Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Walking Distance...
Can we please increase the walking distance for Citizens?

Double would be nice.

It's crazy how Citizens won't walk more than a block to a bus station for work. Same for all needs. How many pubs, shops and hospitals do you need for a Square kilometer city of 3,000? I could understand needing more services due to capacity needs, but it's always due walking Distance.
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Originally posted by wildbillhdmax01:
Can we please increase the walking distance for Citizens?

Double would be nice.

It's crazy how Citizens won't walk more than a block to a bus station for work. Same for all needs. How many pubs, shops and hospitals do you need for a Square kilometer city of 3,000? I could understand needing more services due to capacity needs, but it's always due walking Distance.
For a square kilometer? Probably 4, though of course you can substitute public transit.

Max road walking distance can be pushed to around 400 m with good paths. If your square km is a 1 km square, there's no point inside it that is within walking distance of more than one corner, so you need four nodes. (But 4 nodes should more than suffice to cover the area.)

Area-wise, a 400-m radius circle (which isn't quite accurate, but it's a useful approximation) is almost exactly a half-million square meters. Allowing for the over-generosity of the model, you wouldn't be able to actually cover a 1 million square meter city with just two nodes, but you should be able to cover more than a square km of area with three if you're being efficient.
Nah, it would make the scale of everything off.
janoRES Jul 3 @ 4:04am 
just make bus stations and get passagers to move around the city (if you have all the basic services close to the central bus station)
bballjo Jul 3 @ 6:04am 
The current walking range is already making it so that you overload the largest services if you only place high density housing, even with just medium density housing...increasing the walking distance would just exasperate that overloading.

The republic is only 20km² can walk approximately .4km² to get your immediate needs met, which is 4/200=1/50 of the republic...I don't walk 1/50 of my state to do stuff every day.

It's a matter of wholistic scale, the 400ish meters are just a label.
Originally posted by bballjo:
The republic is only 20km²...

The republic is 20km by 20km that's 400km² ...

And 400m by 400m = 160.000 m²
= 0,16 km²

Isn't it?

But: 20.000 / 400 = 50.
That's true ;)
Last edited by me@*****; Jul 3 @ 9:17am
Originally posted by me@*****:
Originally posted by bballjo:
The republic is only 20km²...

The republic is 20km by 20km that's 400km² ...

And 400m by 400m = 160.000 m²
= 0,16 km²

Isn't it?
Math checks out, though 400m x 400m isn't actually of much relevance - a walking distance of up to 400m from home means access to something closer to a 400m radius circle, area pi * 400m * 400m which is almost exactly 0.5 km². (That's acting as an upper bound, of course, since you'd have to have a radial path in every direction from your starting point to actually cover that. Though it isn't accounting that some houses have multiple exists with significant distance between them either, which would make a little more space accessible from those.)
Last edited by ulzgoroth; Jul 3 @ 9:27am
And if you asphalt the footpaths and give them lamps - they can walk 480m! :o
My point is. My "City" not even a town, of two city blocks has Walking Distance issues, because those on the edges can't walk more then a simple city block to their needs.

Also yes I have made sure to have the good roads and paths built for better Walking Distance.
There are tricks you can do to extend the walking range, but it comes at the cost of worker efficiency, as walking long distances leaves citizens with less time to do other things, like work, fulfill needs, or consume radio/TV programming.

For needs, citizens can do "chain visits," where they walk to one building to satisfy a need, and then look from there for another building to walk to and satisfy their other needs at. Since citizens almost always need food every day, you could have them walk to grocery stores and from there walk to service buildings or a passenger station, which would get them up to around 900m with good paths.
Don't tell him (Wildbill...) that 400+ metres is already the extended version. I remember when we had to plan with 250 metres. - Back in the days.
m4rek Jul 4 @ 6:23am 
Originally posted by wildbillhdmax01:
My point is. My "City" not even a town, of two city blocks has Walking Distance issues, because those on the edges can't walk more then a simple city block to their needs.

