Tiny Glade

Tiny Glade

can u play with other ppl and if not why not
this game is so cool and i cant wait till it comes out fully but it can get aloney and would be soo cool if u could design with frinds and make cute liltle things and if u are gonna make that thank u
< >
Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Private117 Jun 26 @ 11:30am 
the code is currently structured with the assumption of only one "edit" happening at a time, which impacts a bunch of the procedurl generators, UI and the undo/redo history. so its not possible for now. and its not planned to implement since that would need code changes. so if ever, not in 1.0.
Zeesha Jun 28 @ 7:44pm 
Originally posted by Private117:
the code is currently structured with the assumption of only one "edit" happening at a time,

I know none of my friends would play with me :(


But they are so cute and parachute while you are trying to make Dumbledore's tower over there. :D
< >
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