What the Fog

What the Fog

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This game...
truly is the worst spin off of a "successful" game. Whoever worked on this game deserves a $1,000 raise. and unlimited Vacation days + PTO.

it's what they deserve for BHVR making the stupidest financial decision they've made in the history of the community. whoever came up with this game should be ashamed of themselves.
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i think its pretty fun. however i agree perhaps it should have been a whole new game universe
POTATO May 30 @ 7:41am 
I disagree. I think you have other issues if you are this mad. It is not that serious. They just made a fun game using the characters from dbd. It is far from the worst game. Maybe it is not a game that you like to play but that does not make it bad.
Originally posted by POTATO:
I disagree. I think you have other issues if you are this mad. It is not that serious. They just made a fun game using the characters from dbd. It is far from the worst game. Maybe it is not a game that you like to play but that does not make it bad.
Can you help me get achivment?
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