Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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Top 5 most boring killers go up against?
1. skull merchant
2. legion
3. twins
4. knight
5. billy
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_source.tv_ Jul 6 @ 2:06am 
SWF with comms, they are true killers this game, very boring play against
Last edited by _source.tv_; Jul 6 @ 2:06am
clown legion skull merchant nurse chucky
Combination of boring/disliked killers (mostly that I dislike playing against)

(In no order) I find Skull merchant, legion, The Trickster, The Knight and The Singularity as boring...

But for whom I dislike to play against in general is:

The Pig, The Oni, Legion and The Trickster
I find skull merchant boring. It's like the devs didn't know what kind of killer they were aiming for when creating her. Followed by trickster, singularity.

I don't like playing against clown cuz the gas triggers migraines for me.
1. No hooks insta-kill Myers. Just feels unfair to get insta-killed just because one of your teammates thought staring him down was a good idea. The counterplay of "just get into a locker so he can only insta-down but not insta-kill you" also feels bad.
2. Skull Merchant. Might be because I have only seen her twice yet, but it sucked. Skill issue I guess.
3. Wraith. I often see him way before he reaches me, but he will still get his hit in. Also they seem to tunnel very often?
4. Pig. The crouch + charge is annoying, but getting taken out of the generator game for ages because of the bear trap just sucks.
5. Legion. I want horror or tension, not a racing simulator.

I also wanna mention the Clown because I'm salty because they almost always camp Ü
Façade Jul 6 @ 3:36am 
1. Nemesis - I just can't do anything to this guy, can't run, can't loop, pallets are useless. Obviously a skill issue. Love how he sounds like an absolute unit with those footsteps though.
2. Trickster - Get mowed down by a barrage of knives with no real counter and winning feels heavily dependent on the map you get, even more so than other killers.
3. Knight - I don't find the guard chasing mechanic fun, just forcing you to run for a while.
4. Legion - get slashed, mend, get slashed again, mend again, and so on.
5. Nightmare - He's just boring, but still a nice change of pace every once in a while. Definitely wish there was more to his power.

The only thing boring about skull merchant is how everyone d/c's after seeing her, so it's near impossible to have a proper game with her anyways. Glad she's getting reworked again in the future, but I don't see it making a difference in public perception.
Last edited by Façade; Jul 6 @ 3:44am
Mewsha Jul 6 @ 3:37am 
1. Skull Merchant.
2. Pinhead
3. Doctor
4. Clown
5. Knight
knight, not by feature of the char, only by skillless player thats only camp with him
billy, most skilless hook camper
Originally posted by _source.tv_:
thank for understanding, yes i not in condition for write enough correct by not native language, but obliged try exactly this because come in english section dbd forum, agree that my english can looks terrible and by such reason not going deny obvious things :)
I perfectly understand you anyway !
I honestly don't find a single one of them to be boring.
The only time I've ever been bored was when the killer was just afk the whole match. It's more certain things some killers do that becomes waiting to bleed out, or something like that.
For me, it's probably Myers. Every single Myers brings Judith's tombstone and an EW3 addon, so there's no variation. After the first couple of gens, survivors are all but guaranteed to be exposed and it becomes a race to run him, maybe make him eat a pallet or two, stall just long enough and then hop into a locker. Then pray that the other survivors are making some gen progress and know to find a locker once they run out of options for running/looping. I don't find him the most difficult to play against, just the most boring since every single game is exactly the same.
Stroggs Jul 6 @ 7:14am 
Originally posted by _source.tv_:
SWF with comms, they are true killers this game, very boring play against

1. Legion Slash,mend,slash,mend over and over
2. Plague just puke
3. Trickster hail of knives, no skill involved right map he can't do anything, wrong map.. the map is the real skill not the killer.
4. Clown
5. Knight
Lylex Jul 6 @ 2:26pm 
1. nurse
2. trickster
3. plague
4. legion
5. nemesis because his walking sfx are just disturbing to me
ghost face is the only killer that legit boar's me too death when i do play survivor.
the rest is mainly how much of a deprave of father love the killer player is.
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