Freedom Planet 2

Freedom Planet 2

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Gabby  [developer] Sep 13, 2022 @ 6:31am
Feedback (NOT Bugs)
Comments for the developers? Put them here.
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Showing 1-15 of 340 comments
$ON!C Sep 13, 2022 @ 9:25am 
Music is still fantastic. Is there somewhere I can buy it?
Sixtyfivekills Sep 13, 2022 @ 9:27am 
Thank you.
Cyberpunk Sep 13, 2022 @ 9:52am 
Weird default controller bindings. I don't remember the first game being this way, but I could be wrong. Anyways, your Vsync setting is whack. On my 144 hz display, disabling Vsync locks the framerate at 60 fps; that's not what vsync means. Disabling vsync should only replace stutter with frame tearing, regardless of any FPS locks. Your setting is called vsync, but what it really does it lock the framerate to the refreshrate of the display. Which is sort of the same thing, but not really. This isn't a real complaint, I just thought it was kinda strange.
Cyberpunk Sep 13, 2022 @ 10:00am 
Also when talking to NPCs in a town, the camera lerps down to show the dialog box, but afterwards when moving back up it happens instantaneously with no transition, it just snaps back up violently. Welp, one more reason not to talk to them, since they're not voiced.
Cyberpunk Sep 13, 2022 @ 10:14am 
Episodes? Hm, not a fan. All I see is "play these three unrelated missions in no particular order whatsoever, afterwards you can get the actual story". The hub/city/episodes design introduces a non linear design that doesn't feel necessary at this point. So far, the story lacks an inciting incident to keep you hooked with very limited stakes and scope. I get that this is probably done in response to the pacing of the original which just vomits place names and lore at you, but the result is no story hook a solid 40 minutes in. Again, I'm on the third level, so the pace will probably pick up, but this feels kinda slow.
Last edited by Cyberpunk; Sep 13, 2022 @ 10:16am
Buster Sep 13, 2022 @ 10:22am 
X-input Icons plz and mode for X-input devices. eg Xbox360 Xbox-one pads etc.
And a much weaker Blur filter for the sprite filtering. The current one is way to strong.

Please put the soundtrack forsale too and in independent steam soundtrack format so we can listen to it with the steam client, and download it separately from the game. I was surprised it wasn't.
Last edited by Buster; Sep 13, 2022 @ 10:46am
Cyberpunk Sep 13, 2022 @ 10:24am 
When a block comes to life while you're standing in it, instead of dealing damage or outright killing you, it traps you inside with a custom sprite. Neat!
Jerry Cheng Sep 13, 2022 @ 10:32am 
As Neera I need to input up/down and wait a bit then Attack to use directional attack. i.e. Up-Attack to hit things higher than me. This feels counter-intuitive.
Attacking is cheap so misfiring isn't much of a problem, but Special takes time to charge up and Neera has heaploads of uses for that so this gets really annoying.
I didn't notice this in the demo back then. Maybe the devs intentionally changed this to match the new button tip screen, or is it my (by no means weak, I mean i7-6700 is still a beast today) computer.
Coming again I don't feel this from Lilac either. She's still butterly smooth. Why the difference?

Anyway I LOVE the new utility of Guard in the form of Focus. Strife must have taken the Blink concept further to flesh out the new character. Also I like how fast Lilac now blinks out of Guard. She's fast, why the decceleration back then :millafp:
Last edited by Jerry Cheng; Sep 13, 2022 @ 10:34am
Cuchi Sep 13, 2022 @ 11:40am 
I still don't have the game, but please, don't cut content like Freedom Planet 1 with updates.
mdesaleah Sep 13, 2022 @ 12:19pm 
During the stage where you first fight Corazon, if you fall down the large pit with the purple springs covering the sides, the button that you used the raise the main platform doesnt activate.

This forces a "Restart from Checkpoint". Not really game breaking, but it is a little inconvenient that the button stops working.
James Sep 13, 2022 @ 12:34pm 
I feel that Lilac's dragon boost sound effect is just way too high pitched and way too loud compared to everything else in the game. perhaps a tweak to its high pitch-yness and lowering its volume might be the best
nogsuap Sep 13, 2022 @ 12:40pm 
add a battle mode similar to shovel knight showdown and a 2d moba mode and a plataform fighting mode and a 2d battle mode
nogsuap Sep 13, 2022 @ 12:42pm 
if be gaming crossovers to have with freedom planet 2 i suggest those games
-league of legends
HeikoFennec Sep 13, 2022 @ 2:10pm 
Love the game so far, only notable issue is controller seems to be delayed reaction
STARSBarry Sep 13, 2022 @ 3:48pm 
another one for ability to purchase the soundtrack please.
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Showing 1-15 of 340 comments
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