

Just tried the demo, fun but a little repetitive
I love metroidvanias, just played through the demo of this one and I mostly had a fun time. The spritework is great too, though I did have a few nitpicks about it.

First was that in all honesty, combat felt boring and repetitive. I assume this is more of a demo/alpha thing and there will be more to it later, but what there is now to me got old fast. You just have one swing, that's it. No combos, no different weapons, no special moves, just... swing. You can swing up and down, but that's still just a single swing. It made fights boring, I found myself avoiding fights altogether later just because I was tired of how monotonous they got. There definitely should be a bit more to the combat.

Speaking of, the boss was laughably easy to cheese. I just used my pogo attack, and the boss seemed to not really have a counter to it. At one time it jumped up and I think it might have done damage to me with that (though I am not sure) but otherwise than that one moment where I am not even sure if it hit me, the boss was pretty much just helpless as I did nothing but pogo it the entire fight and decimate it, the bats were honestly harder to fight. And this was before I got the earring from the challenge area that makes you attacks stronger.

The only part that gave me trouble was the challenge area, mostly the parts where you have to pogo off the spears. This was the only area where I died in, mostly because it felt like the hitbox of the spears was larger than it appears. I kept getting hit by them when it looked like I should have been in the clear, and the game treats it like falling into a pit of spikes where it resets you rather than getting hit by an enemy. The part where two spears are smashing into each other that you have to pogo off of was especially painful to get through. Just something about the hitboxes and/or the timing felt very off. Also, it felt difficult to tell when and where they would appear, there is no indicator that I noticed that telegraphs where a spear is or if it's about to come out, they just appear.

Loved the demo, but there definitely needs to be more to the combat, pogo felt overpowered against enemies and underpowered in the challenge area, the spears kept hitting me when it felt like I was out of their way, and the reset every time they do was disorienting. I feel like some things were not explained well (The game does not explain you can pogo until the challenge area for example, I realized you could because I had just played a similar demo that relied on it and there was clearly objects out of the way unless you knew you could pogo off an enemy)