Islands of Insight

Islands of Insight

May 21 @ 10:06am
A Message on Offline Mode
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Showing 1-15 of 95 comments
SkyGruM May 21 @ 10:14am 
Good news! Thanks!
MtNak May 21 @ 10:18am 
Wow, that's awesome! Thank you! <3
EjBistu May 21 @ 10:18am 
Interesting. I might start following this game.
deathspiralli May 21 @ 10:25am 
Never bothers me personally, but I know a lot of people hated being online. Good on you for listening to feedback! :)
Last edited by deathspiralli; May 21 @ 10:26am
Bunny May 21 @ 10:57am 
Thank you, this is great news!
Maik May 21 @ 11:20am 
Thank you very much
Gina2909 May 21 @ 11:22am 
Achievements? :SadGolfball:
Railgunnm May 21 @ 11:57am 
Please, add achievements and FSR 3.0 (Only has 1.0)
Spyro May 21 @ 11:57am 
Cool, but can I ask how it is not an easy task? Just don't connect to the servers when you launch the game and done, offline mode
Railgunnm May 21 @ 12:05pm 
And PLEASE¡¡¡¡ let us remove ALL HUD.... The HUD is VERY invasive
Guddy May 21 @ 12:11pm 
Thank you for creating an offline mode and listening to community feedback :reheart:
VALIS May 21 @ 12:20pm 
And now I will buy your game next time it's on sale. Cheers.
ggamer2 May 21 @ 12:29pm 
That is good to hear.
This is great <3
Januk May 21 @ 1:43pm 
Originally posted by Spyro:
Cool, but can I ask how it is not an easy task? Just don't connect to the servers when you launch the game and done, offline mode
You'd think it's easy, but in a way it's almost as difficult as doing the opposite if not more so. Which is an issue they caused from the start sadly. Since they got several systems that anticipate and expect an online connection, they can't just cut the strings, for that will break a lot of those systems that expect online connectivity potentially breaking other things.

Generally one could say it's actually easier to go from offline to online rather then the reverse. Cause going from offline to online you're simplistically adding and integrating systems to a pre-existing offline framework, but going from online to offline they need to remove integrated systems from the current pre-existing online framework without the entire thing crumbling into pieces.
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