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FZeroRacer Jun 21 @ 4:24pm
Suggestion: 'Apartment' mode
I really enjoy the game and aspect of simply painting a city. One of the things I'd like is something that would add sort of a immersive viewpoint that I could leave idling on my monitor or TV.

Basically, this would add a new prop that you can attach to any building. When attached, it creates a small room and window viewpoint from that prop, facing outwards that you can switch cameras to. You can partially get there by adjusting your camera, but the scale won't be right.

Bonus if you can add additional props or customizations to the room scene itself, but even just having a few generic prefabs would be perfect.
Last edited by FZeroRacer; Jun 21 @ 4:25pm
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
mod support is on the roadmap so if its not on his list somebody will definetly do it
Corielus Jun 22 @ 1:06am 
An excellent idea!! I hope this gets implemented!
NZ Jun 22 @ 7:43am 
I loved my apartment in Cloudpunk!
Zensike Jun 23 @ 1:53pm 
After just discovering this simulator and spending just under 2 hours building my first city, I 100% endorse this idea!

Especially given the scale of some of the buildings, it would be cool to get a front-row seat from various apartment/windows, whether it's from a conference room on the 200th floor hi-rise or a view of the glitter and glam miles away from the slums.
Skyblade Jun 25 @ 7:21am 
+1 would be an awesome feature! Anything extra to feel immersed in the city!
That is a good idea.
Yes please!
Creeper Jun 25 @ 6:57pm 
Crinkles Jun 26 @ 2:48am 
Absolutely agree. Also a spinner flying mode would be nice.

And maybe a non-trademarked chiroptera ♥♥♥♥ sapiens mode so we can lurk on low-detail rooftops watching the city :batsilo:
oh man, this is a great idea, and it's also not that difficult to implement, as the "look" is already in game.
Or you could have a monorail view. Like Cryo Chamber on YT. It's theme is dystopian. It's nearly always live, but it also plays dark ambient and would fit well with this game.

Last edited by ҥӵриӧѕ; Jun 27 @ 10:20pm
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