Tiny Glade

Tiny Glade

Sheep move Trick.
just after you pet a sheep, it will follow the round cursor area you have your mouse at.
So pet then lead it. silly but there it is... if it looses attention pet again.

also sheep get launched into the air if they touch a wall or objects. like logs etc. erase those items. and put flower beds along walls of buildings or whatever.
Last edited by Jnthn777; Jun 27 @ 11:54am
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i managed to trap all of the sheep on one of my maps
Jnthn777 Jun 27 @ 8:03pm 
Originally posted by Joe01307fmam:
i managed to trap all of the sheep on one of my maps
cooll beans : )
Last edited by Jnthn777; Jun 28 @ 12:19pm
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