Saloon Simulator: Prologue

Saloon Simulator: Prologue

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Waite For Brawl to End Quest Stuck
Waite for Brawl to End is stuck and I cant move on. I dont want to star over, as that would be too much
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
glivigamessa  [developer] Jun 14 @ 5:41am 
The game has an autosave feature. Have you tried loading the game from the last autosave? If that doesn't resolve your issue, please let me know exactly what happened. Did the fight start? Did you try to stop it, and if so, how? Did any of the customers involved in the fight eventually lose consciousness?

Last edited by glivigamessa; Jun 14 @ 5:41am
Destal Jun 16 @ 4:59am 
I also had this bug, and trying to load doesn't work because it stays on the loading screen indefinitely.
glivigamessa  [developer] Jun 17 @ 3:55am 
Originally posted by Destal:
I also had this bug, and trying to load doesn't work because it stays on the loading screen indefinitely.

I'm afraid the save file you're mentioning is corrupted. In the latest patch, we managed to fix the bug that caused such saves to be created, but unfortunately, the one you're trying to load will no longer work.

Running into the same issue now, with a "bonus" bug: The autosave feature isn't working. It's enabled (I double-checked), but there's no save file to be found.
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