Hot Blood

Hot Blood

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Gameplay feedback
The Demo is short but that doesn't mean I can't give anyfeed back for your game.

First the gameplay feels awkward but it's not a bad thing as long as you can find a way to change the pacing,
experiment with the animations by speeding up the attacks for the player and zombie enemies untill it "feels" fair but challenging,
it kills the pacing if the player is dancing after you clear a room or area so have her dance a boss battle (If there is any).
also could you put less soda health items so that the game isn't too easy

Second: Money is used for buying clothing so add some more clothing for the player, get melee weapons through a Vending machine?
If you can or can't add more clothing something simple like more varition on melee weapons will do.

Third: The map I don't know how long my playtime will be when I buy this game but it won't hurt to pad out the game for at least an hour or two?

Side note: You made your own artwork for this game, but do you make or moddify your own models? Are you limited to what Synthy store provides for assets?

This all I can give now, do take your time with development. :SpaceStar:
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Showing 1-1 of 1 comments
Oranger_Rango Jun 20, 2023 @ 6:48pm 
Edit: Oops I meant *Dance after she beats a boss battle.*
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Date Posted: Jun 20, 2023 @ 6:46pm
Posts: 1

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