Pawn Planet

Pawn Planet

DEVs.... Bugs noticed and QoL request
Devs, the game look promising,

Bugs noticed:
- The game lag after sometime, I resolved it by changing the Resolution and back again. Other thing did disabling Auto Sync
- Other issue noticed when not going thru the Tutorial and taking a sleep, the "E" button will not respond to add items on the counter

QoL added in Demo Feedback.

Wish you the best. :rbiggrin:
Last edited by ShadowMax; Jun 12 @ 3:34am
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currently encountering the counter bug as well
Gambol Games  [developer] Jun 12 @ 4:15am 
Originally posted by ShadowMax:
Devs, the game look promising,

Bugs noticed:
- The game lag after sometime, I resolved it by changing the Resolution and back again. Other thing did disabling Auto Sync
- Other issue noticed when not going thru the Tutorial and taking a sleep, the "E" button will not respond to add items on the counter

QoL added in Demo Feedback.

Wish you the best. :rbiggrin:

Hey ShadowMax, thank you for the bug report. We're investigating it now.
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