Esports Godfather: The Legend Begins

Esports Godfather: The Legend Begins

Gillis needs a rework
Her passive is just too unreliable, in most team compositions in a 5 man fight she has a roughly 35% chance to be attacked by enemy team members on turn 1. That means that 10% of the time she won't get attacked at all, not to mention that her retaliation attack has a chance to miss.

Either give her a turn 1 taunt like Peter, or change her ability to something else. I would suggest maybe a lifesteal passive since no other heroes have one and she has a vampire/demon theme.
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doesn't she have a mastery that gives her like 10 presence (basically taunt) also isn't her ability guaranteed versus aoe heroes (making her strong there). (and isn't one of the better parts about it that she's basically ungankable due to taking no damage turn 1?) (granted i've only used her once in the demo)
She's also the best anti-gank champion for mid.
She can be a useful option as a pseudo tank in a full offense team as well, especially in jungle since she joins every resource battle. Charm is also a pretty amazing card when maximized. Doubling up on treasure rewards for example is lovely.

Also, doesn't she retain the bonus power until she actually hits? I'm pretty sure it worked that way in the previous demo. Haven't checked in this one.

Lifesteal actually does exist in a few forms. Cubey, for example, has standard on hit lifesteal already.
PastLow May 21 @ 5:01am 
Originally posted by enzmagus2025:
doesn't she have a mastery that gives her like 10 presence (basically taunt) also isn't her ability guaranteed versus aoe heroes (making her strong there). (and isn't one of the better parts about it that she's basically ungankable due to taking no damage turn 1?) (granted i've only used her once in the demo)

I factored that +6 passive in to the 35% chance. I assumed a tank or bruiser top laner (with a +1 presence bonus from hero mastery and +3 from character generation skill), ranged bot laner, and a melee character mid and support. If you take a ranged character in both mid and support the chance goes up to 42%. I've done the math, 10 presence is not "basically taunt"

Calling her a mid champion is also self-conflicting because all of her kit except for her passive is perfect for a jungler. Her 2 tile radius initiate skill which lasts 4 turns means that she can initiate a fight with 2 lanes at once during her normal jungle route, and it synergizes perfectly with her hypnotize skill which lets her move the enemy midlaner outside the radius for a huge numbers advantage (4v2 for mid + bot fights, 3v1 for mid + top). For a character whose kit seems to emphasize initiating fights with lots of team mates, why does her passive directly contradict that?
Last edited by PastLow; May 21 @ 5:07am
Originally posted by Horrible Marksman:
She can be a useful option as a pseudo tank in a full offense team as well, especially in jungle since she joins every resource battle. Charm is also a pretty amazing card when maximized. Doubling up on treasure rewards for example is lovely.

Also, doesn't she retain the bonus power until she actually hits? I'm pretty sure it worked that way in the previous demo. Haven't checked in this one.

Lifesteal actually does exist in a few forms. Cubey, for example, has standard on hit lifesteal already.

She keeps it until first attack, hit or miss. It doesn't get lost if she's stunned.
Originally posted by ricky.brooks:
Originally posted by Horrible Marksman:
She can be a useful option as a pseudo tank in a full offense team as well, especially in jungle since she joins every resource battle. Charm is also a pretty amazing card when maximized. Doubling up on treasure rewards for example is lovely.

Also, doesn't she retain the bonus power until she actually hits? I'm pretty sure it worked that way in the previous demo. Haven't checked in this one.

Lifesteal actually does exist in a few forms. Cubey, for example, has standard on hit lifesteal already.

She keeps it until first attack, hit or miss. It doesn't get lost if she's stunned.
Ah, that must be what I was remembering then. Interesting. Even on a follow up miss the potential to invalidate an entire teams turn seems worth it. I usually build at least one presence item on her to help with that though.
PastLow May 21 @ 2:46pm 
Originally posted by Horrible Marksman:
Originally posted by ricky.brooks:

She keeps it until first attack, hit or miss. It doesn't get lost if she's stunned.
Ah, that must be what I was remembering then. Interesting. Even on a follow up miss the potential to invalidate an entire teams turn seems worth it. I usually build at least one presence item on her to help with that though.

With a 35% trigger rate you will have a 0.525% success rate (1/192) chance of invalidating the enemy's turn. At 42% it's a 1.31% (1/76).

In the most ideal possible team, using the only ranged toplaner, digo mid, deepspace as the botlane, and a ranged support, and maxing out her persence as much as possible, basically throwing everything else out the window to make her passive work, even then, the success rate of blocking the whole enemy team is only 19.6%, or 1 in 5.
I used her once this demo and she absorbed the entire opposing teams hits in the final fight and then 1-shotted one of them with a 2500 or so power buff. I also didn’t have her passive as she was level one. Will that happen a lot? No. It can though and she has other tools she brings to the table as well. Also, absorbing 1-4 hits or more with pets or multi attacks can be valuable as well. It’s not binary all or none.

It’s a good ability throughout the game and requires no extra effort to get going. Can be a strong hero for any player passives that break on death for example since she isn’t very likely to die. Gold crown for instance + charm can make it so she laps characters with incredible farm power that is hard to stop. I like her ability. It isn’t perfect but I don’t think it’s weak either.
Last edited by Horrible Marksman; May 21 @ 3:11pm
Originally posted by PastLow:
Originally posted by Horrible Marksman:
Ah, that must be what I was remembering then. Interesting. Even on a follow up miss the potential to invalidate an entire teams turn seems worth it. I usually build at least one presence item on her to help with that though.

With a 35% trigger rate you will have a 0.525% success rate (1/192) chance of invalidating the enemy's turn. At 42% it's a 1.31% (1/76).

In the most ideal possible team, using the only ranged toplaner, digo mid, deepspace as the botlane, and a ranged support, and maxing out her persence as much as possible, basically throwing everything else out the window to make her passive work, even then, the success rate of blocking the whole enemy team is only 19.6%, or 1 in 5.
What do you mean by 35% trigger rate?
To me she is really strong, and I play Hell mode only.

Some mentions:
- Her botlane ganks are really strong and safe, especially if you have 2 ranged units and the enemy just attacks her.
- Add the presence stat on her and you basically get a free first round in teamfights.
- Safe pick for mid with high gank potential.
- Hypnosis is very strong, because of its versatility.
- High range gank potential as a jungler.

She still weaker than Mo, who is in a league of his own. This guy can literally 1v9 if he gets a few kills.
Acedia also negates her passive completely
Last edited by ๖ۣۜƳ𝓪𝓷𝓰; May 22 @ 2:55pm
PastLow May 24 @ 2:19am 
Originally posted by ricky.brooks:
What do you mean by 35% trigger rate?
I'm specifically referring to the chance that she will be targeted by an individual enemy attack on turn 1 in a fight with all her teammates present.

35% is the result when you use the presence values of a relatively average team, it can go as low as 30% to as high as 72% if you throw everything else out the window (trying to keep ally presence values as low as possible)

Keep in mind though that raising Gillis's presence value is a double edged sword because she's super squishy past turn 1. If you focus enemy attacks onto her she will basically melt away in any team fight that lasts more than 3 turns.
Last edited by PastLow; May 24 @ 2:20am
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