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Looks great - Needs multiplayer PVP
Looks really fun, fluid and fast paced. Would be an excellent game if you added a PVP Multiplayer mode, similar to old school quakes - I'd buy it for sure
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Showing 1-15 of 73 comments
Yenii Jan 14 @ 9:31pm 
Derpykat5 Jan 15 @ 1:32am 
Why does everyone feel the need to slap a PvP mode onto every game? The amount of rebalancing a PvP mode would need would be absurd.
Redbu11 Jan 15 @ 1:59am 
PvP is ♥♥♥♥, especially now that we have AI cheats and devices with built-in untrackable AI cheats like monitors. I don't play public pvp and don't want any
What in the hell... Its a single player fps rogue-lite, kindly go away with your pvp bs...
no it doesn't.
Don't think it will work with this type of game, unfortunately. While I do share the idea, I don't think this game was built with the idea of PVP in mind. Plus I think it works best without a PVP mode.
e-v-a-n Jan 15 @ 7:05am 
Way better as a SP or Co-op experience; go play something else lmao
really no
OP has zero ideas on what would make a good PvP game if he thinks it would be good here.
DG | R3apZz Jan 15 @ 9:18am 
dang, lots of filthy casuals who like to click bots all day long. LOL - Mad cause bad, can't versus a real life opponent. A well rounded game should include all aspects for all audiences - I don't like co-op or single player games, therefore I won't be buying this.
Originally posted by DG | R3apZz:
dang, lots of filthy casuals who like to click bots all day long. LOL - Mad cause bad, can't versus a real life opponent. A well rounded game should include all aspects for all audiences - I don't like co-op or single player games, therefore I won't be buying this.
There's no such thing as a "well rounded game". If you try to appeal to everyone you'll end up pleasing nobody, or you'll just make two games for the price of one. This game isn't even remotely balanced for PvP of any kind because it's already balanced to be a roguelite. The devs aren't going to reinvent their entire game just so you can shoot other people here instead of the literal dozens of other PvP FPS games that already exist that you seem to be ignoring for some reason.
Go play overwatch 2. This is for pve dude
Originally posted by DG | R3apZz:
dang, lots of filthy casuals who like to click bots all day long. LOL - Mad cause bad, can't versus a real life opponent. A well rounded game should include all aspects for all audiences - I don't like co-op or single player games, therefore I won't be buying this.
Good. Get out of here lol
Originally posted by DG | R3apZz:
A well rounded game should include all aspects for all audiences

Thanks for continuing to confirm you know absolutely nothing about game development. We already knew, but the confession solidifies the hilarity.
Originally posted by Derpykat5:
Originally posted by DG | R3apZz:
dang, lots of filthy casuals who like to click bots all day long. LOL - Mad cause bad, can't versus a real life opponent. A well rounded game should include all aspects for all audiences - I don't like co-op or single player games, therefore I won't be buying this.
There's no such thing as a "well rounded game". If you try to appeal to everyone you'll end up pleasing nobody, or you'll just make two games for the price of one. This game isn't even remotely balanced for PvP of any kind because it's already balanced to be a roguelite. The devs aren't going to reinvent their entire game just so you can shoot other people here instead of the literal dozens of other PvP FPS games that already exist that you seem to be ignoring for some reason.

Lol, this is such a naive comment. All the greatest FPS multi-player games in history derived from great single player games. Quake, Doom, Counter strike, etc... Learn the roots. A single player game is a lot easier to maintain, so once complete - devs can shift focus to multiplayer and balancing. It will grow their revenue and produce a longer lasting / high replayable game experience, rather than a 20 hour single player commitment. Just cause you like to shoot bots as an untalented peasant, doesn't mean there's a community who doesnt like to be competitive. Look at my profile, I am definitely not ignoring any shooters out there. I've been competitively gaming since longer than you were born and have huge experience in many different titles and genres. I see a game with good shooting and movement and I would like to see it implemented competitively.
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