Is the statehood challenge bugged?
I kept trying the hard mode version of the challenge called statehood; In that challenge you play as alliance and only have one base/can't revolt and training officers costs 3 cards. Anyway my problem is none of the 3 other factions will fight each other. They will only fight me and even the vagabond will not aid me even if I have a crap ton of craft-able items. It just makes the challenge feel impossible since I'm already handicapped and its a three vs one fight.
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Dire Wolf CS  [developer] Jun 24 @ 10:12am 
Originally posted by Cameron:
I kept trying the hard mode version of the challenge called statehood; In that challenge you play as alliance and only have one base/can't revolt and training officers costs 3 cards. Anyway my problem is none of the 3 other factions will fight each other. They will only fight me and even the vagabond will not aid me even if I have a crap ton of craft-able items. It just makes the challenge feel impossible since I'm already handicapped and its a three vs one fight.

Hey there! This is not bugged, just difficult! All is working as intended. The AI do attack each other; The Woodland Alliance has to make liberal use of those tokens to play. The AI is just more likely to attack them then the other AI, because they can't fight back. Hope this helps! ~
Last edited by Dire Wolf CS; Jun 24 @ 11:13am
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