Islands of Insight

Islands of Insight

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Feb 13 @ 10:05am
Islands of Insight | AVAILABLE NOW!
Play Islands of Insight now!

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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
󠀡󠀡 Feb 13 @ 10:16am 
mmKALLL Feb 13 @ 10:17am 
Congratulations on the release, looking forward to enjoying a unique experience!
I look forward to seeking y'all out in the game (if I can recognize your username, that is)!

Oh, and I guess some awesome puzzles too.
Vermilisix Feb 13 @ 10:53am 
I missed the public beta by a few days so I haven't tried it yet, but from what I've seen it'll be great
Savitar Feb 13 @ 10:56am 
Please make a few achievements, i will need them in my cabinet :lunar2019grinningpig: The demo was great, and iam looking forward for the full game. Congrats for the release, i wish you the best :steamhappy:
Bohdan36 Feb 13 @ 11:55am 
Please add ukrainian language! and game support for the GeForceNow cloud service!
Post an update on the co-op. I still haven't figured out what it provides in this game, if there are co-op related puzzles or if it's just for the feeling that you're not alone.
Bellskiy Feb 13 @ 12:47pm 
Originally posted by Bohdan36:
I still haven't figured out what it provides in this game, if there are co-op related puzzles or if it's just for the feeling that you're not alone.

Hello. There were no co-op puzzles in the demo and I highly doubt they will be in the full game. The developers even mentioned that they were aiming primarily for a single-player experience. All that the co-op gave in the demo version was additional visual highlighting of partners and the ability to see their marks on the global map.
Last edited by Bellskiy; Feb 13 @ 12:47pm
Originally posted by Bohdan36:
Please add ukrainian language! and game support for the GeForceNow cloud service!
Post an update on the co-op. I still haven't figured out what it provides in this game, if there are co-op related puzzles or if it's just for the feeling that you're not alone.
You can solve non puzzlebox puzzles with your friends or significant other(s)
Vazity Feb 13 @ 2:35pm 
Congrats on the release! I'm genuinely enjoying the game. The gameplay is solid, and the graphics are impressive. Looking forward to diving in even more.
EVIL NEON Feb 13 @ 3:08pm 
Dear devs,
Please make a clear statement about the co-op features of the game. As of now it's not possible to really solve puzzles together. One can see his group members, but that's all for the moment. It seems like all this co-op-functionality is gone from the game. Also as of now the tag "co-op" is misleading. Will these features come back to the game?
holikss Feb 13 @ 4:13pm 
I added the game to my wishlist and waited about 8 months for it to come out so I could buy it and play it. All this time I had access to the game page. Why is it not available in my region after its release? Don't you think this is hypocritical?
I'm sad, wouldve loved this game in so many ways but I refuse to support games that are online only. Developers should recognize creating online only games limit the lifespan of their game to the length of time they are willing to pay for the servers. The longer I play games, the more I have disdain for online only, it's anti-consumer and lazy. Especially in a non=competitive puzzle game. (Love the game design, art direction, and gameplay aspects just don't like online only: Especially cause I have a steamdeck and would love to play this while on the go camping)
Last edited by BigStriker; Feb 13 @ 6:13pm
Love the game, but we need to a offline mode.
tanbri72 Feb 13 @ 7:44pm 
I was so looking forward to start playing this magic game but I can't even get into it....all I get the the pretty screen with the title on it, had the same problem with the demo...have the golden arrow but when I click the screen nothing happens.....I shall keep my fingers crossed that I can play this some day.....
Bring this to consoles plzzzz, I want it so badly, this is my most wanted game 2024
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