Fae Farm

Fae Farm

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Adam__86 Nov 9, 2023 @ 12:20pm
No Save Anytime?
How come this game seemingly doesn't have a save button?
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Fizzgig Nov 9, 2023 @ 3:06pm 
There is? In the main menu. Or do you mean a shortcut key?
Davetiger Nov 9, 2023 @ 6:44pm 
menu has a manual save but the game auto saves constantly
Shermyth Jul 2 @ 12:38am 
Funny I played for about 40 minutes opened the menu and there was no save button. Only quit. I figured it was a constantly saving game but it didn't. It put me back about 30 minutes of that 40. Kind of disappointing.
Fizzgig Jul 2 @ 4:33am 
I don't understand why people are complaining about there not being a save button. There is. Also your link doesn't work.
Loún Jul 2 @ 4:24pm 
There is in the menue, looks like a feather with ink. A golden chicken will appear at the bottom of your screen, and when it's gone your game is saved.
Otherwise the game saves automatically when you sleep to the next day.
Last edited by Loún; Jul 2 @ 4:24pm
Somehow it got put back to private even though I made it public. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000718283/screenshot/2549682215176620899/
Originally posted by Shermyth:
Somehow it got put back to private even though I made it public. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000718283/screenshot/2549682215176620899/

That's inventory not the menu.
Originally posted by TamanduaGirl:
Originally posted by Shermyth:
Somehow it got put back to private even though I made it public. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000718283/screenshot/2549682215176620899/

That's inventory not the menu.
So, one of the items I have is called "Quit Game"? I think you aren't actually looking.
Fizzgig Jul 3 @ 6:03am 
Originally posted by Shermyth:
Somehow it got put back to private even though I made it public. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000718283/screenshot/2549682215176620899/

Ok, so I just re-downloaded this game to check, as I don't play it anymore. The save button is the one directly above the quit button, of the ink bottle and the quill pen. I see yours isn't active, so I'm assuming you haven't finished the tutorial quests yet? Otherwise, I have no idea why you can't click on it.
Daulken Jul 3 @ 11:44am 
Saving is disabled until day 1 for some reason. I was doing a weird play where I spent HOURS and hours in the tutorial day gathering everything (20 fishing, you don't freeze so you can freely visit the ice area, etc). But, you can't save.
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