Esports Godfather: The Legend Begins

Esports Godfather: The Legend Begins

Some thoughts after finishing the Demo
I like it more than I expected for sure, but a few things I like to see changed:

1.Saving at any time/changing settings at any time. I really feel like this game would benefit hugely from the ability to change its settings and to save more freely. It works pretty well as a thing you play in the background while waiting to load into a game of League of legends, but not if you need to then go into windows settings to mute it and you cant pause during its ban phase/and can't quit out mid game.

2.Option menu, the one you get at the start of a new campaign is great but why is it only accessible then? Some things might make sense but options like being able to turn on/off manual JG routes and recalls feel like they should be adjustable down the line, as a MOBA player a lot of those things were missing to me but also I am not going to dig through options playing my first time. This includes being able to change the logo of your team, the name, etc, anything that doesnt have to be hard locked in at start of a campaign would be nice.

2.Ability to skip the first 6 qualifying matches. I think its a good addition to pace the introduction and let people get familiar with mechanics one at a time, but I can already see that on repeat plays of the game it is going to be tedious, I found the first 6 games to be very dull and simple even the first time through.

Better out of match UI would be nice, I don't really like the way you just hit "next" all the time, a homescreen from which you can look at things like team standings, match history, player history, rules, etc, would be much nicer and make it feel less like I am swiping right on a phone game.

Those are the main things that I see as straight up no-brainer improvements, now some things more personal, as someone who is far more into MOBA than cardgames:

1.I don't really like the forced herald/dragon fight mechanic, it creates a very static pace, I actually much prefer how the (not baron) is handled, where a team can initiate it for a cost. Also not a huge fan of how it statically decides for you what hero can participate, but that is likely beyond scope. Generally, i feel like all objective fights lack punch, the objective just chills in the background without doing anything. Using the tower mechanic to have it do damage to teams at random, or based on who initiated might be more interesting.

2. This might be mostly because of one of the rule changes I got when I went into league 2(something about jg farming giving extra money at 20,30..., it wasn't well translated), idk if its a glitch but it meant that strategy points wouldn't count up till around 20 turns with the first "action" being in 35 or something. This meant in one of my games my botlane lost its outer tower and half its inner tower before I even got to play a single card.

Point is, I don't really like how the tower damaging mechanic works, it seems too easy to brute force win by just having your team out poke the enemy, towers realistically take very little damage if the enemy champion is not dead in most scenarios. No high level team is going to lose inhibit tower with all 5 players alive.(usually)

On note of that, Herald is awkward as it lets you nuke a tower even if the enemy champion is all the way in your nexus, I think it should check if the enemy champion of that lane is near tower or beyond it, not just near tower.

If I think of anything else I post it here, there are a lot of minor things but I wanted to keep it somewhat focused.
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Agree, my first issue is your #3 all the lack clarity in the UI. It's really confusing when you first play this game to figure out what you can even do outside of matches when it's just moving you through a set order of events with the next button on the info tab. You also have to make way too many decisions to customize how the game functions on a basic level before you know anything about it.

Another huge inconvenience is how much information that is not included in appropriate menus. Needing to go between the character screen and the training schedule info screen over and over to compare player stats. Needing to push alt on several areas to find key information like champion abilities and class. HP bars being tiny and off to the side during battles making it impossible to track who is winning the fight.

Game needs a searchable glossary, still have no idea what most skills do and there is information hidden in sub folders of the help menu where you just have to know you can click into them, and many terms come up before they appear in the tutorial.

On a whole other note for design of the game I haven't played that much but I don't understand waiting until 8 energy or whatever to be able to act, this game would be much more interesting if you could act as soon as you have enough for any of your cards in hand. There already seems to be functionally to bank from 8 to 10 instead of using any, not sure why it doesn't always at least give you control in turns of 2 energy if you have something to play.
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