Clock Tower: Rewind

Clock Tower: Rewind

29 year old game - $8 VC download 18 years ago - now $35 on store?
What even is this pricing?
For what reason other than ignorance or incredulity should anyone pay roughly four times a nearly 20 year old asking price - for the addition of an emulation rewind feature and intern looking bonus animations no one asked for?

The other WayForward remakes that ACTUALLY REMADE THE GAME, are $15.
Why is this $35? You, person reading this, justify why you're wishlisting this half-baked cash-grab.
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Hideo Jun 7 @ 2:38pm 
Most likely because of Limited Run Games being the publisher.
Dustcan Jun 7 @ 3:12pm 
I wishlisted it because I always wanted to play it but didn't want to emulate.

Also, this was before I saw the asking price. I was expecting about $20, though I was hoping closer to $10. Honestly it should be around $5 for a game this old.

Yeah I waited almost 30 years for this, I can wait a few more for a big 'ol sale.
Stoibs Jun 7 @ 4:53pm 
Where are you guys seeing the price?
I think these prices are limited only to the physical edition, and the physical edition is more expensive... But in my view, I think the price of this game on digital media will be almost the same as River City Girls Zero.. At least I hope it is, lol. :LIS_poker_face:
Originally posted by Stoibs:
Where are you guys seeing the price?
There are prices for physical media on the Limited Run website, they are doing Pre-Order, I think until June 30th
Stoibs Jun 7 @ 5:32pm 
Originally posted by Lennyzin:
Originally posted by Stoibs:
Where are you guys seeing the price?
There are prices for physical media on the Limited Run website, they are doing Pre-Order, I think until June 30th
Ah I see.
Yeah that sounds like it would be something close to 55-60AUD in my region if that's the case. I can't imagine that selling too well on steam :/
Last edited by Stoibs; Jun 7 @ 5:33pm
I'm a huge clock tower fan and I was so disappointed that this was basically just a port and not a full remake. when they first showed off the new artwork for the title I thought they were gonna be taking the original game and redoing all the visuals to the animated art style. but no, it's just the same game I already have for free on my SNES emulator but with a couple added animated cutscenes that I can watch on youtube. a very lazy release and definitely not worth the asking price. maybe if they'ed ported all 4 games into one collection, then I'd say the $35 pricetag was warranted.
Odjn Ryu Jun 17 @ 10:43am 
Originally posted by buzzsawgr81:
I'm a huge clock tower fan and I was so disappointed that this was basically just a port and not a full remake. when they first showed off the new artwork for the title I thought they were gonna be taking the original game and redoing all the visuals to the animated art style. but no, it's just the same game I already have for free on my SNES emulator but with a couple added animated cutscenes that I can watch on youtube. a very lazy release and definitely not worth the asking price. maybe if they'ed ported all 4 games into one collection, then I'd say the $35 pricetag was warranted.

While it'd be cool to see a remake of this game, the original hasn't even been released in the West officially, so why not start with that, first?

I find people who throw around the word "lazy" know absolutely nothing about the colossal effort it takes to release any game, especially a cult classic like this. It's not just the original Super Famicom ROM. They're localizing it into English, they're adding an additional enhanced mode that restores the PS1 First Fear content as well as QOL improvements from the fan Deluxe ROM patch, as well as additional modes like visual comics with voice acting and new music. You are utterly delusional if you think that's a "lazy" effort.
TrueWOPR Jun 17 @ 11:10am 
Originally posted by Odjn Ryu:
While it'd be cool to see a remake of this game, the original hasn't even been released in the West officially, so why not start with that, first?

I find people who throw around the word "lazy" know absolutely nothing about the colossal effort it takes to release any game, especially a cult classic like this. It's not just the original Super Famicom ROM. They're localizing it into English, they're adding an additional enhanced mode that restores the PS1 First Fear content as well as QOL improvements from the fan Deluxe ROM patch, as well as additional modes like visual comics with voice acting and new music. You are utterly delusional if you think that's a "lazy" effort.
As a modder, everything you just listed I could have done in a month barring the visual comics as I'm not an artist. It's lazy.

