Ancient Sacrifice

Ancient Sacrifice

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jakkrokk  [developer] Mar 15, 2023 @ 4:08pm
Bug reports
If you find any bugs, I would appreciate it if you could report them here.
Last edited by jakkrokk; Mar 15, 2023 @ 4:09pm
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Treska Jun 22, 2023 @ 6:47pm 
I selected English in the settings, but the text during battle was still in Japanese.
Treska Jul 1, 2023 @ 10:16am 
jakkrokk  [developer] Jul 31, 2023 @ 6:04am 
Sometimes the loading after the battle's end seems to be stuck indefinitely.
jakkrokk  [developer] Jul 3 @ 11:49pm 
Originally posted by quixoticaxis:
Sometimes the loading after the battle's end seems to be stuck indefinitely.
thankyou for the reports!
I also got same reports from other player.
Currently working on the bugs and trying to fix it.

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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
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Date Posted: Mar 15, 2023 @ 4:08pm
Posts: 5