 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Dire Wolf CS  [developer] Apr 18 @ 12:23pm
[Non Bugs & Issues] Feedback and Suggestions!
Attention all players!

We're extremely grateful for your continued support and wanted to ensure you had a space where you can discuss, chat, and share your feedback. Please feel free to use this thread for any feedback and suggestions you may have.

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Showing 1-15 of 32 comments
Zothen Apr 18 @ 12:32pm 
Ok, but whats the point? We just discuss among ourselves?
My suggestion: What about timely bugfixes?
This was already reported weeks ago:

Reported Ambush card exploit? No changes.
Info about Marauder expansion?
That would really help.
Last edited by Zothen; Apr 18 @ 12:40pm
Dire Wolf CS  [developer] Apr 18 @ 12:49pm 
Originally posted by Zothen:
Ok, but whats the point? We just discuss among ourselves?
My suggestion: What about timely bugfixes?
This was already reported weeks ago:

Reported Ambush card exploit? No changes.
Info about Marauder expansion?
That would really help.

We have these threads on most games to report back to the team regularly :)

It also helps if one bit of feedback is reported, other people see it and do not have to report the same thing.

Tristan Apr 24 @ 5:41am 
So if this is for "Non Bugs", where is the place to report bugs please ?
Dire Wolf CS  [developer] Apr 24 @ 10:29am 
Originally posted by Tristan:
So if this is for "Non Bugs", where is the place to report bugs please ?

You can report them individually wherever you like: forums, our Discord channel, or directly by writing us at!
Lorak Apr 25 @ 2:01am 
I'm sure you guys get this all the time, but an option to play with Despot Infamy rules for the Vagabond would be really nice. :-)
Would love the option to veto factions from the advanced setup, I personally hate playing with 2 vagabonds and would love to be able to take the second vagabond out of the draft so that only one vagabond can be drafted.
The option to play with despot infamy would be really nice.

In live games the dialog about ambush cards should occur even if you have none, so players won't know you have one.

I'd love an option for random map when you are creating a game.

Also looking forward to hear about new expansions.

I would appreciate if you included the underground and E&P deck in the Root Collector's Edition, the game is a bit overpriced for me if you want to buy all the expansions.

In live games Marquise should be able to use field hospitals immediatly.
Last edited by Don Quijote #destruktív; May 5 @ 6:32pm
Dire Wolf CS  [developer] May 6 @ 10:32am 
We have logged all of this feedback! Thank you!
Players should be able to skip the replay of the round that plays when reconnecting to a game. If you get frozen and have to reconnect, sometimes the replay takes so long that it runs out most (if not all) of your timer and forces AI to act for you.
Lorak May 9 @ 3:23am 
Originally posted by Flaming Furball:
Players should be able to skip the replay of the round that plays when reconnecting to a game. If you get frozen and have to reconnect, sometimes the replay takes so long that it runs out most (if not all) of your timer and forces AI to act for you.

Oh yeah, this is a really good one, I forgot how annoying this is when playing multiplayer.
Make it possible to undo a move into an outrage clearing before the card gets passed over, like a: "are you sure you want to move here?" prompt. I just accidentally made the wrong move as Birds into an outrage clearing on the turn I was going to win the game and because I couldn't undo the action I turmoiled and lost.
ShommyX May 10 @ 1:05am 
Make a button that hides the cards from the screen. This way other people can watch the screen freely during pass and play, and only look away while cards are visible.
Is there any intention of adding the 5 to 6 player game modes?
indjev99 May 17 @ 9:25am 
Please add the option to select faction pool for advanced setup. Also, would be nice to have the choice of basic vs advanced setup (in terms of factions setting up on the board) be independent of whether we choose factions, randomize them, or draft (as in advanced setup). The tabletop rules describe this being possible.

Separately, please add option to disable the new "digital only" version of field hospitals. I know why it's there, but would be nice to have the option to play with the regular tabletop rules, if we prefer.
Asilar May 19 @ 1:21pm 
New player to steam version, very old player with many games on the tabletop version.
The first thing that is very annoying to me, is the fact that when you have an ambush, and choose not to use it, your ennemy knows you have one. It's very simple to avoid : just put a box that asks the defender to agree rolling the dice. This way, players can bluff for ambush cards as around a table in real life. At least allow us to have it as an option when we create a game in multiplayer.
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