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data colection etiquette

don't think it is a good idea to randomly begin collecting data without user consent.

while you used a word "anonymous" (or it's derivatives) 3 times in a single update note,
the end user must be able to decide on their own whether to contribute or not.
and it is not just about trust. i, for one, need to know what exactly the app i am launching is doing.

like, i do not know what exact data is collected and how it will be used.
the only thing i know: the app is sending some data somewhere. i do not like this behaviour of my apps.
and since this app is updated via steam, i think it is only fair to block it from any internet access.

who knows, mybe next time you decide to integrate a crypto miner or something.
aint nobody got time to monitor all the update notes for all the apps and games.

especially considering, this is indeed a paid app. and i do not remeber signing (accepting) any user agreement.

this type of updates should at least have something like a welcome screen with a description of new features, so the user would be well aware of new functionality.
or even better: maybe accept/decline buttons or a pointer to a setting to toggle a feature.
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In fact, in Europe this could get the APP thrown out of the store ... (in theory at least)
Andrew  [developer] Jul 1 @ 5:00am 
Originally posted by DiabloPower:
In fact, in Europe this could get the APP thrown out of the store ... (in theory at least)

It couldn’t. It doesn’t collect any identifiable user data. No IP, Steam IDs, or other identifiable information. Anonymous metrics.

There isn’t any plans for an opt-out.
Last edited by Andrew; Jul 1 @ 5:00am
yes and no...
If a program collects data without prior consent, it could violate GDPR principles.
In this case scenario the program was not collecting any data prior to the update, but now it does. That makes it a dramatic change for a paid program and the user has no choice because the update is forced by delivery system (steam). (either full automatic or when the program is about to be started, there is no way to prevent the update from happening)

The legal implications should be taken seriously, even though in the present case, it is unlikely that anyone will pursue it. :tgrin:
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