Esports Godfather: The Legend Begins

Esports Godfather: The Legend Begins

The targeting is horrible.
There were multiple free kills my guys lost because they refused to attack a guy with 200 hp, 50 hp and so on. And there were multiple fights lost because they kept targeting the guy with the most hp even when he did not have taunt or anything like that. Like why, they assassin is like two hits away from dying and he is wiping you because you refuse to kill him.
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If you're in league 2 and the tanks have items with "presence" on them they are more likely to be targeted. Front line units innately have more presence than backline as well. Also, there's an option when you start a run to make misses do a chosen % of dmg instead of 0, up to 40% I believe.
Galah May 19 @ 12:58pm 
Originally posted by Head On/Pill:
If you're in league 2 and the tanks have items with "presence" on them they are more likely to be targeted. Front line units innately have more presence than backline as well. Also, there's an option when you start a run to make misses do a chosen % of dmg instead of 0, up to 40% I believe.
misses have not been a problem. The targeting problem is persistent in league 1 and 2. Like ok I get that tanks with presence are more likely to be targeted but I feel like once the ai sees a kill it should focus on that. Cuz it just sucks when their 50 hp assassin gets two kills because my guys are targeting the full hp tank.
edit: a stat like "intelligence" or "target focus" would be nice.
Last edited by Galah; May 19 @ 1:00pm
It's definitely annoying, but it's also where some heroes shine more than others. Confirming kills with AE heroes, the pirate hero, etc. In league 2, with itemization, My tank is the only character at risk of dying first. Seems only fair that they are in the same boat at that point. I've also had situations where my low hp hero is then ignored for the rest of a fight and cleans up which is pretty funny to watch.

I kind of wish you could set a target focus and then presence level would have a %chance to override that instead, but the fights would likely be a fair bit easier at that point so I don't really mind the way it is, especially since you can build around mitigating the impact.
Foxxy May 19 @ 1:15pm 
Originally posted by Galah:
Originally posted by Head On/Pill:
If you're in league 2 and the tanks have items with "presence" on them they are more likely to be targeted. Front line units innately have more presence than backline as well. Also, there's an option when you start a run to make misses do a chosen % of dmg instead of 0, up to 40% I believe.
misses have not been a problem. The targeting problem is persistent in league 1 and 2. Like ok I get that tanks with presence are more likely to be targeted but I feel like once the ai sees a kill it should focus on that. Cuz it just sucks when their 50 hp assassin gets two kills because my guys are targeting the full hp tank.
edit: a stat like "intelligence" or "target focus" would be nice.
I do agree that there should be some stat that goes against presence, it makes tanks feel so strong, especially in mid. Either presence needs a lower % of proc'ing or certain classes of characters need a way to not attack a tank 100% of the time which is something i've often seen.
When you create your league you can have it so that low health champions receive an increase in presence. I've found that to help a bit with targeting the squishier characters. You'd just need to damage them a bit in the field prior to the fight
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