Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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is rpd too killer sided
it feels like a very large map but the interiors are pretty small, also its a collab map meaning that it probably wont be changed but theres so many dead ends and a library that's pointless half of the time
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Showing 1-15 of 34 comments
RPD is a rough map in general. You should've seen what it used to look like. Both east and west wing were one map which made it huge
Oh deer Jul 6 @ 9:59pm 
i think the nitelight stats have both RPDs around a 60% kill rate and considering there are other maps with kill rates as high as 65% i'd say 60% is relatively tame. some killers are oppressive on it and some killers struggle on it.
Last edited by Oh deer; Jul 6 @ 10:01pm
QW<RTNY Jul 6 @ 10:00pm 
Rpd is one of the maps that when survivors know how to play this map it's very painful for killer, but clueless survivors goes down very easily.
Oh it's not peaches or cream for anyone involved
ChaosWam Jul 6 @ 10:26pm 
It's been changed a few times already, actually.
najnamya Jul 6 @ 10:46pm 
Originally posted by Chaos:
It's been changed a few times already, actually.
sorry i'm a bit new to this game but that's actually very interesting
are there any other maps that underwent changes??
Mewsha Jul 6 @ 11:03pm 
Certain killers perform better on RPD. Others perform poorly, and some perform about the same.

Trapper, Onryo, and Ghostface are examples of killers that can do well on that map. Trapper because he can cut off doorways, Onryo because TVs are close together and thus spread condemn faster, and Ghostface because there's a lot of corners and gens with limited view on that map.

Other killers like Hillbilly, Oni, and Blight aren't going to have much fun on that map because there's a lot they can get caught on, and Huntress and Deathslinger are going to have to deal with survivors breaking line of sight often.

It is easier to 3-gen yourself on that map though, and often that's usually the only option those poor performing killers have. If you're in a SWF, a 3 gen should realistically never happen as all of you should be locked in to the tug of war over the most important gen. However, solo queue is a different story. RPD is hardly the only map where that problem can happen though. That's why I've always thought that certain gens should be worth more points to encourage survivors to play more risky and actually put up a good fight for it.
6 hours in and coming to talk about map balance?
I'm not trying to insult you, but you likely haven't played on half the total maps yet. This is a game with a LOT of subtle aspects to it that factor into discussion like this.
Last edited by Mors_Indecepta; Jul 6 @ 11:36pm
These discussions should really be left for when you have perfectly memorized the map and all chase routes and alternate routes when portions of the map are downed.

Additionally, you can't refer to it as just RPD

RPD East - The 50% sized RPD reworked Map
RPD West - The 70% sized RPD reworked Map

They claim it's both half, but you'll clearly see an imbalance when you are not using a mobility killer. Additionally overlaying the maps and comparing all walkable space shows the West wing is larger by about 20%.

When you have no idea how to run this map as a Survivor- it can be torture to go against any killer on this map.

But certain killers do thrive on this map, like Hag, Nurse, Pyramid Head, Huntress, pinhead, ect.
Other killers literally cry themselves to sleep on this map no matter what, like Trapper, Billy, and Freddy.

However all of this is subject to random chance since you could have an aura build, survivors could have anti-aura, people could be sandbagged by accident, people also just make mistakes.

Just play the game and try to avoid actually discussing balance until everything is known to you- you'll be much happier focusing on learning the game first.
Running loops is something you may need to look up videos for if certain maps like RPD are difficult for you.
asa0199 Jul 7 @ 5:25am 
Originally posted by Mewsha:
Other killers like Hillbilly, Oni, and Blight aren't going to have much fun on that map because there's a lot they can get caught on, and Huntress and Deathslinger are going to have to deal with survivors breaking line of sight often.

As a Blight, I've found it to be quite the opposite. The doors are big enough to dash through, there are lots of long and unbroken hallways, and the safe zones... aren't (especially if you're up against Billy, Wesker, or Oni who can still hug objects). On one hand, it's ridiculously fun to play because the place is such a huge jungle gym and getting around without slowing down almost feels more like a racing game than a horror game. On the other... yeah, it can feel a little unfair. Last time I played survivor and ran into a Wesker in RPD, I was like, "We're dead." I was not wrong.
Palid Jul 7 @ 5:31am 
it's very killer sided if you aren't bad at killer.. instead of innovating the devs would rather cut maps down into tiny maps for no reason to appease the killer mains. game has been going downhill ever since they started this whole downsizing maps trend..
Originally posted by Palid:
it's very killer sided if you aren't bad at killer.. instead of innovating the devs would rather cut maps down into tiny maps for no reason to appease the killer mains. game has been going downhill ever since they started this whole downsizing maps trend..
i smell a surv main
I love this map as survivor, except against obnoxious franklin's attunement users.

Always save the outside gens for last, loop the killer in/around main hall and do main hall gens first.
Last edited by Lefurtif126; Jul 7 @ 6:49am
as a survivor main RPD is my favorite map. Idk what you are on about.
Quietly Jul 7 @ 8:16am 
As both killer and survivor, I enjoy RPD, and think it's pretty balanced. I'd argue that, if anything, it's a veteran-sided map.
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