Tiny Glade

Tiny Glade

People & Dwellers
This is just something I'd love to see, but obviously the game is still amazing without it. I'd love to see people actually move in and just live life around the castle, manor or village you create. Interact with all the objects, go inside, sit in the grass, pet animals, etc. Nothing overly complicated. Just something to bring more life to what you create.

I do love the sheep and insects. This game is so relaxing! Wish listed and will 100% buy once it's out :-)
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
I second this. I think having some simple people moving in and around the grounds would be a cool feature to have. Maybe the inhabitants would change depending on the type of environment you create. Similar to how doors and windows change their outer appearances if you click a few times.
'Araturo Jun 18 @ 1:00pm 
Maybe not people... But most definitely we need birds that can sit on the rooftops or lampposts!
Yes ! It need movement, like frogs, birds or cat ! It would be cool too to have wind or thunder
AeroFunk80 Jun 18 @ 10:08pm 
Nothing overly fancy, either. They just walk around a bit, sit in the grass, lean against a wall, and maybe whittle under a tree. More animals would be a nice feature, too.
mmmpek Jun 20 @ 6:01am 
Yes! People, please! Even if it is very basic!
'Araturo Jun 20 @ 1:48pm 
Originally posted by layna-cricri:
Yes ! It need movement, like frogs, birds or cat ! It would be cool too to have wind or thunder

This! It's just about adding some movement, some dynamics, that's all. We already have the sheep and butterflies, but any critter would be welcome. Frogs, squirrels, pigs, birds, all great. But also something like weather vanes, or when/if water is added a turning water wheel would be great.
Firefly Jun 20 @ 11:05pm 
I would also love to see this. Like if we have a bigger map and make a little village on one side and another village on the other and connect them by a road, little carriages would move back and forth. And other interactions happening as well. There's laundry on the line and baskets and other stuff, I would love to see people interacting with it. Nothing we control, just little people and animals on a long loop that "live" in the environments we create.
just enough to give the feeling of the place being alive
captclaw Jun 21 @ 9:06am 
If possible that would be a cool thing
AeroFunk80 Jun 21 @ 10:01pm 
Yay, people like this :-) Hopefully the devs see it hehe
Really!!!This game so great!! I like it very very very much.But just building will have a little boring,if have some thing like animals or people to play, it will better
it's a slippery slope yall...as soon as we have people, we'll start asking to be able to give them simple routines or objectives, then we'll want different clothes, different items, then quests...unless...🤔
captclaw Jun 25 @ 10:59am 
Originally posted by ekurisona:
it's a slippery slope yall...as soon as we have people, we'll start asking to be able to give them simple routines or objectives, then we'll want different clothes, different items, then quests...unless...🤔

It's just a suggestion, the devs are fully in their rights to say no
CHiN84 Jun 26 @ 9:59pm 
I support your opinion. Previously, I played a game called Townscaper. I liked its concept. I like building in the game, but it lacks liveliness because there are no humans. Finally, I didn't play for long; I stopped playing. For me, it is unfortunate to build a beautiful house but have no citizens.
Jeo Nugu Jun 27 @ 11:43am 
I vote no to this idea. I see this as a simulation of building a diorama, a model, like something you would make on a table in your home or workshop, which is why the camera modes closely mimic real cameras and give a solid sense that you're looking at a miniature.

I have no interest in seeing humans or any other dwellers muddling about, dealing with pathfinding and whatnot, because that would invoke a sense of needing to manage or care for them, which would eliminate the relaxation element for me. At the MOST, I wouldn't mind having static non-moving models of human characters in various poses that you could place wherever you want, similar to how model train builders add little people to their train layouts.
Last edited by Jeo Nugu; Jun 27 @ 11:44am
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