic is frustrating often times tbh.
Posted December 27, 2022.
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0.0 hrs on record
Great DLC as I'm looking at it!

Logistics, Tanks, Weather, Combat changes, Focus tree changes, etc. make for a very fun experience so far.

Although I pre-ordered back in October so idk why I can't have katyusha song... :(
Posted November 23, 2021. Last edited November 23, 2021.
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281.8 hrs on record (59.3 hrs at review time)
Great game! I'm sure I could easily spend upwards of 200+ hours mastering a faction and I wouldn't even have learned all that could offered between all the different lords/units/campaign abilities for it. This, plus the fact that there are so many factions to choose from, means that the game is almost infinite in replayability! Not to even mention mortal empires! If you have the both the first and second game mortal empires becomes available which is a mega map of both games put into one! WITH EVEN MORE FACTIONS AND RACES TO TRY OUT!

The only downside realistically is the fact crucial units and the more diverse factions are locked behind a ton of dlc purchases that you will have to buy for both the first and second game which adds up considering the base gamges themselves are a pretty penny. If you are smart wait for a good deal or a seasonal sale on the game/dlc.

Overall a must have game for anyone!
Posted July 5, 2020.
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