Also yes I have made sure to have the good roads and paths built for better Walking Distance.
Idk, that really looks like a layout issue more than a walking distance issue. Everything's so far away!
Walking distance is much more than 480 meter. It is 480 meters to THE NEXT WAYPOINT. And then there can be many waypoints during a day when a citizen travels to the bus (400) walks from bus to work (400), walk to bus stop looking for food (400) going to the supermarket (400) going to the cinema (400)

That's 2 km and the day is not over yet.
Originally posted by wildbillhdmax01:
My point is. My "City" not even a town, of two city blocks has Walking Distance issues, because those on the edges can't walk more then a simple city block to their needs.

Also yes I have made sure to have the good roads and paths built for better Walking Distance.
Your city does not have a good pathing layout. And it is also missing a bus station to bus workers out.

Standard city, based on my "theory of circles", is a 400m diameter circle with the center in the bus station. Place everything for citizens in this circle (preferrably close together near the central stop as a "square") and fill the rest with housing and you will easily end with a city for 5-10k people easily, depending on size of the houses and spacing between them.

If you want to know more what I mean, you can see it in here
I'll admit my "city" layout isn't the best, but it's my first time playing with the game. I'll end up restarting. But now I'm wondering how cramped my cities will have to be. That city is 2-3 blocks at most and about 600m long by 450m wide. 1 mile is 1609.34m.

I have a sneaking suspicion that if you don't have a min/max or an optimal city layout your finances are going to suffer due to excessive service expenditures. I do wonder how much that hurts creativity, as I can see a lot of city center copy and pasting after you find that optimal layout.

As a fat western American, I've walked back and forth to my Elementary School daily. Which was a mile away. My middle school was 1.5 miles and I did the same. As an adult I've walked to my local town several times. About 2 miles away with no sidewalks. But the strong harden eastern European from the Soviet Republic can't walk more than (450m) 1/3 of a mile.

To my understanding most cities before mass modes of transportation were as big as a person could walk reasonably from center to edge in a circle. About 2 miles / 30mins.

If I knew how I would just mod 1000m Walking Distance and call it a day.

But I do want to thank everyone for advice! Much appreciation comrades! :VBCOOL:
I can make your citizens walk 1,5km in this game as well, but it is not desirable. Few reasons:
- walking time does not count as travelling to work, riding a bus/waiting at stop does. The longer worker travels to a work, the slower his "8h shift" lasts, offsetting otherwise insane ratios that would destroy the 3:1 workers-to-workplace ratio. So don´t

-scale of the map to time is also really stretched. In reality you can walk over 20km each day even with a backpack, in this game it would mean going over the whole map (20x20, playing space is standard 16x16 km square). Distances are thus "made smaller" with a scale of 60 (timewise) iirc, resulting in limited range of vehicles and buses. Cities are thus meant to be smaller and more spread out, you are not building a huge metropolis like in CS. You can, but you would need an effective public transit system.

Small tips: if you need your citizens to walk few meter more, give them a fountaint to admire, pergolas to walk through and//or children playground between houses. The larger, the better - all of these (and most fountains, but not all) are walkable through, so they will extend your range.

Also use the bus terminal as central point, it lengthens the range people can reach without public transit (due to walk-wait-walk logic). And if you need larger city for your peassants, just chain this "circle core" mechanic in a direction you want. You can even create arterial axis like irl and build your developments
- around highways (for buses and cars operations)
- around rail traffic (trams and trains are friends)
- around specialised traffic routes (metro)
- any of above combined together

You can make (and you may have seen it in the video) big cities with multiple districts, all working well, but always plan your public transit infrastructure upfront so you know how far you can build houses and where are boundaries, behind which you are building only utilities. And it will work well, I promise (and it won´t be repetitive at all if you wouldn´t want it to be)
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