Silent Breach

Silent Breach

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Collision sound effect looping
I hit rocks and the sound effect would not stop

Or it may have been enemy killing you but not actually being in range to do it, not sure
Last edited by American Dove Mitten; Jul 1 @ 12:04pm
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Just replayed the game after the patch, felt a lot less distracting

If could maybe pitch you a small idea to maybe add a little bit of flavor to the story

Perhaps after the ending you could do a bit more exploration inside the monster, have like meaty walls and maybe find something inside. Just a thought, add something unique perhaps, and maybe you can take it from there, decide what to end the game on at that point. If not, I would just try to add a few events in the cabin prior to the ending, so it's not just moving around, there should be some feedback or something happening. You can even add something psychological, have some visions or see someone else in the cabin.
Last edited by American Dove Mitten; Jul 5 @ 6:03pm
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Date Posted: Jul 1 @ 11:15am
Posts: 1