Clock Tower: Rewind

Clock Tower: Rewind

Nice to Have So Faithful
When most remakes are busy trying really hard to make graphics look modern that they end up throwing away the gameplay. Its like they are ashamed of the original.

Its nice to have a re-release thats the classic game, available easily and with multiple options that remain optional. Its clear they really respect the original

Thank You
Last edited by mdesaleah; Jun 7 @ 1:50pm
Originally posted by Lennyzin:
I fully agree. Nowadays, companies are focused on bringing remake games to satisfy the new generation, with their modern graphics and the like (And people still complain about the graphics), in addition, they often end up removing many parts of the story that were simply perfect, which scares me about certain remakes (RE 2 Remake and RE 3 Remake...). I still think that if a remake is going to be released, they would at least bring the old ports for the old folks to see too. It's like you said, it's like they were ashamed of the game they originally made.
I'm very happy that Wayforward and Limited Run decided to bring the original with these improvement options, for both classic fans and new ones to appreciate, which gives a chance to revive this franchise, which is simply the mother of the Survivor Horror games and It has a lot of potential for a comeback.
Perhaps the only remake I would ask for from this franchise would be CT 2 and CT: Ghost Head, which do need a little more love, especially CT: Ghost Head (which doesn't even have the Clock Tower in the game and doesn't makes no connection to games)
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The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
I fully agree. Nowadays, companies are focused on bringing remake games to satisfy the new generation, with their modern graphics and the like (And people still complain about the graphics), in addition, they often end up removing many parts of the story that were simply perfect, which scares me about certain remakes (RE 2 Remake and RE 3 Remake...). I still think that if a remake is going to be released, they would at least bring the old ports for the old folks to see too. It's like you said, it's like they were ashamed of the game they originally made.
I'm very happy that Wayforward and Limited Run decided to bring the original with these improvement options, for both classic fans and new ones to appreciate, which gives a chance to revive this franchise, which is simply the mother of the Survivor Horror games and It has a lot of potential for a comeback.
Perhaps the only remake I would ask for from this franchise would be CT 2 and CT: Ghost Head, which do need a little more love, especially CT: Ghost Head (which doesn't even have the Clock Tower in the game and doesn't makes no connection to games)
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