Suspicious application. [For Dev's]
We click, sometimes get an item and can sell it.

Roughly speaking it's money taken out of thin air, which I find suspicious. The question is that someone buys “bananas”, why? For what purpose? I get the feeling that this is an application for money laundering, or for shady transactions.

I don't want to mislead anyone, but I would be calm after an official response from the developer.
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Showing 1-15 of 31 comments
Nico Jun 7 @ 2:04pm 
Here is developers steam profile...
Well the money goes into your steam wallet, and from what I understand, you can't transfer money from your steam wallet to your bank account. So it can't really be used for money laundering, unless you're using stolen money for the sole purpose of buying steam games.
Last edited by Vic Vinegar; Jun 7 @ 2:23pm
Roma Jun 7 @ 2:37pm 
Originally posted by Vic Vinegar:
Well the money goes into your steam wallet, and from what I understand, you can't transfer money from your steam wallet to your bank account. So it can't really be used for money laundering, unless you're using stolen money for the sole purpose of buying steam games.
:lunar2019crylaughingpig: what about cs:2 skins and trade markets?
Originally posted by Roma:
Originally posted by Vic Vinegar:
Well the money goes into your steam wallet, and from what I understand, you can't transfer money from your steam wallet to your bank account. So it can't really be used for money laundering, unless you're using stolen money for the sole purpose of buying steam games.
:lunar2019crylaughingpig: what about cs:2 skins and trade markets?

I don't really know anything about that, or how they're connected to the bananas.
Roma Jun 7 @ 2:41pm 
Originally posted by Vic Vinegar:
Originally posted by Roma:
:lunar2019crylaughingpig: what about cs:2 skins and trade markets?

I don't really know anything about that, or how they're connected to the bananas.
Study the question, you will discover a lot for yourself :VBOY:
Still not sure how this ties in with the bananas. Is there some kind of market trading website for bananas that I'm not finding?
Roma Jun 7 @ 3:27pm 
Originally posted by Vic Vinegar:
Still not sure how this ties in with the bananas. Is there some kind of market trading website for bananas that I'm not finding?
You can sell bananas on steam trade market, buy cs2 skins and sell them on third party site with low comission.
Roma Jun 7 @ 3:32pm 
Originally posted by Vic Vinegar:
Still not sure how this ties in with the bananas. Is there some kind of market trading website for bananas that I'm not finding?
Since there are no major updates, but only skin updates, perhaps something is wrong here. Well, the game has great potential. It’s just that the developers are in no hurry, or are trying to close the project as soon as possible, maybe a couple of thousand dollars will be enough for them.
Last edited by Roma; Jun 7 @ 3:32pm
Originally posted by Roma:
Originally posted by Vic Vinegar:
Still not sure how this ties in with the bananas. Is there some kind of market trading website for bananas that I'm not finding?
Since there are no major updates, but only skin updates, perhaps something is wrong here. Well, the game has great potential. It’s just that the developers are in no hurry, or are trying to close the project as soon as possible, maybe a couple of thousand dollars will be enough for them.

