Clock Tower: Rewind

Clock Tower: Rewind

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Viper Jun 5 @ 2:20pm
Censored? Woke? DEI? SBI? Updated for "moden audiences"?
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Showing 1-15 of 25 comments
Hideo Jun 5 @ 3:56pm 
There's a better way to phrase it. I wouldn't be surprised if this thread gets deleted because of the poor word choices.
ADVANCEBAWSE Jun 5 @ 4:06pm 
grass.... go touch some please.
Stoibs Jun 5 @ 6:17pm 
What the hell do half of those acronyms even mean..?
Is this some weird Gen Z nonsense?
Fideo Jun 6 @ 12:29am 
The female character design from Contra: Hard Corps in Contra: Operation Galuga is censored.
You can expect this in all new Wayforward games.
Fideo Jun 6 @ 12:30am 
And yes, DEI is in all the new Wayforward games.
let's see how they will translate it
What if we all killed ourselves
Odjn Ryu Jun 6 @ 12:47pm 
Go touch grass.
RIP, what an easy game to play other ways lmao. On a side note does anyone else remember seeing Clock Tower 3 for like $3.99 for years every time you'd walk into a store and just tell yourself "I'll get it next time" but never did?
As far as the topic goes I don't know what they can do to go wrong unless others have more pessimistic ideas. It's based on classic horror (especially italian). It's got a main character who was dressed very modestly from the start, so that's not going to be an issue. There's no love interest and the villain is a horrible mutant looking dwarf. There's a light amount of dialogue but it's not touching on modern topics or any kind of politics and it already has English translations done long ago. The whole world is all contained in its own bubble almost in the same way Mario games are. The talk is mostly focused around the "what the hell is going on and how do I get out of this place?". It's a game very much centered on being trapped in the spooky kinda-haunted house with the slasher villain as per its movie inspiration. A slasher in the mansion movie simulator. I guess the only thing they could censor is the gore or maybe a few bodies that are kinda almost showing some skin if you think of it that way...but they're horribly dead of course...

Hopefully they don't do anything nuts just for the sake of it and making themselves feel important and putting their ego stamp on an old classic like this. If they have respect for the art and the piece it should be fine. When it comes to games like this modest and respectful updates and additions are the best way to go about it as otherwise you're going to end up like that woman who repainted that church wall Jesus portrait...

Originally posted by turn heel:
RIP, what an easy game to play other ways lmao. On a side note does anyone else remember seeing Clock Tower 3 for like $3.99 for years every time you'd walk into a store and just tell yourself "I'll get it next time" but never did?
It was like that for so many retro games and consoles. You could pick up an Atari Jaguar boxed for beer money at one point and no one wanted it as it wasn't a good system and no one was thinking of collector markets later on at the time. Same with tons of NES, SNES, PS1 and all the home computer stuff too. People used to just throw that stuff out in the trash or dump it in garage sales for a dollar a piece. Every retro computer collectible from the 70s onward was in some trash heap at one point just waiting to be salvaged.

I really liked CT 1 and kinda liked CT 2 as there were some interesting ideas but never got into 3 as it was getting to be too much of a deviation from the original formula for my liking and too much action orientated, but I know a lot of people now enjoy it for its own style. I'd love to see more games made in the vein of CT 1 though! I loved that 2D art, the sort of adventure game feel mixed with a proper slasher movie vibe.
Originally posted by Sunday Driver:
As far as the topic goes I don't know what they can do to go wrong unless others have more pessimistic ideas. It's based on classic horror (especially italian). It's got a main character who was dressed very modestly from the start, so that's not going to be an issue. There's no love interest and the villain is a horrible mutant looking dwarf. There's a light amount of dialogue but it's not touching on modern topics or any kind of politics and it already has English translations done long ago. The whole world is all contained in its own bubble almost in the same way Mario games are. The talk is mostly focused around the "what the hell is going on and how do I get out of this place?". It's a game very much centered on being trapped in the spooky kinda-haunted house with the slasher villain as per its movie inspiration. A slasher in the mansion movie simulator. I guess the only thing they could censor is the gore or maybe a few bodies that are kinda almost showing some skin if you think of it that way...but they're horribly dead of course...

