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Recent reviews by Westwindgeist

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6 people found this review helpful
4.9 hrs on record
I would rather have a big HoloCure update with all these characters than this game.
It's an okish beat em up, which feels quite clunky a lot of times.
I haven't played in multiplayer, maybe that's a better experience.
It's free so you can check it out yourself, but my enjoyment and desire to play
aren't really that great.
Posted July 2.
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8.7 hrs on record
A very cute and relaxing game. The movement feels good. The story is sufficient.
The city isn't that big and i got 100% in a bit under 9 hours, so maybe wait on a sale.
Overall a really enjoyable experience.
Posted July 1.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.1 hrs on record
This game is well ment but has a strange direction.
While usually meta progression makes a game easier, here the game gets not only harder but less enjoyable since more
and mostly worse weapons get added to the pool of weapons each of the boxes gives you at random.
You switch weapons through that mechanic fairly often but with no control and when it comes to bosses you're
stuck with what you currently have.
The voicelines are all very cute and the graphics are sufficient for what it is.
It was fun for a few rounds but that's about it.
Well in the end it's free so nothing is lost if you try it for yourself but i wouldn't really recommend it.
Posted April 22.
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124.1 hrs on record (46.7 hrs at review time)
There are connection errors, freezes, crashes, and a number of bugs you can't fight against
like not getting a hellbomb drop for you secondary objective or some annoying input delays.
As a npc said: friedly fire is necessary and you will die a lot in this game. Through enemies and friends.
That all sounds very negative to that point, but the game is really great. You can feel the freedom playing it and you want nothing more than to spread some democracy. And the most importent thing: it's simply said a lot of fun.
Even with the mentionend problems it's still a 8/10. It could easily being higher if some or all these things get fixed and i hope the devs will deliver on that front.

Edit: The last Patches let one think they weren't to happy that players enjoyed their game so much, so they came in clutch with unnecessary nerfes.
It's still a good game, they more or less fixed the disconnects and crashes. There are still bugs and performance issues though.
But many weapons are less enjoyable and the general direction the balancing goes is worrysome.
New warbonds seem pretty underwhelming for what they cost and the fear of future nerfs doesn't help in that regard.
I hope balance doesn't end up at a point where this game isn't longer enjoyable and new war bonds offer better value for their price.

Update: It seemed the mandatory Sony PSN link was of the table, yet Sony is restricting availability in countries that don't have access to PSN which are over 170 coutries. This makes no sense if the PSN-Account isn't required and most likely means that Sony will try push something related on us at a later time. With that in mind, once again, can't recommend this game.
Posted March 20. Last edited May 13.
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183.1 hrs on record (8.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is so much fun. These days simply the better pokemon.
The Pals are overall very cute and i even caught my first human.
Slavery is optional, but my camp has atm very good working conditions.
I have to stop myself from playing because my withered body needs it's sleep.
So far i would fully recommend this game and even in it's current state it's worth the price.
I haven't encountered any bugs and performance is good. Give it a try.
Posted January 26.
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0.0 hrs on record
Probably the best DLC for the game and it's free.
It's an absolute must for more immersion.
Posted November 28, 2023.
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251.8 hrs on record (18.9 hrs at review time)
Great hunting simulator with beautiful landscape.
Posted November 27, 2023.
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21.7 hrs on record (21.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This isn't a bad game, it's just very bare bones atm with a solid and promising base.
The combat is more active than in most vs-like games and feels overall good and responsive, but there is a movement penalty for attacking which i dislike. Maybe it's because kiting would be to easy otherwise idk, but it feels kinda sluggish and bad.
There are 5 characters but the 4 melee classes are very similar and there is only one ranged class atm. Each class can equip 1 out of 5 perks to alter the game, but you have to unlock them first which is fine.
The biggest problem i have is that there isn't really any meta progression besides of farming better gear.
You can either find gear in game, with higher difficulty better gear drops or from the shopkeeper. Here you lie in the mercy of rng. which can frustrating if you look for a certain peace of gear like the +1 dash boots for nixis perk. I also dislike that reroll/banish/alteration dice come only in the form of gear suffixes. So if you want to even try have something like a certain build you better have gear that support rolls. Especially in the early stages of the game this won't happening. I also doesn't help that equipment binds to the charaters so a nice amulet help only one of them. I would rather see skill roll options removed from gear and brought into some form meta progression that exists besides gear.
The several gods have a nice touch. The influence of hades seems obvious. Some are more usefull than others and there is room for balancing.
The general art design and atmosphere is really good and i liked it a lot. The voice acting is good, but the written dialog from the characters is kinda cringe with the use of emojies and things like k, u, it doesn't fit into the setting at all.
So in conclusion. It's a game with great potential. I hope some things get changed. And some improved upon. It's still a early title so much is possible to come. I played about 20 hours at the point of the review and unlocked all perks and did everthing but the clear without getting hit because i can't bring myself to farm out the gear i would need to do so. There are other, cheaper and atm better games in this genre to play and i hope this game will close gap or even surpass them. Until then i can't fully recommend and therefore my thumps down.
Posted November 20, 2023.
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109.3 hrs on record (76.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
After Vampire Survivors probably the best swarm survival game atm with an great art style.
9 different characters with unique weapons, 15 abilities and 4 maps with most likely more to come, since we are still in early access. But even if not, this is allready a fair amount of content for the price.
Besides the usual meta progression this game adds itemization which adds more variety.
The difficulty is good and agony mode brings more of a challenge.
Posted September 8, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
122.5 hrs on record (41.0 hrs at review time)
After Vampire Survivors and Halls of Torment probably the best swarm survival game out there.
It looks all really silly and that can be offputting to some people i guess, but that's the only negativ i can say.
On the other hand, knowing the vtubers and the references will probably enhance the enjoyment, but i couldn't be sure, since i'm not familiar with them.
Besides your typical meta progression you have more mechanics to alter the gameplay which is nice.
There also is the Holohouse, which is an area where you can fish, grow crops, cook and manage workers to generate more income or buy decorations and furniture for your house.
There are several maps, game modes and a broad roster of characters with different stats and not only unique starting weapons, but also a set of unique skills.
The difficulty is good and increases with the different maps which can be quite challenging at points.
I can see that a lot of passion went into this game, and they did a really good job with it.
If you made it this far stop reading reviews and just try it out for yourself, it's free after all.
Posted August 27, 2023. Last edited September 30, 2023.
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