Oh now I see! Damn that's a lot of hoops to jump through for a few cents here and there.
Originally posted by Roma:
Originally posted by Vic Vinegar:
Well the money goes into your steam wallet, and from what I understand, you can't transfer money from your steam wallet to your bank account. So it can't really be used for money laundering, unless you're using stolen money for the sole purpose of buying steam games.
:lunar2019crylaughingpig: what about cs:2 skins and trade markets?
In CS2 absolutely all skins in the past have come out of cases, meaning to get a skin you have to invest in a case and its keys. Specifically in the Banana app you don't have to buy anything, as I wrote above it's “money out of thin air”.
UPD: Forgot that sometimes skins and cases are given out at the end of the round, but it's still not significant.
Last edited by mendacium; Jun 7 @ 8:22pm
Roma Jun 7 @ 10:03pm 
Originally posted by mendacium:
Originally posted by Roma:
:lunar2019crylaughingpig: what about cs:2 skins and trade markets?
In CS2 absolutely all skins in the past have come out of cases, meaning to get a skin you have to invest in a case and its keys. Specifically in the Banana app you don't have to buy anything, as I wrote above it's “money out of thin air”.
UPD: Forgot that sometimes skins and cases are given out at the end of the round, but it's still not significant.
What are you talking about? You can simply buy a skin, you don't need to gamble cases. And what do you mean by saying "all skins in the past have come out of cases", you still can open cases. Moreover, there are even farms for looting cases. In the recent cs2 update, thousands of such farmers were banned.
Roma Jun 8 @ 2:04am 
Originally posted by mendacium:
Originally posted by Roma:
What are you talking about? You can simply buy a skin, you don't need to gamble cases. And what do you mean by saying "all skins in the past have come out of cases", you still can open cases. Moreover, there are even farms for looting cases. In the recent cs2 update, thousands of such farmers were banned.
I mean, the skins that are now on the trading floor were once derived from cases. Skins can't come from nowhere, right? (As I wrote earlier, skins can drop at the end of a round, but they aren't valuable enough to get more than ~50$).
"You can simply buy a skin, you don't need to gamble cases" this has already gone in a completely different direction, after all we are talking about “banana” not CS2. Кстати, ты ведь из Белоруссии, если знаешь русский, может перейдем на него?
Смотри, везде есть условие, чтобы получить что-то нужно либо зайти в игру раз в сутки (don't starve together) - падает рандомный скин, либо кс2 (отыграть полоску опыта для еженедельного случайного дропа), везде есть своё условие. Я думал тебя интересует вопрос о недобропорядочности разработчиков, что типа они подкручивают себе бананы, управляют своим рынком и выводят бабло таким образом. Честно - по барабану, пусть делают что хотят. Но если ты видишь, что вокруг твоего проекта какой никакой но хайп, так запили ты апдейты нормальные, бабла же залутать в тысячи раз больше получится. Можно же выровнять рынок, поставить обмен например 10 обычных бананов на 1 рандомный, который пока ещё выпадает. Сделать применение скинов на банан, прописать простецкую анимацию (когда кликаешь по банану). Добавить книгу коллектаблов, чтобы ты видел, что собрал, а чего ещё не хватает для фулл коллекции. Блин тут разбежаться в сотни направлений можно, да хоть мини-игры добавить. Потенциал есть, движения нет, от этого обидно.
Originally posted by Roma:
Originally posted by mendacium:
I mean, the skins that are now on the trading floor were once derived from cases. Skins can't come from nowhere, right? (As I wrote earlier, skins can drop at the end of a round, but they aren't valuable enough to get more than ~50$).
"You can simply buy a skin, you don't need to gamble cases" this has already gone in a completely different direction, after all we are talking about “banana” not CS2. Кстати, ты ведь из Белоруссии, если знаешь русский, может перейдем на него?
Смотри, везде есть условие, чтобы получить что-то нужно либо зайти в игру раз в сутки (don't starve together) - падает рандомный скин, либо кс2 (отыграть полоску опыта для еженедельного случайного дропа), везде есть своё условие. Я думал тебя интересует вопрос о недобропорядочности разработчиков, что типа они подкручивают себе бананы, управляют своим рынком и выводят бабло таким образом. Честно - по барабану, пусть делают что хотят. Но если ты видишь, что вокруг твоего проекта какой никакой но хайп, так запили ты апдейты нормальные, бабла же залутать в тысячи раз больше получится. Можно же выровнять рынок, поставить обмен например 10 обычных бананов на 1 рандомный, который пока ещё выпадает. Сделать применение скинов на банан, прописать простецкую анимацию (когда кликаешь по банану). Добавить книгу коллектаблов, чтобы ты видел, что собрал, а чего ещё не хватает для фулл коллекции. Блин тут разбежаться в сотни направлений можно, да хоть мини-игры добавить. Потенциал есть, движения нет, от этого обидно.
Как раз таки меня интересует вопрос о не добропорядочности. Да, для нас пользователей это плюс, что за клики мы можем заработать денег. Но кто покупает бананы? Нет, серьёзно, есть множество способов транзакций денег в виде скинов из той же CS2, но бананы? Как то всё слишком подозрительно, не считаешь?
На данный момент я считаю, что дальнейшее обсуждение не имеет смысла. Я жду ответа от разработчиков. Спасибо за диалог.
кучи ебанутых бродят в интернете. кто то по приколу покупает. + не забывай про стримеров. эти и в жопу себе банан сунут ради просмотров
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