Clock Tower: Rewind

Clock Tower: Rewind

Differences compared to the original
My understanding from the interview is that any changes are life improvements like saving everywhere and the rewind feature, like Flashback did.

But are there any "fixes" to the original script which seems to be the norm nowadays? Like changes in the dialogue/story from the original game.

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From what I've seen, it seems that no, they won't change anything in relation to the story, it will literally be the same thing as the original and the same dialogues, at most if anything changes, it will be in terms of the translation, because the The only thing I noticed they changed was Anne's name, which previously, in the fan translations of the Original, was Ann.
Dustcan Jun 8 @ 3:12pm 
AFAIK the game never released outside Japan officially, so people had to rely on fan translation patches for their copies obtained through PERFECTLY LEGAL MEANS.

So unless this is cutting all the corners and is selling it with one of those fan patches, then it's likely there will be some changes here or there simply by virtue of a different translator.

I think the trailer said the distributors have also been in touch with the original developer of the game, so it's possible this translation would be closer to what he had in mind.
Jeremy Pryer  [developer] Jun 14 @ 3:00pm 
This title will not be making use of any pre-existing fan translations so, as Dustcan stated, you may see some differences for that reason alone. The story content, itself, as Lennyzin stated is not being altered.
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