Hopefully they don't do anything nuts just for the sake of it and making themselves feel important and putting their ego stamp on an old classic like this. If they have respect for the art and the piece it should be fine. When it comes to games like this modest and respectful updates and additions are the best way to go about it as otherwise you're going to end up like that woman who repainted that church wall Jesus portrait...

Originally posted by turn heel:
RIP, what an easy game to play other ways lmao. On a side note does anyone else remember seeing Clock Tower 3 for like $3.99 for years every time you'd walk into a store and just tell yourself "I'll get it next time" but never did?
It was like that for so many retro games and consoles. You could pick up an Atari Jaguar boxed for beer money at one point and no one wanted it as it wasn't a good system and no one was thinking of collector markets later on at the time. Same with tons of NES, SNES, PS1 and all the home computer stuff too. People used to just throw that stuff out in the trash or dump it in garage sales for a dollar a piece. Every retro computer collectible from the 70s onward was in some trash heap at one point just waiting to be salvaged.

I really liked CT 1 and kinda liked CT 2 as there were some interesting ideas but never got into 3 as it was getting to be too much of a deviation from the original formula for my liking and too much action orientated, but I know a lot of people now enjoy it for its own style. I'd love to see more games made in the vein of CT 1 though! I loved that 2D art, the sort of adventure game feel mixed with a proper slasher movie vibe.
The going prices for some games now is just stupid lol. Haunting Ground was another I did that with. Blood Will Tell was always 1.99 at gamestop lol. I remember buying Rule of Rose, Enemy Zero, both around $30. I got Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon sealed in box for $4 new on N64 when I was a teen lol. I wish I'd held on to my collection but I sold it off to support someone through school - bad move. Hung on to SH2 PC and some signed games but probably didn't get 1/20th of the value back for my stuff that it's worth now. Could buy a small house with it now.
TrueWOPR Jun 7 @ 12:42pm 
I mean it's limited run, so even though it's a SNES game that should be $8 or less, it'll be $35 because they packaged it with a stolen emulator and had some underpaid intern do custom bonus animations that clash heavily with the established artstyle.
Dustcan Jun 7 @ 1:15pm 
Originally posted by Stoibs:
What the hell do half of those acronyms even mean..?
Is this some weird Gen Z nonsense?

The N word. Every one of those just means he wants to say the N word but can't.

As for taking the OP's question more seriously than it deserves, they just means they removed some of the jank inherent to older games. Like a save system that actually works, being able to run when normally you'd have to s l o w l y walk, or a new rewind function so you can reverse your death or something, etc. QoL features that makes it easier to play for people used to modern conveniences.
Last edited by Dustcan; Jun 7 @ 1:17pm
Stoibs Jun 7 @ 3:17pm 
Originally posted by Dustcan:
Originally posted by Stoibs:
What the hell do half of those acronyms even mean..?
Is this some weird Gen Z nonsense?

The N word. Every one of those just means he wants to say the N word but can't.

As for taking the OP's question more seriously than it deserves, they just means they removed some of the jank inherent to older games. Like a save system that actually works, being able to run when normally you'd have to s l o w l y walk, or a new rewind function so you can reverse your death or something, etc. QoL features that makes it easier to play for people used to modern conveniences.
Oh I'm all for better saving/mobility etc.
I do wonder if stuff like rewind would trivialize some of the horror/survival though :/
STBiLL Jun 7 @ 10:51pm 
Originally posted by Stoibs:
What the hell do half of those acronyms even mean..?
Is this some weird Gen Z nonsense?
What the Sigma? Don't be such a sus baka in Ohio. Bro is mewmaxxing the devs for all the rizzlers out there. No need to fanum tax his gyatt.
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