Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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Supra Jul 2 @ 4:26pm
The skull merchant, a Behavior error?
I don't understand what Behavior wanted to do by creating this killer, everyone hates her when playing against her, no one wants to play against her. I'm sure everyone would be happy to see it removed from the game, or a nerf?

I mean, everything is too strong with her, she has no weak point, the drones we can deactivate them but they reactivate on their own after a few seconds, she can become undetectable in the zone of her drones, we can be hurt by staying too long in the drone zone..

They tried to nerf it but it didn't change anything, it's still horrible to play against. I'm sure everyone would be happy if she was removed from the game or if she got a nerf? At least she is no longer undetectable in the area of ​​her drones...

(Message made with Google Trad, sorry for any mistakes)
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Bhvr is pretty bad at making big changes that are good. They either end up being useless or busted and have to be fixed again later. Side note, she gets undetectable globally now and not in the vicinity of drones (maybe a translation thing).

What to do with the killer? Who knows. I still have unerring conviction that SM is the cobbled remnants of scrapped killers to make a profit out of things that were going to waste. They have said multiple times that they don't like not using work they have done.

Can they remove her? No. For a number of reasons that would be a disaster. They are stuck with SM and will have to fix her. How to do it is really hard. Nobody has any constructive suggestions and SM isn't popular while simultaneously being one of the highest kill rate killers.
Supra Jul 2 @ 5:06pm 
Originally posted by State Line Crosser:
Bhvr is pretty bad at making big changes that are good. They either end up being useless or busted and have to be fixed again later. Side note, she gets undetectable globally now and not in the vicinity of drones (maybe a translation thing).

What to do with the killer? Who knows. I still have unerring conviction that SM is the cobbled remnants of scrapped killers to make a profit out of things that were going to waste. They have said multiple times that they don't like not using work they have done.

Can they remove her? No. For a number of reasons that would be a disaster. They are stuck with SM and will have to fix her. How to do it is really hard. Nobody has any constructive suggestions and SM isn't popular while simultaneously being one of the highest kill rate killers.

Waaiiitttt she can be undetectable globally now ??????? Wow.....
Originally posted by Supra:
Waaiiitttt she can be undetectable globally now ??????? Wow.....
Correct, it occurs when she drops the drones for a few seconds.
Skull Merchant is not that bad once you learn how to counter her. She does need some small changes like removing the haste or hindered and giving a way to possibly remove lock-on stacks, but other than that she is fine if not a little weak. Removing her wouldn't do good because there are people who main her (such as myself) that would be outraged about it and it would be a massive loss of money on bhvr's part. She is here to stay whether you like it or not.
yea every time i see her i just get on my phone and wait to die playing agaisnt her is just brain rot surely removing her would be the play
idk i rather play against her than the stupid knight whose only ability is to camp
The hate toward is kinda ridiculus like the only thing she was good for was 3 genning this got remove its impossible to 3 gen for an hour.

Her chase is still weak shes still a m1 killer that get counter by looping its not like she can down you with her power alone or hit you trough a wall.

Honestly right now shes got a bad rep cause of the 3 gen meta we had and she made that meta miserable for 3 or 4 month but it was 2 years ago and thar meta was the worst for both killer and survivor.
Kravkik Jul 2 @ 10:49pm 
Originally posted by Tokogawa GER:
Weekly Skully Hate Thread.

Playing her tomorrow for 5+ Games because of this Thread btw
Keep doing it, knight's clicking m2 on every loop ability got nerfed, snooze merchant's is next.
Skaluk Jul 2 @ 11:00pm 
she is not that strong now.
I actually think that she need a buff (rework maybe)
Because only 1 survivor can turn off all of her drone and she is basically m1 killer.
I like her original power to go in undetecteble in drone radius.Not this "ah m2 to go undetecteble for some seconds" thing.
Originally posted by Supra:
I don't understand what Behavior wanted to do by creating this killer, everyone hates her when playing against her, no one wants to play against her. I'm sure everyone would be happy to see it removed from the game, or a nerf?

I mean, everything is too strong with her, she has no weak point, the drones we can deactivate them but they reactivate on their own after a few seconds, she can become undetectable in the zone of her drones, we can be hurt by staying too long in the drone zone..

They tried to nerf it but it didn't change anything, it's still horrible to play against. I'm sure everyone would be happy if she was removed from the game or if she got a nerf? At least she is no longer undetectable in the area of ​​her drones...

(Message made with Google Trad, sorry for any mistakes)

The main issue is the core design of the game too though. If 3 genning wasn't so strong as a concept she'd be genuinely worthless.
Originally posted by Stoic Repair:
Keep doing it, knight's clicking m2 on every loop ability got nerfed, snooze merchant's is next.
She's already had her rework, besides its impossible for BHVR to get any actual data on her because people keep DCing and giving up on hook before the game even begins. So yeah, keep huffing that copium.

She's not even that strong if people actually use their eyes. The crying over an M1 killer is sad.
Last edited by Shinkiro; Jul 3 @ 1:20am
Jerav Jul 3 @ 2:15am 
she's an M1 killer :3 how do u struggle?
she is easy to counter, no need to change anything, adjust your perks and tactic
Originally posted by Supra:
I don't understand what Behavior wanted to do by creating this killer, everyone hates her when playing against her, no one wants to play against her. I'm sure everyone would be happy to see it removed from the game, or a nerf?

I mean, everything is too strong with her, she has no weak point, the drones we can deactivate them but they reactivate on their own after a few seconds, she can become undetectable in the zone of her drones, we can be hurt by staying too long in the drone zone..

They tried to nerf it but it didn't change anything, it's still horrible to play against. I'm sure everyone would be happy if she was removed from the game or if she got a nerf? At least she is no longer undetectable in the area of ​​her drones...

(Message made with Google Trad, sorry for any mistakes)
I would be sad if she was gone
Donut Jul 3 @ 4:02am 
I get why people hate her for sure, Drones are annoying and still are soooo good at blocking gens and if you're in a chase then you either take a hit running away or you take a hit from the drone because you circled a pallet that you thought would be safe against literally anyone else

I do think people greatly exaggerate her tho, Her drones can be hacked and will then have a "off timer" or until she puts another one down, you can crouch through them to remain unseen by them or you can just avoid them all together, Some say its easier said then done but honestly its really not that bad, If you're in a chase then run for window loops and LEAVE the area, I was against a skull merchant the other day and one of my teammates looped her at shack full knowing she had a drone inside it, he hopped the window and again ran her through shack and getting downed. There was literally a pallet right outside shack......
Last edited by Donut; Jul 3 @ 4:02am
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