Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Amnesia: The Dark Descent

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FG_luis  [developer] May 28 @ 11:00am
Beta update: v1.51 patch available on public_beta branch
A fix for the breaking custom stories bug from latest release can now be tried out on the public_beta branch.
If you have published one of these stories that broke, it would be awesome if you could try the fix and report back.
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
crater May 29 @ 11:37pm 
Thanks for fixing the custom stories backwards compatibility issues! Looks like all the issues that broke old mods are now fixed.
Last edited by crater; Jun 1 @ 1:55pm
Currently tried out the public beta, specifically with an interest in "The Small Horse" custom stories.

• The hand cursor shows up much more often now, both in vanilla and custom stories for objects which cannot actually be moved by the player.

Small Horse Specifics:
• Prologue crashes after first cutscene, right before control is given to the player
• Part 1 crashes after a cutscene transition
• Part 2 crashes on start

I am happy to share any crash logs that I can, however at this time do not know where they are stored or what procedure to know for this game's crash dumps. Any information is appreciated so I can give more information.

Also, thank you for taking the time to work on this update in an attempt to fix custom stories, it means a lot to me!
crater Jun 2 @ 9:14pm 
Originally posted by 不在猫:
• The hand cursor shows up much more often now, both in vanilla and custom stories for objects which cannot actually be moved by the player.

oh interesting, and this goes away if you opt out of the beta? And do you have an example of an object where the picker cursor incorrectly shows up in the vanilla game?
Edit: found some, it seems any Object prop with either StaticPhysics enabled or of the Static subtype appears intractable even when no interaction callback is set up.

also good catch finding those crashes, I've checked some other custom stories but not the small horse series. there have been some script callback related crashes I've run into and reported so it might another one of those.
Last edited by crater; Jun 2 @ 10:09pm
crater Jun 3 @ 6:10am 
Originally posted by 不在猫:
• Prologue crashes after first cutscene, right before control is given to the player

weirdly i did not crash when the cutscene ended, but instead when I exited to the main menu. but there is definitely an issue affecting the mod.
Edit: ah, it crashed exactly where you mentioned when debug mode is off
Last edited by crater; Jun 3 @ 6:18am
crater Jun 4 @ 2:20am 
These crashes should be fixed in the new beta build
I thought I would add, in case it helps somehow. The Small Horse prologue and part 1 work fine in the current main branch of the game, only part 2 is broken, but in the open beta 1.51 it breaks all three as described above.
crater Jun 4 @ 3:08pm 
Are they still broken/crashing after the new 1.51 version uploaded earlier today (build id 14591455)? I haven't had a chance to test them yet, but the issues that were causing the crash in the previous build should be fixed.

specifically, the broken script callback issue that broke a bunch of mods on 1.5 was fixed in the first 1.51 build, but there was an oversight that caused it to then crash if debug mode was not enabled. this should now be fixed, and mods that were broken on 1.5 should work correctly again.
Last edited by crater; Jun 4 @ 3:46pm
Good news and bad news.

Good news, the custom stories are not crashing (as far as I know) anymore.

Bad news, scripting issues have popped up with this newest update in the following ways. A lot of objects the player would interact with (desk drawers, boxes, rocks, or most objects the player would move/pickup) are not intractable. Some items will allow the player to pick them up once, but if they are dropped then they become unable to be picked up again.

Again, this is with a focus on The Small Horse custom stories.
The player is supposed to pick up and use a large apple to destroy a door, this apple cannot be picked up by the player.

Part 1:
Many desks/objects cannot be interacted with, and thus items cannot be obtained by the player.
Additionally, a segment where the player must move a wall of boxes cannot be interacted with, and thus the player cannot proceed.

Part 2:
Good news here, as the previously broken level select at the start is working again!

However it seems other parts are still broken, in addition to the previously mentioned issues with interactable objects, here we also have the game softlock when approaching this Bulblin.
A short cutscene plays, but when the character leaves the scene, control is not given back to the player. Only option is to use the pause menu to Exit.

EDIT: Just to also make note, currently the prologue and part 1 play correctly on the main branch of the game, so this beta introduces these new issues. Part 2 of the Small Horse is an improvement with this new beta, as it would softlock on the main branch during the level select at the start.
Last edited by 不在猫; Jun 4 @ 6:09pm
crater Jun 4 @ 6:33pm 
Originally posted by 不在猫:
Bad news, scripting issues have popped up with this newest update in the following ways. A lot of objects the player would interact with (desk drawers, boxes, rocks, or most objects the player would move/pickup) are not intractable. Some items will allow the player to pick them up once, but if they are dropped then they become unable to be picked up again.

uh oh, the issue you had before with the crosshair acting like you could interact with stuff you couldn't was one of the things fixed in this build, but I guess the fix accidentally broke interaction even more...

