Resident Evil 3

Resident Evil 3

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S-Rank on Inferno
This is the last accomplishment i need to complete all challenges any advise or guidance thank you.
Originally posted by Gemini:
If only Inferno S is left, that means at this point you have enough points to purchase every item in the shop. Infinite bazooka, dodging book, coins, etc etc. Bazooka is your best friend for this. There is no S+ rank in the game, only S, so whether you use infinite or not is inconsequential.

But you need to get good at dodging. You can work on this with enemies that are right after autosave points to improve your dodging, because without dodge the final boss is a dead end. It is far too fast and deals too much damage, even with defense coins on it one shots you. Even with bazooka you won't have enough time to explode all the balls. Bazooka is good for timing up until then, but for the final boss all bets are off. If you can't dodge, you ain't finishing the game.

Get good at dodge, in the end that's the only thing that really matters.
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unlike Re 2 and 4 the game doesnt care about if you use infinite weapons so i would recommend infinite rocket launcher,
Seamus May 22 @ 1:28pm 
Get the dodge books from the point shop.

Infinite rocket launcher won't help if nemesis final form is comboing you into paste.
dodge timing is everything!!!
Thank you everyone.
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Gemini May 23 @ 8:47am 
If only Inferno S is left, that means at this point you have enough points to purchase every item in the shop. Infinite bazooka, dodging book, coins, etc etc. Bazooka is your best friend for this. There is no S+ rank in the game, only S, so whether you use infinite or not is inconsequential.

But you need to get good at dodging. You can work on this with enemies that are right after autosave points to improve your dodging, because without dodge the final boss is a dead end. It is far too fast and deals too much damage, even with defense coins on it one shots you. Even with bazooka you won't have enough time to explode all the balls. Bazooka is good for timing up until then, but for the final boss all bets are off. If you can't dodge, you ain't finishing the game.

Get good at dodge, in the end that's the only thing that really matters.
Don't forget you need to quit and load from the menu once you die on nemesis stage 4 combo.

Time still keeps ticking away if you load normally.
Dodge books + coins+ any infinite bullet weapon special weapons and launcher is barely useful to nemmy MF dodges rockets and HE nades like agents from matrix.

One suggestion download an Assault Rifle Mod from Nexus mods it should give you an assault rifle that dont affect the S rank.
ROSCO Jun 7 @ 12:20pm 
You Inferno pros are crazy some modes I'm just never gonna put the time into anymore at my age hehehe
Gemini Jun 19 @ 9:50am 
Originally posted by ROSCO:
You Inferno pros are crazy some modes I'm just never gonna put the time into anymore at my age hehehe
heh, I don't play inferno either. only once a blue moon if I'm feeling particularly crazy and suicidal, because it is unnecessarily challenging. I play games to relieve stress. I know what's what about inferno, but it just isn't for me.
Originally posted by ROSCO:
You Inferno pros are crazy some modes I'm just never gonna put the time into anymore at my age hehehe

I've remembered your comment and seeing as I'm an '85 kid myself, I went for it today. Inferno + S rank Inferno were the last 2 cheevos left. I did it in a scrub mode however, i.e. using shop items for the first time. They make a huge difference. With defensive coins you can take 2 slaps from Nemmy before going down. With assault coins and InfiniteRL you can stunlock him the whole game except the last phase and the dodge book makes the dodging window way too generous. So don't worry really, it sounds harder than it really is. Limit of 5 saves is pretty generous safety net and you will probably need just one, before the final fight anyway. Even without any routing and occasional fumbling around the area casually, you will end up with ~45min left to spare on timer. So don't worry, you can do it. I believe in you!

Nightmare + minimalist was my fave run and proved to be quite challenging. Didn't touch the game on easy and normal. When I think about it, the nightmare mode might be the most consistent and even balanced because of the item placement. I would dress Jill in RE1 costume, give her the Samurai Edge, hip pouches and it's ready for the nightmare mode.
Last edited by Spectrum Legacy; Jul 1 @ 12:53pm
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