Islands of Insight

Islands of Insight

Mar 8 @ 9:17am
Explore Islands of Insight | Part V: Serene Deluge
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Just got done touring the Auroral Lands recently (I was rushing a little to make sure I didn't miss much, lest the game bug out again...). Thank you all for this little series!

Which biome is your favorite? Let us know in the comments.

Lucent waters, by a mile (Greco-Roman architecture plus a surreal-feeling (and somehwat apropos) sea makes this zone feel... almost magical and divine)! Then Verdant Glen, Autumn Falls, Shady Wildwood, and Serene Deluge (the chosen architecture for the last two feels a little... samey, given that they're chosen from similar regions).
Autumn Falls is my fav :D
󠀡󠀡 Mar 12 @ 12:25am 
Serene Deluge is my least favorite. So hard to navigate, the puzzles are sparse and the matchboxes are brutal! Oh, and the area observer things on logic grid are my least favorite as well. They're just not as fun as the other gimmicks.
Last edited by 󠀡󠀡; Mar 12 @ 12:26am
Rhydong Mar 16 @ 10:31am 
This game is incredible. Genuinely my favorite puzzle game since The Witness. Can't wait to see what you guys do next!
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