I'll also try to find what is causing the softlock in part 2. probably yet another script callback that is failing in some way.
Edit; found it, PlayPropAnimation's callback fails if a previous callback was already set. Both of these issues have been reported on the issue tracker :k8happy:
Last edited by crater; Jun 5 @ 7:00am
Thank you again for the continued help with resolving these issues as they are found.
crater Jun 12 @ 9:52pm 
A new beta build (14695213) released this morning. I haven't had a chance to test it but hopefully it has fixed the last remaining issues introduced both in 1.5 and the earlier 1.51 betas.
不在猫 Jun 13 @ 12:02am 
Originally posted by crater:
A new beta build (14695213) released this morning. I haven't had a chance to test it but hopefully it has fixed the last remaining issues introduced both in 1.5 and the earlier 1.51 betas.
I've been testing and have a few notes (once more my focus is on The Small Horse custom stories)

Prologue - plays fine, no noted issues at this time

Part 1 - Softlocks at the very end cutscene, otherwise works fine

Part 2 - Much more playable than it has been up until now, however I have made a note that while trying to play, especially in the later half of this custom story, it will try to load a number of cutscenes, and either one of two things is happening when I go to test.
1) A first cutscene will play fine, but loading another cutscene in the same session causes a crash
2) Cutscenes fail to load/crash on first attempt, but load on subsequent attempts??? Less likely, but something that came to mind.

Overall even with crashing multiple times I was able to play and finish the custom story, albeit not as smoothly as it ran back on v1.4 of the game. I know at this point it is becoming a bit more vague, as I'm not able to make any specific part consistently crash or lock up in part 2 especially, but wanted to report my findings at the least.

Thank you all again for the work that has gone into this, it is great to be able to play these custom stories again in a proper capacity.
FG_luis  [developer] Jun 13 @ 2:18am 
Originally posted by 不在猫:
Originally posted by crater:
A new beta build (14695213) released this morning. I haven't had a chance to test it but hopefully it has fixed the last remaining issues introduced both in 1.5 and the earlier 1.51 betas.
I've been testing and have a few notes (once more my focus is on The Small Horse custom stories)

Prologue - plays fine, no noted issues at this time

Part 1 - Softlocks at the very end cutscene, otherwise works fine

Part 2 - Much more playable than it has been up until now, however I have made a note that while trying to play, especially in the later half of this custom story, it will try to load a number of cutscenes, and either one of two things is happening when I go to test.
1) A first cutscene will play fine, but loading another cutscene in the same session causes a crash
2) Cutscenes fail to load/crash on first attempt, but load on subsequent attempts??? Less likely, but something that came to mind.

Overall even with crashing multiple times I was able to play and finish the custom story, albeit not as smoothly as it ran back on v1.4 of the game. I know at this point it is becoming a bit more vague, as I'm not able to make any specific part consistently crash or lock up in part 2 especially, but wanted to report my findings at the least.

Thank you all again for the work that has gone into this, it is great to be able to play these custom stories again in a proper capacity.

It would be over the top awesome if you could post hpl.log files with output for these incidents, that would help a lot in locating the issues. Sadly, the hpl.log file is overwritten every time the game is started, so if we are unlucky and you have started the game again after getting the errors, you would have to go back and reproduce each of these to get them logged. You can find the hpl.log file in Documents\Amnesia\Main\hpl.log
Last edited by FG_luis; Jun 13 @ 2:19am
Here are the hpl.log files I could manage to make show up. I did not recreate every single crash I encountered in part 2 due to how long it takes, however I assume at this time that the crash is being caused by a similar issue, but if needed I can try to go back soon and recreate the others, or provide more information as necessary.

Pastebin because of Steam's 18k character limit (Let me know if another method of sending is preferred)
[links below are set to expire in 30 days]

The Small Horse - Prologue (crash on completion of custom story)

The Small Horse - Part I (no crash, however softlocks at final cutscene)

The Small Horse - Part II (Multiple crashes throughout long gameplay) /
[NOTE] This log was split into two URLs due to pastebin size limits, also some lines were trimmed down for this same size limit issue, redundant lines only, which would appear dozens of times in a row trimmed to 3-5 lines instead / /
[NOTE] Split into 3 files, some removals in URL #2

Hope this can help, let me know if I can provide any more data.
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