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48.5 hrs on record
Incredibly faithful to the original, but with modern conveniences added in. Well worth the wait having backed the kickstarter ever so long ago. It was very enjoyable to see Citadel Station rebuilt and revamped for the modern era, though not forgetting its roots with its distinctive pixelated art style. The only particular issue at the moment is the ending is rather lame in execution, but as soon as the publisher stops sitting on patch 1.2, that should hopefully be greatly improved.
Posted November 22, 2023.
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1.1 hrs on record
Look, it's $2 and likely won't last you even an hour. But for that $2 and the time taken to play it, you will probably have a few dumb laughs. It's like a chocolate bar, but with fewer calories. Also you can share the whole thing with a friend. Can't do that with a chocolate bar, can you?

Now I want a chocolate bar.
Posted December 4, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
1.8 hrs on record
Of all the words to describe the story, "interesting" is certainly not one of them. In fact, the story is so awful that it alone is what pushes me to say that I can't recommend this. The story is literally "I hate my life, I hate my coworkers, I hate my job, I hate society, why do I even bother continuing to exist?" with a number of at least somewhat interesting puzzles between the "story" stages. There is no development, no exploration of themes, no meaning, just 100% loathing. Both of the self, and the world around the main character. I don't even care that the game is short. Beatable in under 2 hours. If you really want to buy it, wait for a sale.
Posted November 25, 2022.
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17.4 hrs on record
It's a good thing this game can be played with one hand using a controller. That leaves your other hand free for much head scratching as you try to figure out the 364 puzzles. If you're a fan of Sokoban, this is basically Sokoban, but non-euclidian. Boxes within boxes, boxes that clone boxes, levels where you are the box, pushing boxes clear out of reality, it's quite the brain teaser.
Posted November 23, 2022.
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70.6 hrs on record (69.2 hrs at review time)
In the time I've played I've put 4 complete runs in, and every single one was different in its own way. You really can play it just about any way you like, and no way is going to be any less engaging than any of the others. A curious storyline. Few, but interesting characters. Heaps of things to discover, be they placed by the developer or discovering your own methods of getting through the environments. Pick up Ctrl Alt Ego, and show the bots who's the biggest ego maniac on the station!
Posted October 21, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
5.7 hrs on record
Not a long game, but well done, and a lot of fun. Hold My Beer mode isn't just hard mode, it actually remixes a lot of the levels in new and interesting ways to keep it worth doing a second run.
Posted April 19, 2022.
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0.6 hrs on record
Jump is way too short, environments are way too tight, platform management is way too fiddly, and on top of all that it very quickly goes from "you've learned the basics, now apply the advanced techniques, under strict time constraints, in an environment that will kill you after one mistake."
Posted April 19, 2022.
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4 people found this review helpful
61.6 hrs on record (22.3 hrs at review time)
A rather quite unique puzzle game in my opinion. Some of the puzzles are really quite difficult, but well made, and equally satisfying when you finally crack them. You're free to build whatever you think would be useful to solve the puzzles with the tools and materials at hand. And as long as you meet the goal, who's to say that anything you did to get there was "wrong"? Inefficient, maybe, but if the goal is achieved, the solution is correct. You will be tested on your logic, speed, building skills, and even programming. Don't worry though, there's a whole manual available to read on the programming aspect.

While I'm not good at creating levels myself, from what I've seen there is a surprisingly robust and flexible logic and computation system available which allows for some great depth to what can be created. This is definitely reflected even in the built in levels.

The developer is also active and responsive on their discord, so if you think you can improve things, head on over and have a chat.
Posted November 13, 2021. Last edited November 25, 2021.
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16.3 hrs on record
A decent enough isometric brawler/explorer game about a robot trying to repair itself after becoming corrupted. The story of what is going on in the moment is a bit shallow, but learning about the world of before was interesting enough, and the game ends with a bit of a twist. Well drawn, well animated, and smooth gameplay.
Posted November 3, 2021.
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1.4 hrs on record
An ok concept for a game, marred by dodgy physics, frustrating jumping puzzles, ladders that may or may not work for you, and an announcer that by the end I absolutely hated. Like, cuss you too dude. I admit, I didn't actually finish the game because I got to chapter 8, and was presented with a long winding platforming segment with flaming rocks raining down, and if you fall off or get hit by one of the rocks, it sends you an obnoxiously long distance back for no reason other than to be frustrating. And all that on top of the fact that there are so many ways to get stuck, it's not even funny.
Posted November 3, 2021.
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