Factory Outlet Simulator

Factory Outlet Simulator

Some Ideas
I have three general ideas that might have been already discussed or the developers might be working on but I thought I would give my feedback.

The first one is wholesale. I would like to be able to make multiple deals at the same time and work on them with different machines. With that being said a tracker of some sort for the amount of a certain t-shirt would be great to know so I don't make 30 extra shirts because I counted wrong. With the larger orders, the pallet would be good to stack boxes, either custom placement or click and snap would be great.

My second idea connects to the pallets. More and different vehicle options would make the game way better. A forklift to lift the pallets and load them onto trucks and unload into the dock would make things way less tedious. Also different ways to move the pallets/boxes such as bigger trucks, box trucks, and semi-trucks/trailers. Those semi-trailers where the forklift attached to the back would be super cool.

Lastly is the port. Currently I just wish it was a little bigger. I would like to be able to back my truck up straight against the conveyor and unload there. It's a super tight space and it simply being a little big would be nice. If the bigger trucks get added then moving the port further away might be a good change.

These are just rough ideas and should be taken lightly. I would love to buy the game as long as it isn't super expensive. I am not trying to criticize at all as I could not make nearly as good.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
frollas  [developer] Jun 13 @ 3:57am 
Hello, thank you very much for your nice thoughts and criticism. I'm actively sharing the changes I've made on devlogs and discord. In fact, similar changes have been requested a lot and I'm working on it. I'll take everything you say into consideration, I hope you like it. :)
Hello, it would be also nice too see the production cost in the price setting section :)
One thing I noticed - the image files for custom designs bring up the player's directory structure. While this isn't a problem for single-player games, this could be a problem if said player is a streamer. Perhaps have a default directory for images, with a default option that doesn't doesn't show the user's file system. I'd suggest leaving the current set-up as an option though, although something that should probably be switched on in the Settings.

For the port area, besides perhaps making it wider, I'd suggest making it possible to drive through without backing up. In other words, have it on a loop. It's already somewhat tricky to either turn around or back up with the current truck. If you implement a larger truck, it'll become a 'game' in and of itself to drive it through the port area - something the player might not have the skill or interest to pull off.

For production cost display... a little tricky, since you can buy materials from the guy for cheaper. I suppose it could still work if you give the standard price from the regular supplier though.

Had some ideas about trends, but decided to fire up the demo again and it seems it's going to be implemented. (Examples being seasonal items as an easy regular trend, or having to a band you could license goods that randomly does popularity stunts and scandals, and thus ends up as a natural hard mode.)
frollas  [developer] Jun 26 @ 10:37am 
Originally posted by cyborg.stan:
One thing I noticed - the image files for custom designs bring up the player's directory structure. While this isn't a problem for single-player games, this could be a problem if said player is a streamer. Perhaps have a default directory for images, with a default option that doesn't doesn't show the user's file system. I'd suggest leaving the current set-up as an option though, although something that should probably be switched on in the Settings.

For the port area, besides perhaps making it wider, I'd suggest making it possible to drive through without backing up. In other words, have it on a loop. It's already somewhat tricky to either turn around or back up with the current truck. If you implement a larger truck, it'll become a 'game' in and of itself to drive it through the port area - something the player might not have the skill or interest to pull off.

For production cost display... a little tricky, since you can buy materials from the guy for cheaper. I suppose it could still work if you give the standard price from the regular supplier though.

Had some ideas about trends, but decided to fire up the demo again and it seems it's going to be implemented. (Examples being seasonal items as an easy regular trend, or having to a band you could license goods that randomly does popularity stunts and scandals, and thus ends up as a natural hard mode.)
Thank you for your feedback. We are actually implementing many of them. I share what I added for the full version as DEVLOG on our Discord channel and in the announcements section on steam. :)
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Date Posted: Jun 12 @ 3:35pm
Posts: 4