Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Mapping oil, coal and iron deposits
Devs please turn off ability to search oil, coal and iron deposits in realistic mode with flying with building icon over the map. It's so tempting to do this every game I starts. That should be blocked until researched as boxite and uranium is, mean not buildings but green dots over the map. Yours sincere fan😁
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
kiky Jun 27 @ 9:11am 
Don't look for it.
it is that simple.
ling.speed Jun 27 @ 10:04am 
Don't research it.
it is that simple.
Titule Jun 27 @ 10:08am 
Originally posted by ling.speed:
Don't research it.
it is that simple.
Doesn't work. What swordsman refers to is availlable without research and that's exectly his complain.
ling.speed Jun 27 @ 10:22am 
Originally posted by Titule:
Originally posted by ling.speed:
Don't research it.
it is that simple.
Doesn't work. What swordsman refers to is availlable without research and that's exectly his complain.
adding /s would ruin the pasta
Dan Jun 27 @ 12:43pm 
Originally posted by kiky:
Don't look for it.
it is that simple.
This type of response is very unhelpful.

The point of a high difficulty challenge is that you look for every possible way to win within the restrictions placed on you.

If the possibility exists to totally cheese one of those restrictions, it undermines the point of the challenge.

Yes, you can always make up your own rules and play by them, but then you aren't overcoming the challenge that was set, you're playing something else.

It was already explained that the green-dots-scanning was left in intentionally, because it can be a damaging thing in realistic mode to accidentally build a town over a deposit you didn't know was there.
My suggestion in response was that it might be a good idea to have a basic "geology camp" building that can be built early in the game for a reasonable amount of resources, which reveals oil/coal/iron deposits in a few-hundred-meters radius around it, without the ability to reveal the whole map until you have completed the mapping research.
Stele Jun 27 @ 1:26pm 
Unlocking any mines without ability to check resources under it would be even worse. As locking coal and iron. They're fundations of soviet industry. Special building showing it in radious would be the best.
Originally posted by Stele:
Unlocking any mines without ability to check resources under it would be even worse. As locking coal and iron. They're fundations of soviet industry. Special building showing it in radious would be the best.
It would just be a little extra research to do on top of getting steel.

The real reason you can view deposits with a mine selected is so that you can check the immediate areas around the customs house and not build your starting town on top of one of the few oil/coal/iron deposits on the map. Bauxite and uranium are not really required for the republic to grow, so they can be locked from the start.
IMO all resources except wood & water should be research locked. Oil, iron & coal mines should become available after researching "Geological map". Bauxite & uranium should require both "Geological map" and respective mining researches.
The green dots stay there because, just like in the real world. the resources are already there. The research you do is to MAP those resource deposits, not to spawn them. It is like if your citizens already know some rumors of specific places where there are certain resources. It is just that nobody had the interest to actually map them. That is what the research is for.
Originally posted by Brazilian_Soldier:
The green dots stay there because, just like in the real world. the resources are already there. The research you do is to MAP those resource deposits, not to spawn them. It is like if your citizens already know some rumors of specific places where there are certain resources. It is just that nobody had the interest to actually map them. That is what the research is for.

Well, It is possible to lore the way out of any bug or oversight. Research locking the buildings or the display of dots does not mean the resources won't be spawned (they are defined by world map) - rather that the people do not know of the resources until the geologists finish their prospecting, drilling and sounding all over the republic.
kiky Jun 28 @ 3:51am 
Well i do not see a point in locking this behind research.
if you are bothered by the fact that you COULD see these resources if you were willing to scan the entire map. just do not scan for them on the entire map.

next thing will be, "im always building on top of the oil, can i have a way to check if i build on the oil?"

in this game it is realy easy not to do things, wile it is usualy way harder to do things.

I would imagin oil and coal are not locked by researche because that would make setting up electricity on any island map impossible and setting up heating very hard.
I agree with the OP.
If You started Your first city on an oil deposit then there are two options.
Find different oil deposit or use demolition office to demolish the city later.
I see lot of disscussion and that's great. Idea with small geological office to scan closest area is great. I'm able to start republic in hardest realistic mode without loan not searching with dots over map. The point is if I can find oil using pump jack at beggining that' s easy way for me to earn rubels, biuld pump jacks, connect power, pump into 1500l tank and buy 30 tankers.... Simply as it is, free money at begginig without city. If oil is close to custom house even better less fuel to buy and use more profit. As someone mentioned when i build city over oil deposit its my bad, relocate or find other deposit. Thx guys for disscussion.
Originally posted by Silent_Shadow:
The real reason you can view deposits with a mine selected is so that you can check the immediate areas around the customs house and not build your starting town on top of one of the few oil/coal/iron deposits on the map. Bauxite and uranium are not really required for the republic to grow, so they can be locked from the start.
Axebeard Jul 4 @ 11:54am 
It takes so long to get started, I just use the resource map the modders provide, to find a decent place for at least gravel to start, then do it "realistic" from that point on.
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