

I have so far found 4 bugs with the platforms.
1. If you pause the game the moment you hit the platform the platform will remain solid and not fall down. (n_switch42 found this one)
2. If you spam pause and unpause on a platform there is a chance you will fall threw the platform making it unusable as it will not have collision anymore.
3. If you jump the moment the platform drops it will instantly come back up (only tested with pause buffering for input)
4. If you do 3. multiple times the game will crash

1. If you hit the boss with a rock and your sword at the same time, dealing fatal damage, the game crashes (n_switch42 found this one)
2. If you pause when hitting a mushroom you will fall through it.
3. When pausing when you hit the ground you can get the falling animation while standing on the ground, this seems to be purely visual and resolves after any action being taken
4. When pausing the game on specific frames of the attack you can get a visuall glitch which seems to have you attacking continuisly while skipping the frames in the neutral state, also resolves after any actions being taken
Last edited by robertkl 2; Jul 1 @ 12:18pm
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danieljamesfreer  [developer] Jul 4 @ 11:04pm 
Hey there, thank you for the thorough testing and detailed feedback. It's super helpful!
- Dan
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