And when compared to other remakes published by the same group (see: DuckTales) they've shown the ability to completely rebuild the game from the ground up with completely new art at a fraction the sales cost.
So why are we expected to pay 3 times as much for some AI art-scaling inside a glorified emulator that doesn't even add mouse-support for a game that's literally a point-and-click?
Odjn Ryu Jun 17 @ 11:59am 
Originally posted by TrueWOPR:
Originally posted by Odjn Ryu:
While it'd be cool to see a remake of this game, the original hasn't even been released in the West officially, so why not start with that, first?

I find people who throw around the word "lazy" know absolutely nothing about the colossal effort it takes to release any game, especially a cult classic like this. It's not just the original Super Famicom ROM. They're localizing it into English, they're adding an additional enhanced mode that restores the PS1 First Fear content as well as QOL improvements from the fan Deluxe ROM patch, as well as additional modes like visual comics with voice acting and new music. You are utterly delusional if you think that's a "lazy" effort.
As a modder, everything you just listed I could have done in a month barring the visual comics as I'm not an artist. It's lazy.

And when compared to other remakes published by the same group (see: DuckTales) they've shown the ability to completely rebuild the game from the ground up with completely new art at a fraction the sales cost.
So why are we expected to pay 3 times as much for some AI art-scaling inside a glorified emulator that doesn't even add mouse-support for a game that's literally a point-and-click?

Failing to take into account there are three key stakeholders for this project (Capcom and Sunsoft who co-own the rights) plus Limited Run who is publishing, so there's gotta be a lot of red tape and back-and-forth discussions about various aspects of the project.

Failing to take into account the work that goes into making the physical goods (we don't even know if the digital game will cost the same as the physical btw. You're making assumptions).

Failing to take into account the time needed for QA and submission to first-party.

Making claims about "AI art-scaling" (what are you even referring to?)

Making claims about no mouse-and-keyboard support when that's already been debunked by LRG.

Your argument's pretty lazy so far.
TrueWOPR Jun 17 @ 12:09pm 
Originally posted by Odjn Ryu:
Failing to take into account there are three key stakeholders for this project (Capcom and Sunsoft who co-own the rights) plus Limited Run who is publishing, so there's gotta be a lot of red tape and back-and-forth discussions about various aspects of the project.

Failing to take into account the work that goes into making the physical goods (we don't even know if the digital game will cost the same as the physical btw. You're making assumptions).

Failing to take into account the time needed for QA and submission to first-party.

Making claims about "AI art-scaling" (what are you even referring to?)

Making claims about no mouse-and-keyboard support when that's already been debunked by LRG.

Your argument's pretty lazy so far.
Damn that's a lot of words, but let's put that goalpost down for a moment-
Originally posted by Odjn Ryu:
Failing to take into account the work that goes into making the physical goods (we don't even know if the digital game will cost the same as the physical btw. You're making assumptions).
Is this your definitive statement, on record, that you are assured this game will NOT cost $34.99 on digital release?
Love Jun 21 @ 9:23pm 
"As a modder, everything you just listed I could have done in a month barring the visual comics as I'm not an artist. It's lazy."

This is a terrible take. "Barring X, I could do Y in a Z amount of time".

Sure you could, kid, sure you could.:WinstonPopsicle:

And "let's put that goalpost down for a moment" is quite the statement to make when you provided the goalpost and then leaned it with your own inabilities in the same sentence.

Even Less Effort: "Damn, that's a lot of words".

:ohnolara:No, it really isn't. If THAT was a lot of words to read, you definitely could not do even an iota of this in 6 months.
Last edited by Love; Jun 21 @ 9:24pm
Hideo Jun 23 @ 5:28pm 
Originally posted by Odjn Ryu:
Failing to take into account ...
I don't want to come off as abrasive, but you are failing to take into account the publisher of this game and how they handled other releases in the past, specifically their physical releases.

Originally posted by Odjn Ryu:
Making claims about no mouse-and-keyboard support when that's already been debunked by LRG.
Please provide a source for that. I certainly can't find it on the store page. Thank you.
Last edited by Hideo; Jun 23 @ 5:29pm
TrueWOPR Jun 23 @ 8:34pm 
Originally posted by Love:
*a whole lot of ad hominem crying*
Let me try again in smaller words for you: Why is a low-effort port of a pulled digital download that was $8 in 2013 - being sold for $35?

Comparison: a different game by the same publisher that was completely rebuilt in a whole new engine with whole new art was only $15 (DuckTales)
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