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69.7 hrs on record (56.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
great visual style. and the chaos ensured by procedrual generation makes it stay always interesting, funny and new to play. it needs a few more different murder types, but thas has already been announced in the roadmap. So it can only get better.
Posted November 22, 2023.
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13.3 hrs on record (13.2 hrs at review time)
Its RoboCop. With typic AA yank and sometimes stiff animation, its still a great game. It feels and looks just like Robocop. You play as the big beefy heavy tank that Robo is and the gameplay really enhances this immersion. Its not a fast game, again you are a heavy RoboCop stomping, gunning and dismembering your way through old Detroid.
It captures that B-Movie feel of a 80s Action flick perfectly.
Its not a ADHD filled Gen Z Shooter. But a faithfull Movie tie-in, further exploring the world and story of the original Robocop.
Posted November 10, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
same bugs as the original game to release. if not even more unstable. Its a huge mess. you expect moire for a game thats been out for YEARS. and a port to a new engine just brings out the same bugs with barely any content. stay away. very very far away
Posted November 2, 2023.
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21.2 hrs on record (13.2 hrs at review time)
Posted October 8, 2023. Last edited November 22, 2023.
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155.2 hrs on record (14.2 hrs at review time)
14.2h am ersten tag. man könnte vieles besser machen wie z.b. zwischen planeten reisen nicht mit ladezeit, aber im endeffekt nichts was mich davon abhält das spiel nicht zu mögen. story is mid. gameplay ist top.
Posted September 6, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
7.6 hrs on record
Hab das Game eigentlich schon seit release. Damals auf CD und so oft durch gespielt das ich es nicht mehr zählen kann. Und gerade beim Bibliothek durchklicken mich gewundert warum ich nie eine bewertung dagelassen habe.

Das Spiel ist das was Tron Legacy hätte sein sollen. Tron 2.0 fühlt sich tatsächlich nach OG Tron an. Vom Stil, Sound design und Story. Alles ist so viel mehr Tron als die Tron Parodie die sich Tron Legacy nennt.
Ein Absolut fahiger FPS mit Puzzle und Platform Elementen die Perfekt eineinander greifen und einem Upgrade/Patch system für Waffen und den Spieler was das ganze noch weiter aufwertet.

Einfach ein grandioses Erlebnis für jeden der Tron mag.

Natürlich mit Killapp mod. Was für moderne Systeme ein muss ist.
Posted August 24, 2023.
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6.0 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
runs fine for a very early game. The Baseis is very solid and with some optimization and content this really can be great. And i love that its a PvE Game and not the millionth PvP Game. its just something different for a change.

For now there is barely anything in it and with very basic animations. Also some minor bugs (no pun intended) But thats to be expected from a early version. So not to be taken negatively here.
Posted May 21, 2023. Last edited May 22, 2023.
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40.2 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
just a great game. thats star wars at its best.
Posted April 28, 2023.
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12 people found this review helpful
0.2 hrs on record
The initial premise of this game is good. Superhot with Bows. But then its not.
The time not only moves fast when you move but also when the bow is drawn. This way you dont have time to properly align your shots.
Also with my Controllers the Hand is slightly rotatet and it feels bad to shoot. This is a general problem with the game since it has 0 options. Where usually 99% of VR Games have settings for Hand-offset, rotation and angle. This has nothing. No graphical options, none.
In the game you can grab Axes the Enemy throws at you. Well you could if it the implementation would be completely awful. You actively have to look at the axe to see when your Hand is at the exact point where a little icon appears that you are able to grab it. That point of grabbing the axe is insanely precise. So you cant just grab the axe in the corner of your eyes. Nope, not gonna work. You have to figure the absolut precise pixel perfect point or it wont work.
Also the Hitboxes are more then iffy, you can perfectly duck under a Axe thrown at you just to die. And when you look up you see the axe 2m above your head still triggering your hitbox.

The Premise of the game is great...but its complete integration of the controls and movement and basically verything is just not done well or any usual quality standars of any VR Game.

I hope they make the game playable in a enjoyable state in the future.
Posted April 16, 2023. Last edited April 16, 2023.
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5.3 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
War ein gutes Spiel zum Launch und mit DNF Enhanced mod noch besser.
Hätte es zum release dem technischen standard der Zeit entsprochen hätte es nicht so einen hate bekommen. Aber den typischen Duke Humor und das Duke feeling hatte es schon immer.
Posted January 29, 2023.
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