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doc Jun 10 @ 8:42pm
Some love & some feedback
First of all - I had so much fun playing the demo! It was a wonderful mix of puzzle/creative freedom. Plus its just plain cute. I find the idea that cats far in the future would want to bring us back and foster our development out of a sense of ancient kinship honestly quite touching.

I have a couple of very minor notes for feedback, all UI related.
- I find the various UI elements really large. I have a 27" monitor, and the UI/chats/tutorial boxes/etc. can take up a third to half of the screen at any given time, which is really awkward. It'd be great if it could be scaled down.
- In that same vein, I wish I could hide the button prompts. They're cute and relatively unobtrusive, but I just don't need them on the screen all the time, especially as I use KBM and, well, I can just click on everything.
- Sometimes the UI feels a bit laggy. For example, after I place a tile and it displays the Kami Thumbs Up, and I try to place another tile too quickly, the Thumbs Up will remain on the screen and prevent the Tile Indicator Hex (hexagon which tells you what's on each adjacent tile) from loading. It does load after a moment, just takes a bit too long to feel seamless.

Edit: I also wanted to express that I wish Dream Garden was much bigger! Much, much bigger. Infinitely bigger, even. I want to make a Dream Garden that pushes my PC to its limits.

Really excited for EA! Thanks so much!
Last edited by doc; Jun 10 @ 8:49pm
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
76561199639282650  [developer] Jun 11 @ 12:52am 
Thanks for the love and the feedback!

The UI scaling - We actually have a UI scaler but totally forgot it! Yes, we will link it in the options and hopefully you won't need to deal with a gigantic Senpai by then.

The Button prompts - We will put that in the suggestion list. Thanks!

The perceived UI lag - This is interesting. Actually we already tuned it down (from feedback earlier) but apparently the delay is still long enough to be noticed? The design intention is actually to slow down the player a tiny little bit without getting noticed (!). A bit of calmness and breathing time. We will keep your suggestion in mind when we go through the gameplay flow again later. :)

The Dream Garden - Oh the Dream Garden! Eventually it will be the mode where you can create big big worlds. Something definitely on the EA road map. The current obstacle is that I will need to save player's big world when they are in the middle of it.

So glad that you had a great time!
76561199639282650  [developer] Jun 11 @ 5:40am 
Oh I have just implemented a dynamic time control for the Hexagon that I believe will improve the pacing significantly! It will be included in the EA build. If you feel (or don't feel) any tangible improvement by then please let us know! :P
doc Jun 11 @ 11:15am 
Re: perceived lag, well maybe I'm just impatient then? Haha.

Is there a Kickstarter or Indiegogo or Kofi or Patreon or some other online payment platform where I could contribute to the project financially?

Thank you for your reply! I await EA with excitement :)
76561199639282650  [developer] Jun 11 @ 5:11pm 
Originally posted by doc:
Re: perceived lag, well maybe I'm just impatient then? Haha.

Is there a Kickstarter or Indiegogo or Kofi or Patreon or some other online payment platform where I could contribute to the project financially?

Thank you for your reply! I await EA with excitement :)

Haha, no no, not impatient. It probably only means you will one day become a lightning-fast Planetary Architect wizard. The Caretaker will be proud. :P

Ah, we are very traditional in the sense that we just... create a game we love and... sell it. We are awful at marketing though, so if you enjoy the EA, please help share pretty screenshots and spread the word? That will mean a lot to us.


EDIT: Come to think of it, it might be nice to have a more media rich gathering place for players... The Steam Forum is a little bit cold, isn't it? Thank you for giving us the great ideas!
Last edited by Rocket-in-Bottle; Jun 11 @ 5:42pm
76561199639282650  [developer] Jun 26 @ 4:11am 
Originally posted by Rocket-in-Bottle:
Originally posted by doc:
Re: perceived lag, well maybe I'm just impatient then? Haha.

Is there a Kickstarter or Indiegogo or Kofi or Patreon or some other online payment platform where I could contribute to the project financially?

Thank you for your reply! I await EA with excitement :)

Haha, no no, not impatient. It probably only means you will one day become a lightning-fast Planetary Architect wizard. The Caretaker will be proud. :P

Ah, we are very traditional in the sense that we just... create a game we love and... sell it. We are awful at marketing though, so if you enjoy the EA, please help share pretty screenshots and spread the word? That will mean a lot to us.


EDIT: Come to think of it, it might be nice to have a more media rich gathering place for players... The Steam Forum is a little bit cold, isn't it? Thank you for giving us the great ideas!

Just to let you know that the UI scaling didn't make it into the first release build. It will be there in one of the patches. Thanks. :)
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